Versions Compared


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17.0.13 (since 17.0.12) - May 8 2017
15204 : Bug : Sybase ASE -> Visual Explain XML : Incomplete Plan when using "Declare" or "Set" 
15193 : Bug : Aqua Command : Parsing fails when a parameter value contains a double quote
15125 : Enhancement : Hive > Retrofit Cancel Query option for Hortonworks Hive
15105 : Enhancement :  SQL Server -> Schema Tree Database Node will now display mirroring information
15101 : Bug : Sybase ASE -> extraction of parameter datatype will fix uint, usmallint & ubigint to its unsigned <int_type> name
15100 : Bug : SQL Server & Azure -> fixed INFORMATION_SCHEMA casing for extraction queries
15073 : Bug : Oracle -> extraction of index will only set expression when linked column is not in the table column list.
15031 : Bug : DB2 z/OS -> Extraction of procedure will now attempt to get the body of the procedure from the SYSIBM.SYSPROCEDURE_SRC table
NONE : Bug : Excel : ExcelReader.getValueAt() will fail on DateTime cell if we don't provide appropriate security context
NONE : Bug : Sybase ASE : Null not allowed in work tables
17.0.12 (since 17.0.11) - February 18 2017
15025 : Bug : ADS : Hive: Fixed incorrect Hive - Nested Struct's display in the schema tree node, Query Builder and Autocompletion
15024 : Enhancement : ADS : Abbreviations -> Support administrator level abbreviations file
15022 : Improvement : Object Search: DB2 -> Source Search will now include function source
15009 : Bug : ADS : ER Modeler: ERM -> Fix for Data type conversion into Sybase IQ for char(255)
14999 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer: Format script changes to remove "c", "g", "k", "m" from SQL beautifier keyword list
14992 : Bug : ADS : DB - PostgreSQL -> Fixed Function with Array type so compilation takes place successfully
14971 : Bug : ADS : App - General: TeraData -> Case Sensitivity support in ANSI mode
14931 : Improvement : ADS : DB - PostgreSQL -> \ will only be escaped to \\ while dollar quoting value is not equal to a single quote
14923 : Improvement : ADS : Tools - Excel Import: Import data from Excel file, provide default value for blank cells to non-nullable columns
14913 : Bug : ADS : App - General: On OSX, cycling through windows with Command+` (tilde) to a Floating Query Window leave keybinding of main frame
14907 : Bug : ADS : Cassandra -> extraction/scripting fixes for tables with columns having static property and primary keys with multiple columns
NONE : Improvement : ADS : Support syntax highlighting for multi-line string literals for PostgreSQL
NONE : Improvement : ADS : Exclude virtual MAC for activation
NONE : Bug : ADS : MySQL -> User Dialog -> Dialog should not fail on warning message return
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed the jTDS bug with date and datetimeoffset
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : NPE fixed for Forward Migration V15/V16->V18, Radar chart was not generated in V18
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Changes to include a separate cache to store java.sql.Date objects
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Migration V18 to V17: Fixed NPE thrown for opening vizx file under ADS_V-17 using added dashboard sheet vizx file
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed Backward migration issue for the Table calculation comparative operator First and Last. Address Duplicate keys
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed Backward migration issue for the Table calculation comparative operator First and Last. Update dialog text, type and icon
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Fixed Backward migration issue for the Table calculation comparative operator First and Last
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : When opening .qbw that contains unsupported object types, return an error message
17.0.11 (since 17.0.10) - January 3 2017
14907 : Bug : ADS : Cassandra: Creating a table with static columns causes ADS extraction to function incorrectly.
14882 : Improvement : ADS : Sybase Anywhere: Implemented a workaround if Sybase driver metadata is not returning the correct server version
14875 : Bug : ADS : Generic JDBC: The detail tab is sometimes missing the length, precision and scale information
14859 : Improvement : ADS : PostgreSQLAdd support for extraction and scripting of parameter default value assignments in functions

14816 : Improvement : ADS : ER ModelerAdd action "Generate Script" to ER Modeler Sheet context menu which automatically selects items in sheet
14813 : Improvement : ADS : PostgreSQLConvert the internal catalog table datatype names to more user friendly datatype names
14802 : Improvement : ADS : Charts: Chart Titles should support newlines
14798 : Bug : ADS : Query Analyzer - Grid Results:  The 'Maximum number of columns allowed' setting should only be applied to Grid Results 14793 : Bug : ADS : SQL Server - Database Backup:  Add DDL scripting and UI support for backup files under the backup device

14787 : Improvement : ADS : DB2 UDB:  Enhance Visual Explain to display the different Table Queues
14780 : Improvement : ADS : FluidShell:  Add "printenv" command to FluidShell
14760 : Bug : ADS : Query Analyzer - Aqua Commands EDT fix for AquaCommands .setAutoCommit, .commit & .rollback to match to control Query Window
14225 : Bug : ADS : Query AnalyzerSchema change does not take effect after Reconnect
14098 : Bug : ADS : Visual Editing - Sybase IQ & Sybase Anywhere: In Create table > Constraints tab, choosing a schema with no tables throws NullPointerException
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Ensuring that v18 vizx/vizw files can be opened in v17.
NONE : Bug : ER modeler : If an attempt is made to import objects into an ERM from a Generic JDBC/ODBC connection, an error message is now displayed explaining "Generic connections are not currently supported" 
NONE : Improvement : Query Analyzer - Grid Results: Grid Results Paste to Window for INSERT and UPDATE now uses configured statement separator

17.0.10 (since 17.0.9) - October 11 2016
14772 : Bug : ADS : ADS Charts: Fixed incorrect calculation in Linear regressionLinear regression now allows for raw x-data in Category
14769 : Bug : ADS : Tools - Compare - Results : Fixed Compare Results which did not have option to include Grid results from the Procedure Editor and the Debugger
14768 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer : Added support for PostgreSQL XML datatype values in resultsets
14760 : Improvement : ADS : Q Analyzer - Aqua Commands : Added AquaCommands .setAutoCommit, .commit & .rollback to match to control Query Window
14759 : Improvement : ADS : Q Analyzer - Aqua Commands : Added global variables for AquaCommand .print/.println @@server, @@database, @@schema
14758 : Bug : ADS : Visual Analytics : Fixed the issue with saved packaged workbook with vizx extension which gets deleted & no longer exists on the filesystem
14754 : Bug : ADS : Q Analyzer - Visual Explain Plan : Added a right mouse click menu/action to "Add to Whiteboard" for all the Explain results
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Back ported the changes for handling incompatible extracts
17.0.9 (since 17.0.8) - September 21 2016
14704 : Improvement : ADS : Script Objects : IBM DB2 UDB support for GENERATED BY Timestamp properties. Fixed the extraction, scripting for Schema Script Generator and ER Modeler
14692 : Bug : ADS : SQL Server Tools - Import Tool -> Importing a NVARCHAR Datatype column with Transaction Type = Batch will now complete correctly
14675 : Improvement : ADS : Informix - Import Tool : Improve Excel Import to be able to import into Temp tables for Informix 
14672 : Bug : ADS : Visual Editor - Informix : Fixed incorrect SQL syntax for Temporary tables in Informix 
14669 : Improvement : ADS : MongoSQL -> Improved sampling size, now allows users to specify the documents while retrieving list of fields. Added "showFieldsSampleSize" driver property
14624 : Improvement : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Schema Tree node for Constraint Columns will now show up to 31 key columns for Sybase ASE 12.5 and above
11981 : Bug : ADS : SQL Server - jTDS : Fixed the Arithmetic Overflow and incorrect Messages Results in SQL Server
17.0.8 (since 17.0.7) - August 22 2016
14633 : Bug : ADS : Git : GIT File Browser Status Bug - Modified Files does not get displayed in red color
14629 : Improvement : ADS : Grid Results : Enhance Close tab menu options of grid results
14624 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE ->  Constraint key extraction enhancement in order to handle 31 key limit in primary and unique constraints and 16 key limit in foreign key constraints.
14607 : Bug : ADS : Visual Editor : Create Procedure in Editor in schema tree should default schema to the context of tree when creating New Func/Proc 
14591 : Bug : ADS : Netezza -> Schema Compare - Added Procedures to object list
14563 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Add support to Sybase ASE debugger for variables of bit datatype
14557 : Bug : ADS : Redshift -> Super User property will only consider the usesuper column and no longer consider the usecatupd column to determine true/false value.
14556 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Parameter extraction fixed to include all parameters, including user defined types.
14345 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Scripting of table column's datatype will correctly determine if the column is computed
14303 : Improvement : ADS : Results Format -> Evaluate changing behavior on All databases for Results Fomat of NONE on Date/Time/Timestamp
NONE : Bug : ADS : Netezza : Bug in Netezza on reconnect, the schema setting option was not persisted.
NONE : Bug : ADS : Results Format -> With a clean install of ADS, the initial format value for Double and Float data types should be [None].
17.0.7 (since 17.0.6) - July 6 2016
14475 : Bug : ADS : PostgreSQL 9.5 -> Fixed the extraction of user info from pg_users table, which now no longer uses the usecatupd column
14503 : Enhancement : ADS : Cassandra 3.x -> Enhanced SQL the extraction and scripting of Table, Index and Security nodes for Cassandra 3.x; versions 3.x and above now uses newer Cassandra system catalog tables
17.0.6 (since 17.0.5) - Jun 7 2016
14451 : Enhancement : ADS : Add "Force Auto-Commit" option to Server Registration->Advanced Tab
17.0.5 (since 17.0.4) - May 26 2016
14435 : Bug : ADS : Vertica 7.2 DBA Tools -> Fix for Session Manager's session extraction query, which was not displaying any Session information for Vertica 7.2
14431 : Bug : ADS : Visual Explain -> PostgreSQL and Greenplum : Added a configurable parameter to turn ON/OFF Analyze when explaining a SQL query
14430 : Bug : ADS : Greenplum Visual Explain -> Fix for executing a SQL query twice when Show Execution Plan is turned on
14426 : Bug : ADS : SQL Server -> Fix for Alter Jobs UI : Alter Job steps menu is modified, so that text box will not overlap the long text in the command text
14420 : Bug : ADS : SQL Server -> Jobs: Fixed case sensitivity issue with Job steps. Modified information retrieval from the Hashmap keys, so that it is not case sensitive
14411 : Bug : ADS :  MongoDB -> Added File -> Options -> Results -> Grid Results -> Maximum number of columns allowed
14409 : Bug : ADS : ER Modeler -> IBM DB2 iSeries -> Script Alter Table Drop Constraint -> Qualify objects will now be taken into consideration while scripting the constraint name
14408 : Bug : ADS : ER Modeler -> Fixed the issue with Compare ER model and database which was not scripting constraints on table objects
14407 : Bug : ADS : ER Modeler -> Fixed issue with scripting. The Script Constraint was missing constraint name and constraint schema
14403 : Bug : ADS : Query Analyzer -> If Show Text is enabled and Show Grid is disabled, then the query results should display the Text view only
14402 : Bug : ADS : File -> Print -> Fixed the character clipping issue in the Query Analyzer with line wrap
14401 : Bug : ADS : Oracle ->  Fixed the issue with Table column datatype info that replaced a null value with a string "<unknown>" value
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Restore Workspace : changeDatabaseDirect() on database context restore needs to assure autocommit=true for all databases
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Teradata : When query window initially opened and autocommit=false in Teradata & Informix, do not prompt commit/rollback confirmation on database context change 
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Changed sequence in setting auto-commit of connection when creating new Query Window to prevent an open transaction
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Fixed ADS freezing for MongoDB Grid Results with a large number of columns in collections
17.0.4 (since 17.0.3) - April 20 2016
14393 : Bug : ADS : MySQL -> ER Modeler -> Fix for numerical datatypes precision which was always being set to 15
14392 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Fix for Materialized views extraction/scripting. Objects were getting displayed multiple times in the Schema Tree node
14391 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Fix for Jobs: Alter jobs was giving java.lang.NoSuchFieldError exception
14390 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Materialized Views -> Added support in the Schema Script Generator, Object Search & Schema Compare Tools 
14381 : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Added support for MEDIAN on Measures
14380 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Job UI -> Fix for Alter job which was incorrectly setting job class and not correctly scripting pl/sql block changes
14379 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> NPE handling for job schedule type, when it is not set
14378 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Details Pane was not displaying information in Tree, Indexes node. Datatype bigint was not introduced until version 15.x
14377 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Instance Manager -> Added the job STATE property column
14375 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Oracle Jobs -> Fix to insure that any string values encapsulated in a single quote are escaped
14372 : Bug : ADS : File -> Options -> Scripting -> <database type> -> ';' statement separator option will now change the flag and save the option correctly
14368 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Job UI -> Fix for TIMESTAMPTZ method requires Oracle's connection object
14364 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Instance manager -> Start Job UI will now offer Use Current Session option
14362 : Bug : ADS : IBM DB2 iSeries -> Fix for Compare issues in ER Modeler
14361 : Bug : ADS : Hive -> Fix for issues with MapR Impala table columns and tables where the owner field is null
14355 : Bug : ADS : MongoDB -> Fix issues with expanding Collections, Indexes nodes when connecting to a secondary replica set member only
14345 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Fix in extract/scripting Table with computed columns will correctly create the computed column definition string
14343 : Bug : ADS : SAP Hana -> Fix to Import data into binary datatype, should construct string field correctly
14342 : Bug : ADS : SQL Server -> Schema Compare -> UDF with unsupported DDL extraction will no longer throw NPE
14340 : Bug : ADS : Schema Compare: Fix to ignore blank lines in the generated DDL
14337 : Bug : ADS : MS SQL Database (Azure): Fix for File -> Options -> Results Format for Azure
14330 : Bug : ADS : MongoDB: Added support for DBPointer
14328 : Bug : ADS : Schema Compare: Fix to ignore embedded spaces in the generated DDL
14316 : Bug : ADS : Oracle -> Fix to debug package procedure with no parameters in oracle 12c
14315 : Bug : ADS : MySQL -> Fix to allow default value to script without single quote when date time function used with fractional seconds
14303 : Bug : ADS : Changed formatting for date/time/timestamp datatypes with NONE formatting to use UTC time zone
14302 : Bug : ADS : Apache Cassandra: Use UTC time zone if date format is [None] or "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ssZ"
14285 : Bug : ADS : Excel -> Added Excel connection support for SET COLLATION, SET BINARY_COLLATION
14276 : Bug : ADS : MongoDB -> Fix to enclose database name in quotes in USE statement
14265 : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Added support for Count Distinct - COUNTD 
13278 : Bug : ADS : RedShift -> Extraction of constraint column info column conkey & confkey return arraytypes with new redshift driver
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Script table : Fixed the Default value which was set to null if it didn't fall under correct rules
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Change German translation for Informix Schema Object "dbspace" to "DB-Space"
NONE  : Enhancement : ADS : Added "$" as acceptor for double click selection of words in editor
NONE  : Enhancement : ADS : PostgreSQL -> version 9.4 product major minor extraction & ER Modeler -> Support for version 9.3 & 9.4
NONE  : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : COUNTD function is not available in filter pop-up window of date dimension & measure if placed in filter deck
NONE  : Enhancement : Visual Analytics : Fix for ADS crash when trying to render Filled Map chart in Windows 
17.0.3 (since 17.0.2) - February 10 2016
14271 : Bug : ADS : Apache Cassandra : Added support for timestamp format in Cassandra Map datatypes
14270 : Bug : ADS : Fix for java 1.8 UI issue in which changes were lost while moving off the cell, using either the tab key or by clicking on another cell
14269 : Bug : ADS : PostgreSQL Visual Explain: Fixed syntax errors for PostgreSQL versions 9.1 and below
14268 : Bug : ADS : Charts: Fixed incorrect messages for Chart name, when not enough Series to render the chart
14264 : Bug : ADS : MySQL Visual Explain: Fixed syntax errors for MySQL versions 5.0 and below. Visual Explain supports v5.1 and above only
14263 : Bug : ADS : Sybase ASE -> Materialized View -> Fixed the DDL scripting which was not returning multi lines statements
14260 : Bug : ADS : DB2 iSeries -> Fix for Extraction/scripting of triggers WHEN clause
14258 : Bug : Charts : Fix for ADS chart Export and Visual Analytics chart Export via Remote Desktop
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Hive : Fixed the Apache Hive auth properties and description for Cloudera and Hortonworks
17.0.2 (since 17.0.1) - February 1 2016
14255 : Bug : ADS : Redshift -> Fix for the Amazon RedShift Driver which was incorrectly appending parameter properties to the JDBC driver URL
14254 : Bug : ADS : Fix for Execute Query which was not working with the Query Toolbar hidden from the Window menu and using F5 or Ctrl + E
14252 : Bug : ADS : Fix for Oracle Debugger to prompt for host on the different debugging execution styles [Toggle Breakpoint] when property is set
14247 : Bug : Visual Analytics : Incorrect Reference Line for 'Per Pane' scope for 'Last' Measure type
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Fix for SHOW TABLES_COLUMNS and SELECT to handle case insensitive file names
NONE  : Bug : ADS : Map datatype for Apache Cassandra was giving NPE on SELECT. Fix for Cassandra driver which was missing timestamp datatype mapping
17.0.1 (since 17.0.0) - January 29 2016
14243 : Bug : Visual Analytics : ADS hangs & chart is not displayed if reference line is applied on date parameter & filter is applied on exact date function
14241 : Bug : Visual Analytics : Reference line is not displayed if date dimension contains Null values & reference line is applied on date dimension
14239 : Bug : ADS : Excel Import - For Sybase ASE, ADS fails to launch Import Excel UI due to NullPointer exception.

13398 : Enhancement : ADS : Oracle debugger - Added Oracle debugger options to handle specifying debugger host and port range
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : Tooltip shows wrong datapoint with continuous dimension axis
NONE : Bug : Visual Analytics : "Values in Range and Null Values" filter not working for continuous dimension axis

17.0.0 - ( New Features since 16.0.x )