- Object Type. The object can be a table or a view. The type is indicated through the small icon in the second column of the grid.
- Compare. A checkbox indicating whether the pair should be included in the comparison. By default, all mapped pairs are included in the comparison. You can quickly select / deselect all objects using the Select All Objects and Clear Selection commands in the ribbon.
- Object name. For both sides. In a default mapping the Left Name would be identical to Right Name.
- Mapping Status. A blank value indicates that the objects have been fully mapped, that is, there was a complete match of columns. A Partial value indicates that some columns were not matched and will not be included in the comparison.
- Left/Right Keys. Those are the unique keys that have been selected by Data Compare to be used in the mapping of the rows during the data comparison. If those two fields are empty for a given pair that means that Data Compare was not able to identify a unique key that could be used. If you do not choose a custom key for this pair then those objects will not be included in the comparison.