Versions Compared


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IDERA SQL Compliance Manager build includes many fixed issues, including the following updates.

title5.9 New features

There are no new features in this release.

title5.9 Fixed issues
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    Exporting Audit Settings now successfully includes an export of the Server Level Trusted Users configured
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    Resolved the issue where the SQL Server Properties window displayed the version as Unknown for registered SQL Server 2019 instances. Now, the correct version is shown. 
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    Resolved the issue where auditing stopped working when a user-configured Sensitive Column auditing without first selecting the DML or SELECT option caused the SQLcompliance Agent to have problems creating the sp_SQLcompliance_AuditXE stored procedure.
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    Resolved the issue where Events were not captured for sensitive columns when SELECT and DML are not enabled at database-level audited activities on fresh and upgraded setups.
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    The DML Activity (Before-After) report shows accurate results regardless of the collection method being set to Extended Events or SQL Tracing.
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    The DML\SELECT filters are now working correctly when auditing SQL Server 2019 and no longer prevent DML and SELECT activities from being audited accordingly.
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    The following error is no longer observed when attempting to run DML changes on a table configured for Before-After auditing in the software.
    "The DELETE permission was denied on the object 'SQLcompliance_Changed_Data_Table'."
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    The retention period of the Activity Log is now configurable. It is set to a default of 60 days which can be modified in the SQLcomplianceCollectionService.exe.config file in the MAX_ACTIVITY_LOGS_AGE flag.
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    Console loading times are faster now at both console startup and when navigating to the Audit Events view of the audited server or database.
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    Event details on INSERT and DELETE events, audited not as INSERT INTO or DELETE FROM executions, are no longer missing the Target Object Name information, showing the name of the database object affected by the audited DML change.
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    Reports deployed to SQL Server Reporting Services now show corresponding logins in the Login dropdown filter when these are set to run against an archived database.
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    Reports no longer show a syntax error when executed either from the console application or SQL Server Reporting Services.
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    The permissions check for the SQL Server service account permissions on the Agent Trace Files folder no longer fails when the SQL Server is running under the NETWORK SERVICE service account.
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    Data types have been updated in the tables saving Before-After data to prevent the tables from filling up with event data too soon. This would have prevented new events from processing otherwise, as a result.
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    The console application logging is no longer showing a collation conflict error, as shown below: 
    "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation."


title5.8.1 New features

There are no new features in this release.

title5.8.1 Fixed issues
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    Resolved the issue where the audit configuration was not updated when new users were added to a Windows Domain group which were previously configured as Trusted Users. 
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    Resolved the issue where public where public roles were granted unnecessary permissions, such as ALTERas ALTER, EXECUTE, CONTROL, TAKE OWNERSHIP, and VIEW DEFINITION, on the audit stored procedures sp_SQLcompliance_Audit and sp_SQLCompliance_StartUp.
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    Resolved the issue where the Collection Server installer raised an error message requesting the removal of the newly restored SQLcompliance and SQLcomplianceProcessing databases. Currently, the migration of the Collection Server preserves the repository databases and displays the events on the console as expected.
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    Resolved the issue where users were unable to register instances that are unreachable or from an untrusted domain. Currently, users are able to can register unreachable instances or instances from untrusted domains. Please note that while unreachable instances can be registered for auditing, it is required for the Agent service to be deployed manually on these server instances.
title5.8.0 New features
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    The default settings for capturing DML and Select activities were changed to Extended Events on SQL Compliance Manager 5.8. This change provides a significant performance improvement for the collection service efficiency in event collection, as well as on the performance impact on monitored instances.
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    SQL Compliance Manager 5.8 introduces a new highly optimized index format where the application the application upgrades indexes in the background , from a none compression state to a page-level compression type. This operation is done as an Online operation for supported SQL Server editions. Currently, the SQL Compliance Manager repository does not utilize the optimized indexes format. Rebuilding the indexes into the new optimized format provides a significant performance enhancement to the Management Console when viewing audited events and provides a considerable database repository size reduction resulting in resulting in less space usage on disk. For more information see Indexes rebuild operation
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    SQL Compliance Manager 5.8 modified the Collection Server and Agent to allow a mode where trace files are transferred by the Agent to the Collection Server without compression. Transferring files from the Agent to the Collection Server without compression provides a significant performance enhancement both on the server side in event collection efficiency, and it reduces the performance impact on the monitored instances. In the Agent Properties window, users with Agents in version 5.8 have the option to decide whether to compress or not compress the file transfer from the Agent directory to the Collection directory.  For For more information, see Agent Properties - Trace Options tab


title5.7.1 Fixed issues

General issues

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    Resolved the issue where the SQL Compliance Manager did not recognize a GMSA account as a Trusted users user when adding the account as part of a group.
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    Resolved the issue which caused the cluster setup installation to perform a fresh installation instead of asking users to upgrade the agent service.
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    Resolved the issue where SQL Compliance Manager could not establish a connection with the AG databases on the Secondary nodes where no read access is allowed. SQL Compliance Manager successfully populates the list of AG databases to be configured for auditing on the Secondary nodes.
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    Resolved the issue where configuring Sensitive Column auditing caused the SQLcompliance Agent to have problems creating the sp_SQLcompliance_Audit  stored procedure.
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    Resolved the issue with the Daily Audit Activity Statistics Report which displayed an error message due to a missing component. The Daily Audit Activity Statistics Report runs successfully.


title5.6.0 New features


Capture Logout Events

Currently, SQL Compliance Manager captures Logins and Failed Logins; with SQL CM version 5.6, users have the ability to capture Logouts as a separate tracking option for their registered servers and for their configured Server Level Privileged Users.

Default Audit Configuration Settings

SQL Compliance Manager provides users with the capability to set up a single Server default setting and a single Database default setting. Allowing users to set up newly added Servers and Databases with their exact desired settings. Users also have the ability to apply those default settings to already registered Servers and Databases. By default, SQL CM provides users with the Idera Default Settings, which are a set of basic settings to help users start auditing from the moment a Server is registered. For more information about this feature, see Default Audit Settings

Add Databases Automatically

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 provides users with the ability to enable their Server Instances to automatically add any new database that is created on an audited server. For more information about this feature, see Registered SQL Server Properties - Advanced tab.

Configurations Clarifications

Compliance Manager version 5.6 improved the configurations setting to help users have a clear understanding of what is being audited at the Server level and what is being audited at the Database level. Implementing a new logic that shows items checked and unavailable for deselection at the Database level since those items are already selected at the Server level.


Please note that it is possible that with the setting inheritance, you may collect more data, to avoid doing so, please review your settings to ensure that all items all collected as you expect.

Server-Level Trusted Users

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 allows users to configure Trusted Users at the Server level. Trusted Users designated at the Server level will apply across all databases in the selected server, giving users a greater control over who is monitored at what level. For more information, see Trusted Users at Server level.

Sensitive Columns Auditing

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 updated the Sensitive Column functionality in order to alert users if PII data is selected or altered. To know if such data has been accessed, users can choose to collect information for Select Only, Selects, and DML or for All Activity. 

Web Console Updates

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 removed all the configuration settings from the Web Console , to help users have a greater control over who can change audit data while still allowing granted users to view the information being audited. Centralizing the setting configurations to the Desktop Console only, makes the Web Console a place where Auditors and Executives can easily use Reports and Alerts to see the information that they need to see.  

Log File

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 includes a new Log file that keeps track of the product ́s versions and upgrades. The new Log file, found in the SQL CM installation folder, help users track the timelines for upgrade versions.


SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 provides users with the ability to register a non-sysadmin role with permission to run the Compliance Manager Agent and permission to access the trace files.  

Increase the number of threads processed

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 added the option to adjust the number of threads that can be used to process trace files at a time. 

Regulatory Guidelines

GDPR Regulation

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 added the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guideline to the selectable list of regulatory guidelines, providing users with the option to select GDPR guideline and comply with their auditing needs. For more information about this feature, see Comply with Specific Regulations


Configuration Check Report

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 implemented the Configuration Check Report, which allows users to compare the settings configured on the registered servers and databases with the previously defined default settings. This report allows users to quickly identify where settings may vary from what is defined as the default settings as well as to identify the differences in the configurations across your registered servers and databases. For more information about this feature, see Available Reports.

Regulation Compliance Check Report

SQL Compliance Manager version 5.6 implemented the Regulation Compliance Check Report, which allows users to review the configurations set for all registered servers and databases and determine if settings comply with the selected Regulatory Guideline. This report compares the server and database configured settings to the predefined settings for any IDERA supported Regulation Guideline. For more information about this feature, see Available Reports.
