Versions Compared


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Available actions include:

Page through alerts and alert rules

Allows you to page through the list of alerts and rules. Use the previous and next arrows to navigate from page to page, up and down the list.


Allows you to filter the listed alerts and rules by rule, rule type, server name, alert level, user email address, event log, and SNMP traps. Filtering includes a Save View feature that lets you select all of your filtering options, and then save the settings for future use. Click Load View to select a previously-saved view for use.

Enable Groups

Allows you to group activities by a specific property, such as the computers on which the activities occurred or the times the activities occurred. Enable groups when you want to sort the activities or focus on a particular activity attribute.


Allows you to export the Activity Log and Change Log information to a CSV, PDF, or XML file.


Allows you to update the activity list with current data.

For more information about the Activity Log and Change Log tabs in the SQL Compliance Manager Monitoring Console, see Activity Log tab and Change Log tab.The IDERA SQL Inventory Manager list of managed instances displays all your environment's registered instances together with their status, SQL Server versions, editions, number and size of their databases, owners, locations and whether the instances are clustered. 



SQL Compliance Manager audits all activity on your server. Learn more > >

