Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Column NameColumn Description
ORSA_PROGRAM_IDID of the program that made the Oracle connection (N PW_ORPR_PROGRAM_NAME_N).
ORSA_USER_IDID of the Oracle schema the program connected to (N PW_ORUR_USER_NAME_N).
ORSA_HOST_USER_IDID of the host user running the program (N PW_ORHU_HOST_USER_NAME_N).
ORSA_MACHINE_IDID of the operating system machine running the program (N PW_ORMC_MACHINE_NAME_N).
ORSA_MODULE_IDID of the session's action as set by calling dbms_application_info.set_module (N PW_ORMD_MODULE_NAME_N).
ORSA_ACTION_IDID of the session's action as set by calling dbms_application_info.set_action (N PW_ORAT_ACTION_NAME_N).
ORSA_WORK_TYPEThe ERP work type.
ORSA_SHVThe statement hash value.
ORSA_TIMESTAMPTime the session was sampled.
ORSA_PWHG_IDID of the hour group that matches the time sampled.
ORSA_DURATION_SUMTotal elapsed time.
ORSA_IN_ORACLE_TIME_SUMTotal time spent inside Oracle.
ORSA_REQUEST_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for client requests.
ORSA_OR_OR_COMM_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time Oracle spent waiting for another Oracle instance.
ORSA_RSRC_MNGR_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for a resource to become available, if the database manager is enabled.
ORSA_RAC_OPS_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for RAC or OPS synchronization.
ORSA_OR_CL_COMM_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for data sent to the client (usually as a result of a SELECT statement), or data sent from a client (usually as a result of bind variables).
ORSA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in that row.
ORSA_MTS_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a multithreaded server.
ORSA_MISC_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for miscellaneous waits.
ORSA_CPU_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for CPU.
ORSA_IO_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for I/O.
ORSA_MEMORY_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for memory.
ORSA_OTHER_HOST_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for another host.
ORSA_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a table lock.
ORSA_ROW_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a row lock.
ORSA_SHARED_POOL_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a shared pool (library cache or row cache).
ORSA_BUFFER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for buffer waits.
ORSA_ROLLBCK_SEG_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a rollback segment.
ORSA_REDO_BUFFER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for redo log buffers.
ORSA_BG_PROCESS_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a background process.
ORSA_PQ_SYNC_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a parallel query synchronization.
ORSA_PQ_SERVER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a parallel query server.
ORSA_OTHER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for other waits.
ORSA_CONSISTENT_GETS_STAT_SUMTotal number of buffers for a consistent read.
ORSA_DB_BLOCK_GETS_STAT_SUMTotal number of buffers for a current read.
ORSA_EXEC_COUNT_TOTAL_STAT_SUMTotal number of times EXECUTE was called.
ORSA_PARSE_COUNT_TOTL_STAT_SUMTotal number of times PARSE was called.


PARSE_COUNT_HARD_STAT_SUMTotal number of times PARSE HARD was called (had to re-parse).
ORSA_PARSE_TIME_CPU_STAT_SUMTotal CPU time spent on parsing.
ORSA_RECURSIVE_CALLS_STAT_SUMTotal number of recursive calls.
ORSA_SORT_MEMORY_STAT_SUMTotal number of sorts done in memory.
ORSA_SORT_DISK_STAT_SUMTotal number of sorts done on disk.
ORSA_TABLE_SCAN_LONG_STAT_SUMTotal number of long table scans.
ORSA_USER_CALLS_STAT_SUMTotal number of user calls.
ORSA_PHYSICAL_READS_STAT_SUMTotal number of disk reads.
ORSA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance.
ORSA_OPENS_AND_FETCHES_SUMTotal number of open and fetches.
ORSA_SESSIONS_SUMTotal number of sessions.
ORSA_PARENT_SHVName of the PL/SQL that ran the SQL statement.
ORSA_MIN_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MINMinimum parallel degree used to run the statement.
ORSA_MAX_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MAXMaximum parallel degree used to run the statement.




near breach.


ORSA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPTimestamp at which the row was loaded into the PMDB.
ORSA_LOG_S_AND_C_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a log switch and clear waits.


TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for other locks (streams, latches, and internal locks in Oracle).
ORSA_OTR_INT_LCK_WAIT_STAT_SUMTotal number of enqueue waits.


RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPTimestamp at which the row was loaded into the PMDB.
ORSA_BUFFER_GETS_SUMTotal time spent getting buffers.
ORSA_ROWS_PROCESSED_SUMTotal number of rows processed.
ORSA_EXEC_NO_SUMTotal number of executions.
ORSA_SQL_ID_MINMinimum Oracle's SQL ID.
ORSA_HASH_VALUE_MINMinimum Oracle's hash value
ORSA_PLAN_HASH_VALUEOracle's plan hash value.
ORSA_VERSION_COUNT_MAXNumber of statement versions.


Stores statistics about statement performance per hour.


The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSS_SHVThe statement hash value.
ORSS_TIMESTAMPTime the session was sampled.
ORSS_PWHG_IDID of the hour group that matches the time sampled.
ORSS_DURATION_SUMTotal elapsed time.
ORSS_IN_ORACLE_TIME_SUMTotal time spent inside Oracle.
ORSS_REQUEST_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for client requests.
ORSS_OR_OR_COMM_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time Oracle spent waiting for another Oracle instance.
ORSS_RSRC_MNGR_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for a resource to become available, if the database manager is enabled.
ORSS_RAC_OPS_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for RAC or OPS synchronization.
ORSS_OR_CL_COMM_WAIT_TIMEThe time Oracle spent waiting for data sent to the client (usually as a result of a SELECT statement), or data sent from a client (usually as a result of bind variables).
ORSS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in that row.
ORSS_MTS_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a multithreaded server.
ORSS_MISC_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for miscellaneous waits.
ORSS_CPU_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for CPU.
ORSS_IO_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for I/O.
ORSS_MEMORY_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for memory.
ORSS_OTHER_HOST_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for another host.
ORSS_TABLE_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a table lock.
ORSS_ROW_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a row lock.
ORSS_SHARED_POOL_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a shared pool (library cache or row cache).
ORSS_BUFFER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for buffer waits.
ORSS_ROLLBACK_SEG_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a rollback segment.
ORSS_REDO_BUFFER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for redo log buffers.
ORSS_LOG_S_AND_C_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a log switch.
ORSS_OTHER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOther lock wait is for all the locking that does not fall in the other locking states. It is for Streams, Latches and other internal locking in Oracle.
ORSS_BG_PROCESS_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a background process.
ORSS_PQ_SYNC_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a parallel query synchronization.
ORSS_PQ_SERVER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for a parallel query server.
ORSS_OTHER_WAIT_TIME_SUMTotal time spent waiting for other waits.
ORSS_CONSISTENT_GETS_STAT_SUMTotal number of buffers for a consistent read.
ORSS_DB_BLOCK_GETS_STAT_SUMTotal number of buffers for a current read.
ORSS_OTR_INT_LCK_WAIT_STAT_SUMTotal number of enqueue waits.
ORSS_EXEC_COUNT_TOTAL_STAT_SUMTotal number of times EXECUTE was called.
ORSS_PARSE_COUNT_TOTL_STAT_SUMTotal number of times PARSE was called.
ORSS_PARSE_COUNT_HARD_STAT_SUMTotal number of times PARSE HARD was called (had to re-parse).
ORSS_PARSE_TIME_CPU_STAT_SUMTotal CPU time spent on parsing.
ORSS_RECURSIVE_CALLS_STAT_SUMTotal number of recursive calls.
ORSS_SORT_MEMORY_STAT_SUMTotal number of sorts done in memory.
ORSS_SORT_DISK_STAT_SUMTotal number of sorts done on disk.
ORSS_TABLE_SCAN_LONG_STAT_SUMTotal number of long table scans.
ORSS_USER_CALLS_STAT_SUMTotal number of user calls.
ORSS_PHYSICAL_READS_STAT_SUMTotal number of disk reads.
ORSS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance.
ORSS_OPENS_AND_FETCHES_SUMTotal number of open and fetches.
ORSS_PARENT_SHVName of the PL/SQL that ran the SQL statement.
ORSS_MIN_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MINMinimum parallel degree used to run the statement.
ORSS_MAX_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MAXMaximum parallel degree used to run the statement.
ORSS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPTimestamp at which the row was loaded into the PMDB.
ORSS_BUFFER_GETS_SUMTotal time spent getting buffers.
ORSS_ROWS_PROCESSED_SUMTotal number of rows processed.
ORSS_EXEC_NO_SUMTotal number of statement executions.
ORSS_SQL_ID_MINMinimum Oracle's SQL ID.
ORSS_HASH_VALUE_MINMinimum Oracle's hash value.
ORSS_PLAN_HASH_VALUEOracle's plan hash value.
ORSS_VERSION_COUNT_MAXNumber of versions.


Stores performance statistics about datafiles per hour.


The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORFS_UNIT_IDThe ID of the unit caching the I/O wait (N PW_ORUT_UNIT_NAME_N).
ORFS_DEVICE_IDThe ID of the device caching the I/O wait (N PW_ORDV_DEVICE_NAME_N).
ORFS_FILE_IDThe ID of the Oracle file caching the I/O wait (N PW_ORFL_FILE_NAME_N).
ORFS_PDEV_IDPhysical device name (N PW_ORPV_PDEV_NAME_N).
ORFS_FS_IDFile system name (N PW_ORFY_FS_NAME_N).
ORFS_LV_IDLogical volume name (N PW_ORLV_LV_NAME_N).
ORFS_TIMESTAMPThe time when the session was sampled.
ORFS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in that row.
ORFS_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the time sampled.
ORFS_DIRECT_IO_SUMTotal time spend in waiting for a direct I/O.
ORFS_SCATTERED_IO_SUMTotal time spend in waiting for a scattered I/O.
ORFS_SEQ_IO_SUMTotal time spend in waiting for a sequential I/O.
ORFS_OTHER_SUMTotal time spend in waiting for an I/O that is not scattered/sequential/direct.
ORFS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDThe ID of the instance.
ORFS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.
ORFS_STORAGE_TYPEType of storage.
ORFS_IN_ORACLE_TIME_SUMTotal time spent in Oracle.
ORFS_ROW_LOCK_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a row lock.
ORFS_TABLE_LOCK_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a table lock.
ORFS_BUFFER_WAIT_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a buffer wait.
ORFS_RAC_OPS_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for RAC or OPS synchronization.


Stores general information about statements.

Column NameColumn Description
Hash value (calculation based on the statement text).
ORST_TEXTText of the statement.
ORST_TEXT_VARCHARFirst 1299 characters of unformatted text of the statement.
ORST_IS_FORMATTEDY/N flag indicating whether the statement text is formatted.
ORST_BIND_VARIABLES_SUMSum of the bind variables.
ORST_CONSISTENT_HVPrecise's consistent hash value.


Stores additional information about statements.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSN_STATEMENT_IDUnique statement identifier.
ORSN_SHVHash value calculation based on the statement text.
ORSN_IS_ALTERNATIVEThe statement is saved as a related statement (alternative for other statement).
  • C = Collected
  • G = Gathered
  • M = Manually entered
  • A = Alternative statement
ORSN_CABINET_NAMEName of the cabinet.
ORSN_FOLDER_NAMEName of the folder.
ORSN_STATEMENT_NAMEName of the statement.
ORSN_ORIG_STMT_IDFor related statements; original statement ID.
ORSN_USERNAMEStatement's schema.
ORSN_STIMELast time the statement was updated.
ORSN_PTIMELast time the statement was explained.
ORSN_HASH_VALUEOracle's hash value.
ORSN_SOURCESource file name of gathered statements.
ORSN_STATEMENT_TYPEType of the statement (such as select, insert, and so on).
ORSN_EXPLAIN_ERROROracle error that occurred during an explain.
ORSN_LAST_COSTCost of the statement in the last explain.
ORSN_LAST_PLANIDPlan ID of the last explain.
ORSN_LAST_PLAN_HASHHash value calculation based on the last execution plan of the statement.


Stores information about changes made to the database schema, such as adding, dropping, or modifying tables, indexes, or columns.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSM_DATABASE_IDDatabase ID of the changed object.
ORSM_CHANGE_TIMETime of the change.
ORSM_CHANGE_TYPEType of the change (such as new, deleted, or changed).
ORSM_OWNERName of the object's owner.
ORSM_OBJECT_NAMEName of the object that was changed.
ORSM_BASE_OWNERName of the base object's owner.
ORSM_BASE_OBJECT_NAMEName of the base object.
ORSM_SUBOBJECT_NAMEName of the sub-object.
ORSM_OBJECT_TYPEType of the changed object, such as table or index.
ORSM_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column of the object that was changed.
ORSM_FIELD_NAMEName of the field.
ORSM_OLD_VALUEValue of the field as sampled at the previous run.
ORSM_NEW_VALUEValue of the field as sampled at the last run.
ORSM_COLUMN_LISTList of column names.
ORSM_DDL_COMMANDDDL command that created the object.


Stores information about changes to the database structure, such as changes in redo log files, rollback segments, or initialization parameters.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSN_DATABASE_IDDatabase ID of the changed object.
ORSN_CHANGE_TIMETime of the change.
ORSN_CHANGE_TYPEType of the change, such as new, deleted, or changed.
ORSN_OWNERName of the object's owner.
ORSN_OBJECT_NAMEName of the object that was changed.
ORSN_SUBOBJECT_NAMEName of the sub-object.
ORSN_OBJECT_TYPEType of the changed object, such as table or index.
ORSN_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column of the object that was changed.
ORSN_FIELD_NAMEName of the field.
ORSN_OLD_VALUEValue of the field as sampled at the previous run.
ORSN_NEW_VALUEValue of the field as sampled at the last run.
ORSN_COLUMN_LISTList of column names.


Stores information about the space usage of Precise Oracle-related objects in the PMDB.

Column NameColumn Description
ORPS_SAMPLE_DATETime when the analyzed batch started.
ORPS_ROW_TYPEType of row.
ORPS_LAST_ANALYZEDLast time the PMDB schema was analyzed.
ORPS_SCHEMA_USEDTotal space (in bytes) used by schema change objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_SCHEMA_FREETotal space (in bytes) unused by schema change objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_SCHEMA_ALLOCATEDTotal space (in bytes) allocated to schema change objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_STATS_USEDTotal space (in bytes) used by statistics objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_STATS_FREETotal space (in bytes) unused by statistics objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_STATS_ALLOCATEDTotal space (in bytes) allocated to statistics objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_STRUCT_USEDTotal space (in bytes) used by structure objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_STRUCT_FREETotal space (in bytes) unused by structure objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_STRUCT_ALLOCATEDTotal space (in bytes) allocated to structure objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_REP_USEDTotal space (in bytes) used by repository objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_REP_FREETotal space (in bytes) unused by repository objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_REP_ALLOCATEDTotal space (in bytes) allocated to repository objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_TOTAL_USEDTotal space (in bytes) used by objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_TOTAL_FREETotal space (in bytes) unused by objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.
ORPS_TOTAL_ALLOCATEDTotal space allocated to objects that are related to Precise for Oracle.


Stores information about the table's analyze statistics over time.

Column NameColumn Description
ORTA_DATABASE_IDID of the database.
ORTA_CHANGE_TIMEDate of the change.
ORTA_OWNEROwner of the table.
ORTA_OBJECT_NAMEName of the table.
ORTA_EXTENTSNumber of extents in the table.
ORTA_SEGMENT_BLOCKSNumber of blocks allocated to the table.
ORTA_NUM_ROWSNumber of rows in the table.
ORTA_BLOCKSNumber of used data blocks in the table.
ORTA_EMPTY_BLOCKSNumber of empty (never used) data blocks in the table.
ORTA_AVG_SPACEAverage amount of freed space (in bytes) in a data block allocated to the table.
ORTA_CHAIN_CNTNumber of rows in the table that are chained from one data block to another or that have migrated to a new block, requiring a link to preserve the old ROWID.
ORTA_AVG_ROW_LENAverage row length in the table in bytes.
ORTA_LAST_ANALYZEDDate this table was most recently analyzed.


Stores information about the index's analyze statistics over time.

Column NameColumn Description
ORIO_DATABASE_IDID of the database.
ORIO_CHANGE_TIMEDate of the change.
ORIO_OWNEROwner of the index.
ORIO_OBJECT_NAMEName of the index.
ORIO_TABLE_OWNEROwner of the table.
ORIO_TABLE_NAMEName of the table.
ORIO_BLEVELB*-Tree level: depth of the index from its root block to its leaf blocks. A depth of 0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same.
ORIO_LEAF_BLOCKSNumber of leaf blocks in the index.

Number of distinct indexed values.

For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is the same as the number of rows in the table (USER_TABLES.NUM_ROWS).


Average number of leaf blocks in which each distinct value in the index appears, rounded to the nearest integer.

For indexes that enforce UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, this value is always 1.


Average number of data blocks in the table that are pointed to by a distinct value in the index rounded to the nearest integer.

This statistic is the average number of data blocks that contain rows with a given value for the indexed columns.


Indicates the amount of order of the rows in the table based on the values of the index.

  • If the value is nearly the number of blocks, the table is very well ordered. In this case, the index entries in a single leaf block tend to point to rows in the same data blocks.
  • If the value is nearly the number of rows, the table is very randomly ordered. In this case, it is unlikely that index entries in the same leaf block point to rows in the same data blocks.
ORIO_NUM_ROWSNumber of rows in the index.
ORIO_SAMPLE_SIZESample size used in analyzing this table.
ORIO_LAST_ANALYZEDDate this table was most recently analyzed.


Stores information about the table column's analyze statistics over time.

Column NameColumn Description
ORCO_DATABASE_IDID of the database.
ORCO_CHANGE_TIMEDate of the change.
ORCO_OWNEROwner of the table.
ORCO_TABLE_NAMEName of the table.
ORCO_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column.
ORCO_NUM_DISTINCTNumber of distinct values in the column.
ORCO_DENSITYDensity of the column.
ORCO_NUM_NULLSNumber of null values in the column.
ORCO_NUM_BUCKETSNumber of buckets used to analyze the column.
ORCO_LAST_ANALYZEDDate this table was most recently analyzed.


Stores information about Oracle block contention statistics over time.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORWA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORWA_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
ORWA_CLASS_IDClass of the block (N PW_ORCL_CLASS_N).
ORWA_COUNT_SUMNumber of waits by this OPERATION for this CLASS of the block.
ORWA_TIME_SUMTotal value of the wait times for all waits by this OPERATION for this CLASS of the block.
ORWA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORWA_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORWA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information about the dispatcher processes.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORDI_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORDI_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORDI_NETWORK_IDNetwork address of this dispatcher (N PW_ORNT_NETWORK_N).
ORDI_MESSAGES_SUMTotal number of messages processed by this dispatcher.
ORDI_BYTES_SUMTotal size of messages processed by this dispatcher.
ORDI_BREAKS_SUMTotal number of breaks occurring in the connection.
ORDI_IDLE_SUMTotal idle time for this dispatcher, in hundredths of a second).
ORDI_BUSY_SUMTotal busy time for this dispatcher, in hundredths of a second.
ORDI_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORDI_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORDI_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information about the file's read and write statistics.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORFV_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORFV_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORFV_TS_IDTablespace name of the file (N PW_ORTB_TABLESPACE_N).
ORFV_PYR_SUMTotal number of physical reads done.
ORFV_PYW_SUMTotal number of times DBWR is required to write.
ORFV_PRT_SUMTime spent on reads, in hundredths of a second.
ORFV_PWT_SUMTime spent on writes, in hundredths of a second.
ORFV_PBR_SUMTotal number of physical blocks read.
ORFV_PBW_SUMTotal number of blocks written to disk, which may be the same as PHYWRTS if all writes are single blocks.
ORFV_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORFV_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORFV_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Store statistics for non-parent latches and summary statistics for parent latches.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORLA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORLA_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORLA_LATCH_NUMNumber of the latch.
ORLA_LEVEL_NUMLevel of the latch.
ORLA_GETS_SUMTotal number of times a wait was obtained.
ORLA_MISSES_SUMTotal number of times a wait was obtained, but failed on the first try.
ORLA_SLEEPS_SUMTotal number of times slept when wanting a wait.
ORLA_IMMEDIATE_GETS_SUMTotal number of times obtained without a wait.
ORLA_IMMEDIATE_MISSES_SUMTotal number of times failed to get without a wait.
ORLA_WAITERS_WOKEN_SUMTotal number of times a wait was awoken.
ORLA_WAITS_HOLDING_LATCH_SUMTotal number of waits, while holding a different latch.
ORLA_SPIN_GETS_SUMGets that missed the first try, but succeeded on spin.
ORLA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORLA_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORLA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information about the highest number of concurrent user sessions since the instance started.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
ORLC_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORLC_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORLC_SESSIONS_HIGHWATER_SUMHighest number of concurrent user sessions since the instance started.
ORLC_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORLC_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORLC_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores system statistics for parallel queries.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
OROT_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
OROT_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
OROT_STATISTIC_IDName of the statistic counter (N PW_ORTI_STATISTIC_N).
OROT_VALUE_SUMTotal value of the statistic counter.
OROT_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
OROT_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
OROT_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information on multi-thread message queues.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORQU_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database (not null number (9)).
ORQU_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling (not null date).
ORQU_NETWORK_IDNetwork address of the dispatcher (N PW_ORNT_NETWORK_N) (number (9)).
ORQU_WAIT_SUMTotal time that all items in this queue have waited. Divide this by TOTALQ for an average wait per item (number).
ORQU_TOTALQ_SUMTotal number of items that have ever been in the queue (number).
ORQU_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row (not null number (9)).
ORQU_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time (not null number (4)).
ORQU_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores rollback segment statistics.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORRO_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database (not null number (9)).
ORRO_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling (not null date).
ORRO_SEGMENT_IDName of the rollback segment. (N PW_ORSB_SEGMENT_NAME_N) (number(9)).
ORRO_USN_SUMNumber of the rollback segment (number).
ORRO_EXTENTS_SUMNumber of extents in the rollback segment (number).

Size of the rollback segment in bytes.

This values differs by the number of bytes in one database block from the value of the........(number).

ORRO_WRITES_SUMNumber of bytes written to the rollback segment (number).
ORRO_XACTS_SUMNumber of active transactions (number).
ORRO_GETS_SUMNumber of header gets (number).
ORRO_WAITS_SUMNumber of header waits (number).
ORRO_OPTSIZE_SUMOptimal size of rollback segment (number).
ORRO_HWMSIZE_SUMHigh water mark of rollback segment size (number).
ORRO_SHRINKS_SUMNumber of times the size of a rollback segment decreases. Column name Column description (number).
ORRO_WRAPS_SUMNumber of times the rollback segment is wrapped (number).
ORRO_EXTENDS_SUMNumber of times rollback segment size is extended (number).
ORRO_AVESHRINK_SUMAverage shrink size of the rollback segment (number).
ORRO_AVEACTIVE_SUMCurrent size of active extents, averaged over time (number).
ORRO_STATUS_IDStatus of the rollback segment (N PW_ORTU_STATUS_NAME_N) (number (9)).
ORRO_CUREXT_SUMCurrent extent (number).
ORRO_CURBLK_SUMCurrent block (number).
ORRO_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row (not null number (9)).
ORRO_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time (not null number (4)).
ORRO_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores statistics for data dictionary activity. Each row contains statistics for one data dictionary cache.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORRW_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORRW_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORRW_CACHE_NUMNumber of the row cache.
ORRW_CACHE_TYPE_IDType of the parent or subordinate row cache (N PW_ORCA_CACHE_TYPE_N).
ORRW_SUBORDINATE_NUMSubordinate set number.
ORRW_PARAMETER_IDName of the initialization parameter that determines the number of entries in the data dictionary cache (N PW_ORPA_PARAMETER_N).
ORRW_GETS_SUMTotal number of requests for information on the data object.
ORRW_GETMISSES_SUMTotal number of data requests resulting in cache misses.
ORRW_COUNT_SUMTotal number of entries in the cache.
ORRW_USAGE_SUMTotal number of cache entries that contain valid data.
ORRW_FIXED_SUMTotal number of fixed entries in the cache.
ORRW_SCANS_SUMTotal number of scan requests.
ORRW_SCANMISSES_SUMTotal number of times a scan failed to find the data in the cache.
ORRW_SCANCOMPLETES_SUMTotal number of times the list was scanned completely.
ORRW_DLM_REQUESTS_SUMTotal number of DLM requests. Column name Column description.
ORRW_DLM_CONFLICTS_SUMTotal number of DLM conflicts.
ORRW_DLM_RELEASES_SUMTotal number of DLM releases.
ORRW_MODIFICATIONS_SUMTotal number of inserts, updates, and deletions.
ORRW_FLUSHES_SUMTotal number of times flushed to disk.
ORRW_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORRW_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORRW_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information on total waits for an event.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSE_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance.
ORSE_TIMESTAMPThe date of the sampling.
ORSE_TOTAL_WAITS_SUMTotal number of waits for this event.
ORSE_TOTAL_TIMEOUTS_SUMTotal number of timeouts for this event.
ORSE_TIME_WAITED_SUMTotal amount of time waited for this event, in hundredths of a second.
ORSE_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORSE_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the time sampled.
ORSE_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the statement was received.


Stores detailed information on the system global area (SGA).


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSG_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORSG_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
ORSG_POOL_IDThe pool in which the memory in NAME resides (N PW_ORPL_POOL_N).
ORSG_BYTES_SUMMemory size in bytes.
ORSG_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORSG_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled size.
ORSG_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores system statistics information.

Column NameColumn Description

ID of the database.


Date of the sampling.


Number of the statistic counter.

Note that statistic numbers are not guaranteed to remain constant from one release to another.  Therefore you should rely on the statistic name, rather than its number in your applications.


Name of the statistic counter. (N PW_ORTI_STATISTIC_N).


Number representing one or more statistics class. The following class numbers are additive:

  • 1 User
  • 2 Redo
  • 4 Enqueue
  • 8 Cache
  • 16 OS
  • 32 Parallel Server
  • 64 SQL
  • 128 Debug
ORSY_VALUE_SUMValue of the statistic counter.
ORSY_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORSY_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORSY_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores detailed information on the program global area (PGA_. The data is collected for databases of Precise 9.2 and later.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORPG_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORPG_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
ORPG_NAME_IDName of the statistic counter. (N PW_ORNE_NAMEPGA_N)
ORPG_VALUE_AVGAverage value of the statistic counter.
ORPG_VALUE_SUMTotal value of the statistic counter.
ORPG_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORPG_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORPG_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores detailed information on the database time model. This is the partition of the database time spent for connection management, parsing SQL and Java executions, as well as overall database statistics. The data is collected for databases of version 10 and higher.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORTM_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORTM_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
ORTM_STAT_NAME_IDName of the statistic counter. (N PW_ORTO_STAT_NAME_N)
ORTM_STAT_IDID of the statistic counter.
ORTM_VALUE_SUMTotal value of the statistic counter.
ORTM_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORTM_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORTM_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores detailed information on the database operating system utilization, such as CPU and memory usage. The data is collected for databases of version 10 and higher.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
OROT_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
OROT_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
OROT_STAT_NAME_IDName of the statistic counter. (N PW_ORTE_STAT_NAME_N)
OROT_OSSTAT_IDStatistics ID as it appeared in v$osstat.
OROT_VALUE_SUMTotal value of the statistic counter.
OROT_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
OROT_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
OROT_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores detailed information on the effects identified problematic opportunities have on the system performance.

Column NameColumn Description
ORED_SM_PROBLEM_IDThe unique problem that this effect checks.
ORED_SM_EFFECT_IDThe ID of this effect.
ORED_SM_EFFECT_CLASSThe java class handling this effect in the system.
ORED_SM_EFFECT_PARAMAn optional parameter to the effect class, if the class handles system statistics then the parameter says which specific statistic is used.
ORED_SM_EFFECT_THREASHOLDThe threshold the effect needs to cross to be considered as real effect on system performance.
ORED_SM_COLLECTOR_KEYThe collected data pointer we need to access.
ORED_SM_ANALYSIS_IDThe ID indicating which data to store for the GUI, from the analysis_definition table.


This is a control table to store history for the collection table.

Column NameColumn Description
ORCC_SM_INSTANCE_IDPart of the key because each instance is collected separately.
ORCC_SM_DATA_SOURCEThe collector_name from data_collection table.
ORCC_SM_COLLECTION_TIMEThe start or end collection time for this run.
ORCC_SM_COLLECTION_STATUSIndication if the collection was successful or not.


Stores detailed information on the foreground sessions and their Oracle time.


The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
ORTF_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance in which the statement was executed.
ORTF_TIMESTAMPThe time of the change.
ORTF_EVENT_NAMEName of the event.
ORTF_P1Parameter 1.
ORTF_P2Parameter 2.
ORTF_P3Parameter 3.
ORTF_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORTF_PWHG_IDThe ID of the database.
ORTF_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.
ORTF_COUNTER_SUMIn-Oracle time of the process.


Stores detailed information on the background sessions and their Oracle time.


The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
ORTB_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance, in which the statement was executed.
ORTB_TIMESTAMPThe time of the change.
ORTB_EVENT_NAMEName of the event.
ORTB_P1Parameter 1.
ORTB_P2Parameter 2.
ORTB_BG_PROCESSName of the background process.
ORTB_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORTB_PWHG_IDThe ID of the database.
ORTB_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.
ORTB_COUNTER_SUMIn-Oracle time of the process.


This table contains information about execution plan steps and slightly differs from the PLAN_TABLE. Information comes from Oracle.


The column description can contain the following additional specifications:

  • in plan_table The data in the column comes from Oracle's Execution plan.
  • not in plan_table The data is a result of our plan processing.
Column NameColumn Description
ORPN_PLANIDStatement plan ID.
ORPN_OPSEQOperation sequence, as ID (in plan_table).
ORPN_OPLEVELIndentation level of the step in the tree.
ORPN_OPTYPEOperation type number. (Not in plan_table)
ORPN_OPCODEOperation code number. (Not in plan_table)
ORPN_OPERATIONOperation options from plan_table.
ORPN_VIEW_EXISTSIndicates whether an object is access using a view. (Not in plan_table)
ORPN_OBJ_OWNObject's owner. The same as OBJECT_OWNER in plan_table.
ORPN_OBJ_NAMEObject's name. The same as OBJECT_NAME in plan_table.
ORPN_OBJ_NODEDatabase link used to reference the object. The same as OBJECT_NODE in plan_table.
ORPN_BS_OBJ_OWNBase object owner (owner of table of index). (Not in plan_table)
ORPN_BS_OBJ_NAMEBase object name (table name of index). (Not in plan_table).
ORPN_INDONLYIs this an "Index Only" operation (Not in plan_table)?

For table/views/direct indexes. The object_instance from plan_table.

For indexes.  The object_instance of the parent table.

ORPN_ORG_OBJ_INSSequential number of the table in the statement text. (Not in plan_table)
ORPN_PARENT_IDThe same as PARENT_ID in plan_table.
ORPN_STEPNOThe step number in Oracle's way of going through the plan. (Not in plan_table)
ORPN_STEP_SNSA list of all sons of this step (Not in plan_table).
ORPN_OPTIThe current mode of the optimizer. The same as OPTIMIZER in plan_table.
ORPN_COSTICost of the step. The same as COST in plan_table.
ORPN_CARDIThe number of rows accessed by the operation of the step. The same as CARDINALITY in plan_table.
ORPN_BYTINumber of bytes accessed by the operation. The same as BYTES in plan_table.
ORPN_PART_STARTThe start position of a range of accessed partitions. The same as PARTITION_START in plan_table.
ORPN_PART_STOPThe stop position of a range of accessed partitions. The same as PARTITION_STOP in plan_table.


This table contains information about expressions performed on statements, like explain time, cost, explain error, and so on.

Column NameColumn Description
ORPL_PLANIDUnique key (sequence).
ORPL_INSTANCE_IDDe-normalization. This field is included for narrowing join results, when it is needed to get statement text by owner and name of object in the PLAN_OBJECTS.
ORPL_FIRST_PTIMEThe time when this plan was inserted.

Last explain time. Equals to FIRST_PTIME when the plan is new.

The difference between LAST_PNAME and FIRST_PTIME shows how long the plan remained the same.


Is this the result of last explain for the statement? The values are:

  • N No
  • Y  Yes
  • T This is a temporary plan (of expanded statement)
ORPL_PLAN_HASHHash for the statement's plan.
ORPL_STEPS_PLANIDThis field links plan table to plan steps. It differs from PLAN_ID when only the cost changed. It equals PLAN_TABLE.PLAN_ID if the plan is changed.
  • 0 Without parsing
  • 1 With parsing
ORPL_COSTOverall cost of the statement, as sampled by explain.
ORPL_EXPLAINS_COUNTFor future use. How many consequent explains of the statement resulted in this plan (the plan remained the same).


Stores statistics about the library cache performance and activity.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORLI_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORLI_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORLI_NAMESPACE_IDThe library cache namespace (N PW_ORNS_NAMESPACE_N).
ORLI_GETS_SUMTotal number of times a lock was requested for objects of this namespace.
ORLI_GETHITS_SUMTotal number of times an object's handle was found in the memory.
ORLI_PINS_SUMTotal number of times a PIN was requested for objects of this namespace.
ORLI_PINHITS_SUMTotal number of times all of the metadata pieces of the library object were found in the memory.
ORLI_RELOADS_SUMAny PIN of an object that is not the first PIN performed since the object handle was created and that requires loading the object from disk.
ORLI_INVALIDATIONS_SUMTotal number of times objects in this namespace were marked invalid, because a dependent object was modified.
ORLI_DLM_LOCK_REQUESTS_SUMTotal number of GET requests to lock instance locks.
ORLI_DLM_PIN_REQUESTS_SUMTotal number of PIN requests to lock instance locks.
ORLI_DLM_PIN_RELEASES_SUMTotal number of release requests for PIN instance locks.
ORLI_DLM_INVALID_REQUESTS_SUMTotal number of GET requests for invalidation of instance locks.
ORLI_DLM_INVALIDATIONS_SUMTotal number of invalidation pings received from other instances.
ORLI_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORLI_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORLI_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores object statistics.


The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
OROS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance database.
OROS_TIMESTAMPThe time the statement was inserted.
OROS_NAMESPACE_IDID of the namespace.
OROS_OBJECT_IDID of the object.
OROS_PROGRAM_IDID of the program, making the Oracle connection (N PW_ORPR_PROGRAM_NAME_N).
OROS_USER_IDID of the Oracle schema to which the program connected (N PW_ORUS_USER_NAME_N).
OROS_HOST_USER_IDID of the host user running the program (N PW_ORHU_HOST_USER_NAME_N).
OROS_MACHINE_IDID of the OS machine running the program (N PW_ORMC_MACHINE_NAME_N).
OROS_MODULE_IDID of the session's action as set by calling dbms_application_info.set_module (N PW_ORMD_MODULE_NAME_N).
OROS_ACTION_IDID of the session's action as set by calling dbms_application_info.set_action (N PW_ORAT_ACTION_NAME_N).
OROS_WORK_TYPEThe ERP work type.
OROS_DIRECT_IO_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a direct I/O.
OROS_SCATTERED_IO_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a scattered I/O.
OROS_SEQ_IO_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a sequential I/O.
OROS_OTHER_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for an I/O that is not scattered/sequential/direct.
OROS_ROW_LOCK_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a row lock.
OROS_BUFFER_WAIT_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a buffer wait.
OROS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
OROS_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
OROS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was received.
OROS_IN_ORACLE_TIME_SUMTotal time spent in Oracle.
OROS_TABLE_LOCK_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a table lock.
OROS_RAC_OPS_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for RAC or OPS synchronization.


Stores object statistics.


The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORSO_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance database.
ORSO_TIMESTAMPThe time the statement was inserted.
ORSO_NAMESPACE_IDID of the namespace.
ORSO_OBJECT_IDID of the object.
ORSO_PROGRAM_IDID of the program, making the Oracle connection (N PW_ORPR_PROGRAM_NAME_N)
ORSO_USER_IDID of the Oracle schema to which the program connected (N PW_ORUS_USER_NAME_N).
ORSO_HOST_USER_IDID of the host user running the program (N PW_ORHU_HOST_USER_NAME_N).
ORSO_MACHINE_IDID of the OS machine running the program (N PW_ORMC_MACHINE_NAME_N).
ORSO_MODULE_IDID of the session’s action as set by calling dbms_application_info.set_module (N PW_ORMD_MODULE_NAME_N).
ORSO_ACTION_IDID of the session’s action as set by calling dbms_application_info.set_action (N PW_ORAT_ACTION_NAME_N).
ORSO_WORK_TYPEThe ERP work type.
ORSO_DIRECT_IO_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a direct I/O.
ORSO_SCATTERED_IO_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a scattered I/O.
ORSO_SEQ_IO_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for a sequential I/O.
ORSO_OTHER_SUMTotal time spent in waiting for an I/O that is not scattered/sequential/direct.
ORSO_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPTotal time spent in waiting for a buffer wait.
ORSO_SHVThe statement hash value.
ORSO_PARENT_SHVThe name of the PL/SQL running the SQL statement.
ORSO_PDEV_IDPhysical device name (N PW_ORPV_PDEV_NAME_N).
ORSO_FS_IDFile system name (N PW_ORFY_FS_NAME_N).
ORSO_LV_IDLogical volume name (N PW_ORLV_LV_NAME_N).
ORSO_STORAGE_TYPEType of storage.
ORSO_UNIT_IDID of the storage unit.
ORSO_DEVICE_IDID of the storage device.
ORSO_IN_ORACLE_TIME_SUMTotal time spent in Oracle.
ORSO_TABLE_LOCK_SUMTotal time spent in table locks.
ORSO_SQL_ID_MINMinimum Oracle's SQL ID.
ORSO_HASH_VALUE_MINMinimum Oracle's hash value.
ORSO_PLAN_HASH_VALUEOracle's plan hash value.
ORSO_RAC_OPS_WAIT_TIME_SUMThe time Oracle spent waiting for RAC or OPS synchronization.


Holds information on bind values sampled from the monitored instance. Each row represents one bind value, a group of rows represent a set of one or more binds which were used by a statement during a single statement execution.

Column NameColumn Description
ORBV_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the instance database.
ORBV_TIMESTAMPThe time the statement was inserted.
ORBV_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORBV_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORBV_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was received.
ORBV_SHVName of the SQL statement.
ORBV_HASH_VALUEOracle's hash value.
ORBV_SQL_IDSQL identifier of the parent cursor in the library cache.
ORBV_CHILD_ADDRESSAddress of the parent cursor.
ORBV_BIND_NAMEName of the bind variable.
ORBV_POSITIONPosition of the bind variable in the SQL statement.
ORBV_DUP_POSITIONIf the binding is performed by name and the bind variable is duplicated, then this column gives the position of the primary bind variable.
ORBV_DATATYPEInternal identifier for the bind datatype.
ORBV_DATATYPE_STRINGTextual representation of the bind datatype.
ORBV_PRECISIONPrecision (for numeric binds).
ORBV_SCALEScale (for numeric binds).
ORBV_MAX_LENGTHMaximum bind length.
ORBV_WAS_CAPTUREDIndicates whether the bind value was captured (YES) or not (NO).

Date when the bind value was captured. Bind values are captured when SQL statements are executed.

To limit the overhead, binds are captured at most every 15 minutes for a given cursor.

ORBV_VALUE_STRINGValue of the bind represented as a string.
ORBV_ECOSTEstimated cost for SQL statement with this binds set.
ORBV_EPLAN_HASH_VALUEEstimated plan hash value for SQL statement with this binds set.
ORBV_COST_ESTIMATION_DATECost and plan hash value of the estimation date.


Describes the findings displayed in the SQL workspace and in the Dashboard findings section. Each row describes one finding and includes its text, its type and misc. display info (such as icon shape).

Column NameColumn Description
ORFG_FINDING_DESCThe finding description.
ORFG_FINDING_ICON_NUMBERThe default launch icon number.
ORFG_FINDING_SUB_STATEThe sub-state of this finding.


Contains overtime data of the tablespace capacity.

Column NameColumn Description
ORCT_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the Oracle Server instance.
ORCT_TIMESTAMPDate and time the statistic was sampled.
ORCT_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
ORCT_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
ORCT_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row (in minutes).
ORCT_TABLESPACE_IDThe tablespace to which the data refers.
ORCT_DATAFILE_BYTES_AVGNumber of bytes in the datafiles.
ORCT_FREE_SPACE_BYTES_AVGNumber of free bytes.
ORCT_TABLE_BYTES_AVGNumber of bytes reserved for tables.
ORCT_TABLE_OCCUPIED_BYTES_AVGNumber of bytes actually occupied by tables.
ORCT_INDEX_BYTES_AVGNumber of bytes reserved for indexes.
ORCT_INDEX_OCCUPIED_BYTES_AVGNumber of bytes actually occupied by indexes.


Contains overtime data of table statistics.

Column NameColumn Description
ORTA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the Oracle server instance.
ORTA_TIMESTAMPDate and time the statistic was sampled.
ORTA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
ORTA_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
ORTA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row (in minutes).
ORTA_OWNER_IDThe table owner.
ORTA_TABLE_IDThe table name.
ORTA_EXTENTS_AVGNumber of extents for the table.
ORTA_SEGMENT_BLOCKS_AVGNumber of used blocks for the table.
ORTA_NUM_ROWS_AVGNumber of rows in the table.
ORTA_BLOCKS_AVGNumber of block for the table.
ORTA_EMPTY_BLOCKS_AVGNumber of empty blocks in the table.
ORTA_AVG_SPACE_AVGThe average available free space in the table.
ORTA_CHAIN_CNT_AVGNumber of chained rows in the table.
ORTA_AVG_ROW_LEN_AVGAverage row length in the table.


Contains overtime data of index statistics.

Column NameColumn Description
ORIO_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the Oracle server instance.
ORIO_TIMESTAMPDate and time the statistic was sampled.
ORIO_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
ORIO_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
ORIO_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row (in minutes).
ORIO_OWNER_IDThe index owner.
ORIO_INDEX_IDThe index name.
ORIO_TABLE_OWNER_IDThe indexed table owner.
ORIO_TABLE_IDThe indexed table name.
ORIO_LEAF_BLOCKS_AVGThe number of leaf blocks in the index.
ORIO_DISTINCT_KEYS_AVGThe number of distinct keys in the index.
ORIO_AVG_LEAF_BLK_PER_KEY_AVGThe average number of leaf blocks per key.
ORIO_AVG_DATA_BLK_PER_KEY_AVGThe average number of data blocks per key.
ORIO_CLUSTERING_FACTOR_AVGA measurement of the amount of (dis)order of the table this index is for.
ORIO_NUM_ROWS_AVGNumber of rows in the indexed table.
ORIO_SAMPLE_SIZE_AVGThe sample size used in analyzing this index.
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