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In this section, you can specify additional settings for your tasks. You can use any of the following options:
- Allow task to be run on demand - This allows you to run the task at any time on demand (before or after it is scheduled).
- Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed - in In some situations (for example, the computer was turned off or the Task Scheduler service was busy) the task will not run on the scheduled time. You can select this option to start the task as soon as possible in case it misses to run running on time.
- If task fails, restart every - in In case your task fails to run, after the number of minutes you specify, it will attempt to restart the task. You can set the time interval between attempts and the amount number of attempts during the time interval.
- Stop the task if it runs longer than - use Use this option to stop running tasks that are taking longer to perform than the time selected from the drop-down list.
- If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop - if If the task does not respond to a request to stop, you can select this option to force the task to stop.
- If the task is not scheduled to run again, delete it after - select Select this option to option to delete tasks after they are performed and are not scheduled to run again. Select from the drop-down list the amount of time the Task Scheduler service will wait before deleting the task.
- If the task is already running, then the following rule applies - use Use this option to specify how the Task Scheduler behaves in case another instance of the task is already running:
- Do not start a new instance - the The Task Scheduler service will not run a new instance of the task and will not stop the instance that is already running.
- Run a new instance in parallel - the The Task Scheduler service will run a new instance of the task in parallel with the instance that is already running.
- Queue a new instance - the The Task Scheduler service will add a new instance of the task to the queue of tasks the service will run
- Stop the existing instance - the The Task Scheduler service will stop the instance of the task that is already running, and run a new instance of the task.