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Users with administrative privileges are divided in:
To add new users, edit their details (account name, display name, enable/disable, and add new permissions), or remove them, select select Manage Users in the Administration view.
- Click the Add user/group option and the User/Group Details dialog displays.
- Type the Account name of the user you want to grant access to. You should enter a Windows user name in the following format: <domain\user>.
- Type the Display name with which the user will be displayed.
- Select the Account Type: User or Group.
- Select the Do not timeout the browser session for this account check box to stay logged in.
- Click the Add option to specify where would you like to include the user.
In the Product field field, you can select to add a user to the IDERA Dashboard or the IDERA Dashboard or SQL Enterprise Job Manager.
If you select the IDERA Dashboard, in the Role field you can assign the user as the Dashboard Administrator or Dashboard Guest.
If you select SQL Enterprise Job Manager, in the in the Role field you can assign the user as a ProductAdministrator, ProductUser, or ProductGuest.
Click Save and the user will be displayed in the list available under this section.
If you want to remove any user listed under this section select the check box and click Delete.
Click Save or Discard changes.
Warning |
You cannot edit the logged-in user credentials. |
Removing a user from the IDERA Dashboard
- Click the user you want to remove from the list of available users.
- Click Delete in the user details window.
- A warning that requires a confirmation of whether you want to delete the selected user or group displays.