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MariaDB DBA Tools - Instance Manager
Provides manageability of a MariaDB instance allowing a user to view and modify server variables information.
InstanceManager.pngImage Modified

Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.

Available Operations for Variable tab
Refresh : Refreshes all tabs in the instance manager from the database
Reconnect : Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/Headers and Row counts: Copies all the tab results from the database to paste the information anywhere else
Find: Find tool to search the grid of the current tab
Find Next: Finds the next instance of the previous find
Scope: Selects the range of the variable {Global or Session}
Set Variable: Alters the selected variable

Available Operations for Status tab
Refresh : Refreshes all tabs in the instance manager from the database
Reconnect : Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/Headers and Row counts: Copies all the tab results from the database to paste the information anywhere else
Find: Find tool to search the grid of the current tab
Find Next: Finds the next instance of the previous find
Scope: Selects the range of the variable {Global or Session}

Available Operations for Charsets tab
Refresh : Refreshes all tabs in the instance manager from the database
Reconnect : Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/Headers and Row counts: Copies all the tab results from the database to paste the information anywhere else
Find: Find tool to search the grid of the current tab
Find Next: Finds the next instance of the previous find

Available Operations for Collations tab
Refresh : Refreshes all tabs in the instance manager from the database
Reconnect : Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/Headers and Row counts: Copies all the tab results from the database to paste the information anywhere else
Find: Find tool to search the grid of the current tab
Find Next: Finds the next instance of the previous find

Available Operations for Plugins tab
Refresh : Refreshes all tabs in the instance manager from the database
Reconnect : Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/Headers and Row counts: Copies all the tab results from the database to paste the information anywhere else
Find: Find tool to search the grid of the current tab
Find Next: Finds the next instance of the previous find

Variables Tab - Provides a summary of the MariaDB instance

Name: Name of the variable
Value: Value of the variable

MariaDB Status Tab - Provides a summary of MariaDB instance status

Name: Name of the parameter
Value: Value of the parameter
MariaDB Charsets Tab - Provides a summary of the MariaDB charsets parameters

Charset: Name of the character set
Description: Description of the character set
Default Collation: Name of the collation
Max Bytes/Char: Maximum number of bytes/character
MariaDB Collations Tab - Provides a summary of the MariaDB collation parameters

Id: Number ID of the collation
Collation: Name of the collation
Charset: Name of the charset
Default: Shows if it is a default collation or not
Compiled: Shows it it is compiled
Bytes for Sorting: Number of bytes for sorting

MariaDB Plugins Tab - Provides a summary of the MariaDB instance plugins

Name: Name of the plugin
Status: Status of the plugin {Active, Disabled}
Type: Type of plugin
Library: Library where the plugin is stored
License: Type of license for the plugin