Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Introduced tag level customization in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL Monitors. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL tags for servers are now available as Monyog Object Model variable (MONyog.Connections.TagName returns an array of tag names defined for a server). Documentation has examples on how to use it in scripting. Also see the note on 'Native Javascript JavaScript properties' support in next point below.
  • Native JavaScript properties (like length, indexOf, splice etc) are now fully supported in Monitors and Dashboard. Note that 'indexOf' is required to check for individual tags from the array exposed by Monyog.Connections.TagName (see point above) in case there is more than one tag.
  • Optimized Dashboard page to retrieve information faster.
  • Auto-registered slaves will now have server names as their host names as default.
  • Auto registering slaves will now assume the SSH host name of the slaves to be same as that of MySQL host. Before this the slaves' SSH hosts were assumed to be the same as that of the master.

Fixed Issues:

  • On Monyog SQL DM for MySQL restart, server edit, SQLite vacuum and MySQL restart there were 2 consecutive data collections with a short time interval. This could skew charts and MySQL metrics. Now Monyog SQL DM for MySQL collects data 2 consecutive times only when required - i.e during the first collection and after an unsuccessful data collection.
  • Exporting charts as PNG exported as JPEG instead in Monitors page. This bug was introduced in version 5.0 of SQL DM for MySQL.
  • UI fixes.


  • This release requires a new registration code. Registered customers will get the new code from our Customer Portal. Please have the new code available before installing. Until Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is registered with new keys, it will not be collecting data from your servers.


  • In the 'Disk Info' page, clicking on a donut donnut chart in the Database level of a server will now drill down to table level.
  • Query Analyzer' now has information on Average rows sent & examined while analyzing Slow Query Log. Those options has been hidden in version 5.0 and seen only in "Query details" pop up, now in v5.01 users can view those columns in QA output along with "Query details" pop up.
  • Comparison of MySQL server configuration of multiple servers side by side is now faster in the 'Server Config' page.


  • The 'login' page sometimes did not work in some 'minor' IE 8 builds (if not updated with latest patches from Microsoft). Same could happen with Google Chrome that were not up to date. This happened due to 'Google Gears' (that is no long part of Chrome). It now will work with all IE8 builds and Chrome from version 9.x (current is 17.x) - also with 'Gears'.
  • MySQL server configuration could show incorrect values if MariaDB Servers were compared in the 'Server Config' page.
  • A MySQL server that was a master and a slave at the same time was not showing the slave status in the 'Replication' tab even if it was marked as a slave in 'Register Server'.
  • In the 'Replication' tab of Monyog SQL DM for MySQL the display of binlog_do_db and binlog_ignore_db settings were interchanged.
  • On a fresh installation the default Monyog SQL DM for MySQL port was 8888. This was introduced in 5.0. Its now reverted back to 5555.
  • Sometimes queries could fail to display in 'Wayback Machine' interface.
  • In 'Monitors' page - History/Trend view charts did not plot if data series contained '(n/a)' value(s).


  • Introduced a left panel that contains the list of servers registered in MonyogSQL DM for MySQL, 'Tools' & 'Customize'. The 'List of servers' page has been removed. Users can now select/unselect servers from this panel.
  • Previously available icons for Edit server/Duplicate server/Diagnostic reports etc now appear as a drop down menu next to each server.
  • Previously the 'Customization' page appeared under 'Tools', now it appears as 'Customize' on the left panel.
  • 'Manage changed Monitor/Advisors & Dashboard charts' are now available as 'Manage changes' under 'Customize'.
  • 'Manage Custom SQL Objects' are now available under 'Manage changes'.
  • The Global Notifications come on the top right hand corner before the help button.
  • Pagination in Query Analyzer page. This removes the limitation of 200 queries in the result set.
  • 'Monitors' is now the default landing page.


  • This release adds a new major feature to MonyogSQL DM for MySQL: Custom SQL Counters and Custom SQL Objects. A Custom SQL Object is an object populated from a user-defined SQL-query returning a result set. It is exposed as a javascript JavaScript array for defining counters (Custom SQL Counters) in MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.

Fixed Issues:

  • If a query contained the literal substring 'connect' Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could hang during general log analysis.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL returned a garbage string to the Linux 'ps' command.
  • Drastically improved performance in log analysis if the option to 'replace literals' was selected.
  • Some of the Monitors/Advisors were not updating in All Time/Current and Delta timeframe.


  • When connected to Linux distributions with a 3.x kernel the information about Disk I/O could fail to display properly in Dashboard and Monitors/Advisors pages of MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.

4.71 SQL DM for MySQL (October 2011)


  • Accessing the replication tab could crash Monyog SQL DM for MySQL in rare cases with specific replication setups and where SHOW MASTER STATUS returned an empty result.
  • Fixed an issue where user defined generic (javascriptJavaScript) functions added for use by customizations did not work as expected.
  • Small UI fixes.


  • Added a MySQL replication overview page. Here Monyog SQL DM for MySQL shows the replication topology of all registered MySQL servers, as well as SLAVE STATUS and MASTER STATUS where it applies. The display gets updated at user-specified interval. (Note: This is available only in Ultimate version of MonyogSQL DM for MySQL)
  • Added a 'Wayback Machine'. In this interface a graph displaying - as per user's choice - either of the status variables 1) Threads connected or 2) # of slow queries. The graph displays aggregated values on years/months/days/hours/ minutes depending on the data. If sniffer was running during this interval, aggregated sniffer information will be displayed. Also you can see first and last value of (optionally) all or changed variables aggregated values. The graph is zoomable by selecting a sub-interval with the mouse along with aggregated sniffer and changed variables you can also get point-in-time information by clicking on a point on the graph. When user clicks on a row in the query list of the Wayback machine a pop-up opens with information about thread-id, user and host along with full query.The list of queries in Wayback Machine will not be rendered if there are more than 2000 queries in the time period. There is a user control that can be activated in such case. The reason is that every 1000 queries take around 1 seconds to render on an average desktop system. This also means that we can now display the list of queries before zooming (provided still that there not more than 2000 queries to display). When we do a point in time select of one of the points on the graph, we get a bar chart that displays number of queries.
  • With this release the dependency on Flash has been removed. Charts are now rendered using a Javascript JavaScript library. Accordingly Monyog SQL DM for MySQL can now be handled from a browser on a device not supporting Flash (such as Ipad). These charts can be exported like was the case with Flash-based charts of previous versions. Conversion to various formats uses a web service.

Fixed Issues:

  • Fixed an issue where Monyog SQL DM for MySQL did not logout user successfully.
  • If the time is set to 12:XX:XX in Custom filter it resets to 00:XX:XX.


  • Instructions to setup MySQL Proxy was added to Monyog SQL DM for MySQL interface.

4.62 SQL DM for MySQL (July 2011)


  • In Dashboard & Monitors/Advisors page, the Delta & All-time/Current charts were showing incorrect values when values were plotted per second. This was introduced in Monyog version 4.51 of SQL DM for MySQL.
  • While connecting using SSH with key based authentication in Windows, the temporary file which contains the SSH private key was not being deleted. Before this release, the temporary files could run out of names which made it impossible to create new temporary files and hence the SSH tunnel was not being created.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL now writes default data into MONyog.ini file on all platforms when Monyog SQL DM for MySQL starts for the first time. Before this release Monyog SQL DM for MySQL for Linux did not write default data into MONyog.ini file.
  • Fixed a crash occurring when there was no data directory path mentioned in the MONyog.ini file.

4.6 SQL DM for MySQL (June 2011)

New Features:

  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is now bundled with a bunch of useful dashboard charts which can be enabled/disabled from the 'manage dashboard charts' in the Dashboard page. These charts can even be re-ordered.
  • Added an option to 'Alert on change in server configuration'. These alerts in the form of email's and/or SNMP traps are sent by Monyog whenever Monyog SQL DM for MySQL whenever SQL DM for MySQL detects a change in the server variables using SET GLOBAL statements or in the MySQL configuration file.
  • Added an option to copy/duplicate advisors. This is available when clicked on an advisor in the 'Monitors/Advisors' page.


  • This release focuses on improving performance of the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL built-in HTTP daemon. You will find up to 10 times performance improvements for most Monyog SQL DM for MySQL pages. This has been achieved by internal code optimizations, use of compression (if browser supports) and minification/optimization of HTML, JavascriptJavaScript, CSS and graphics.

Fixed Issues:

  • Prepared statements were not handled properly by the Query Analyzer.
  • Events (as introduced in 4.5) stored in the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL embedded database did not purge as specified in the 'retention time frame' setting.
  • Charts could display decimal numbers with a large number of decimals that made no sense and made charts less readable. We now round to 3 decimals.
