Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Added an EVENTS overview. An EVENT happens when any counter is changing its status to (yellow) WARNING alert level or to (red) CRITICAL alert level. An 'alert condition' (WARNING or CRITICAL) can be temporarily disabled (and re-enabled) for a specific server from the new EVENTS overview page as well as the Monitors/Advisors page. This can be disabled for non-admin users.
  • Replication slaves can now be automatically registered. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will detect the host/IP of active slaves. MySQL (port,username & password) and the SSH details of the slaves are assumed to be the same as that of its master. Connection details of the slaves can be edited if different from master. A slave will indent with its master in a hierarchy while displaying in the list of servers page. Auto-registering of slaves is also extended to multiple levels. 'Test Connection' in the 'Register/Edit server page' will test the slave connection details of that server in recursion, when 'Auto-register all slaves' is checked.
  • In the process-list based sniffer there is now an option to alert (using mail and/or SNMP) for long-lasting LOCKs.
  • Monitors/advisors groups can now be enabled/disabled on a per server basis. Before this release it was only possible to have same setting for all servers registered in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL in this respect.
  • Added monitors/advisors for innodb_force_recovery, log_warnings, log_output, expire_logs_days,
  • max_binlog_size and flush_time variables.

  • Query Analyzer can now filter slow logs based on host and user information.

  • The standard Linux daemon PID file is now created for SQL DM for MonyogMySQL. (If tools like 'Monit' are being used, then the PID file of Monyog SQL DM for MySQL would be required.)

Fixed Issues:

  • Padding while exporting slow log as CSV was incorrect.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could hang while parsing a log file with binary data.
  • With Monyog SQL DM for MySQL running behind a Load Balancer and similar network management system, user login to Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could fail.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could hang while downloading slow or general logs from a server if the server wrote new entries to the log at download-time.
  • The emails sent by Monyog SQL DM for MySQL were missing the date header.
  • Monitors/advisors page was displaying error for MySQL 5.5.x when Innodb engine was disabled.
  • Fixed an UI issue with the Group level display of alerts (red/yellow) in monitors/advisors page.
  • Fixed a bug with the system graphs in the 'dashboard' feature where the graphs were not plotting the current values.
  • Lots of GUI fixes and small GUI enhancements.

4.2 SQL DM for MySQL (January 2011)

Fixed Issue:

  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could crash while monitoring hundreds of servers through SSH tunneling with a small data collection interval. (1 or a few seconds)
  • Charts in the I/O section under Monitor's/Advisors or Dashboard displayed wrong history. (last 14 seconds had the same values as the value in the 15th second)
  • Sometimes, while analyzing the slow query log, some timestamps contained the default unix time stamp.
  • If the name of a counter or caption of dashboard chart contained single quotes, the chart displayed "Invalid XML Data".
  • Filtering while displaying the Sniffer output was not working when there was a change in the filter conditions.
  • The Linux command 'Service MONyogd status'did not display the correct result.
  • The 'Processlist page' in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL threw 'constraint failed' error when the process ID was a large number.
  • At times, the 'Query Execution Time' of Query Analyzer displayed incorrect values for the milliseconds field.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was not closing the file descriptors after reading from MySQL error log (introduced in 4.12) and sending SNMP traps.


  • Every time Monyog SQL DM for MySQL (re)starts it logs "MONyog has started" in MONyog.log.

4.12 SQL DM for MySQL (December 2010)

Fixed Issues:

  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was leaking memory while connecting through SFTP to analyze Slow/General logs.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL also leaked memory when 'Processlist' page was open.
  • Stopping of Data collection could crash MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.
  • Sometimes Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service could not be stopped gracefully.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was not able to read the Error log via SFTP for data collection interval less than 25 seconds.
  • Max open .idb files counter under Innodb-Others group sent a false 'warning alert'. (Yellow light would turn on even though the value of innodb_open_files did not exceed the threshold)


  • Implemented an easy-form based interface for customizing helper functions. Any customization of helper functions or user defined functions being used with earlier versions have to be migrated manually to this version. From this version and onwards a GUI-'conflict resolver' will guide the users very similar to how it works for customized counters.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL now has an option to apply a group of settings to all the servers with a specific tag. (Please note: New servers registered later with the same tag are not considered)
  • Monyog logs from now on contain the server name along with error, making it easy to backtrack.
  • We have automated deleting dump files of size zero.
  • Earlier multiple alerts for same issue would be sent if the counter was alertable for more than the specified number of data collections. Now we only send once. Settings in register server page has been updated accordingly.
  • Added an option to change the refresh interval from the processlist page.
  • Processlist-based sniffer will no longer show the query 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST' executed by Monyog SQL DM for MySQL (Please note: This only applies to the processlist-based sniffer and not to the processlist page where user has configurable filtering options).


  • Fixed a (SQLite) database lock resulting in failure to update Dashboards and Monitors/Advisors pages.
  • When SFTP option was chosen to analyze 'MySQL general query log' and SSH was disabled, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL used SFTP to analyze the logs with out throwing any error.
  • Small GUI enhancements.
  • Resolved crashes found internally.


  • Fixed a performance regression issue (introduced in 4.0) in HISTORY/TREND analysis.
  • Fixed an issue where Dashboard charts were not always populated properly with 'old' data when the Dashboard page was opened. The chart itself and the data-series for the chart are independent data streams which were not always 'combined' correctly.
  • The process-level Monyog SQL DM for MySQL stack size on Linux is now always expandable up to 10 MB (Linux kernel default) even if the user has defined another value. We had a report where Monyog SQL DM for MySQL would crash with a very low user setting (and this is basically an OS issue and not a Monyog SQL DM for MySQL issue).
  • If a Monyog SQL DM for MySQL build with a 'lower' license than ULTIMATE was installed 'on top' of the TRIAL some ULTIMATE functionalities would still run in the background - but not controllable by user. MONyog continued to collect data internally for counters not applicable to ENT or PRO edition and the Monyog.log would log errors irrelevant for the license model


  • Implemented code that makes OpenSSL (which is used by our SSH library) explicitly thread-safe, thus fixing an issue where specific cryptographic function calls under very heavy load could cause a crash.
  • Fixed a SQLite corruption issue on Windows due to which Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service failed to stop.
  • If both values for 'user' and 'host' were filtered in processlist-based sniffer the interface would display NULL for both.


  • Fixed some issues with specific counters including issues where 'undefined' or 'NaN' were returned incorrectly.
  • Graphs in 'all time' and 'delta' timeframes for the counter 'Cache Misses' for as well InnoDB Cache, MyISAM key cache and Query cache groups were not displaying but threw the error "Invalid XML data" (these counters were added in beta 1).
  • Previously accepted values for the "ChartValue" property in Dashboard charts were "Current" and "Latest". This has caused confusion since both terms mean the same thing in this context, although technically "Current" refers to the current value of the metric and "Latest" to the "Delta" value. Moreover, the documentation mentions "Actual" and "Delta" as accepted values. To eliminate this confusion, the "ChartValue" property now accepts the values "Current" and "Delta" - "Current" referring to the current value of the metric, and "Delta" to the difference in the metric between the previous two collections.
  • Monitors/Advisors Customization: The Group Name of a Monitor/Advisor can now be changed only when a new, custom, counter is created; once set it cannot be changed. Changing Group Names of Monitors/Advisors shipped with Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is not allowed.
  • All cache hit rate related monitors/advisors have been changed to display cache miss rate information as it more relevant when tuning databases. Also the advisor text for these monitors/advisors has been improved.


  • Monitors/Advisors on InnoDB Deadlocks were truncating the output message and hence in some cases, users were unable to view both queries involved in the deadlock. This has been changed such that the first 2048 characters of both queries are displayed.
  • On Windows 7 systems changes to Monyog's .INI file from external programs had no effect upon restart (as Windows reverted the changes). Now throughout Monyog's SQL DM for MySQL lifetime the .INI file will be locked so that a user may only edit the file manually when Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is not running (but users can use the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL interface to change any setting while Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is running). Any changes made to the file when Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is not running will be reflected by it once it is restarted.
  • If MySQL Error Log monitoring was enabled for a particular server, the first two data collections for that server would cause large network traffic to occur if the MySQL error log was very large. This was because the entire log fie is read in the first collection. Now only the last 1MB of the file is read.


  • All libraries have been upgraded to their latest versions. Although, from a user-perspective, the changes are minimal, this has alleviated several memory leaks and other performance issues.
  • This release has been checked in depth with the best leak-detection tools available for both Linux and Windows. All discovered leaks have been fixed.
  • The cache parameters for the SQLite library have been modified with this release to allow for registering more servers on the same system as before. Before Monyog's SQL DM for MySQL memory usage used to grow continually with time as each open SQLite handle has an associated cache which could grow to any size, irrespective of system capacity. The cache size per handle has been reduced and the total SQLite cache size will never exceed 1 GB with this build.


  • Failure to open the SQLite resource DB located in Monyog's SQL DM for MySQL installation directory could result in a crash. This crash has been fixed, but note however that Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is unable to function without this resource DB and will log an error message and perform a graceful exit.
  • The Monitor/Advisor "Binary Log" --> "Transactions that got saved in temporary file" displayed "NaN" (JavaScript for Not-a-Number) for non-zero values of the associated MySQL counter.


  • Internet Explorer 6.2800 on Windows 2000 may hang when trying to display Monyog's SQL DM for MySQL interface. The behavior is not seen in the next iteration of IE6.


  • Log analysis could use high CPU if the option to replace literals with a placeholder was not selected and the literal string ' "' (space + doublequote) occurred in the log file.
  • CSV-export from Query Analyzer only exported 200 rows (the same number as displayed in the browser view). Now CSV-export will export all rows. Also the UI makes it now clear that the browser displays the 200 uppermost rows according to current sort criteria.
  • An error message regarding an integer overflow could occur in Monitor/Advisors page for some values. The SQLite datatype used could be too short for some specific data.
  • Login to Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could fail if Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was running behind a proxy.


  • If SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS returned an error that was not privilege-related, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL reported MySQL as non-available. That could happen for instance if MySQL was started with --skip-innodb option. This bug was introduced in 3.71 with the support for InnoDB deadlock detection.
  • A bug in the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL startup script could on Linux have the result that Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was still reported as running if it had been killed or had crashed.


  • The number of builds for Linux has been increased to the double number of what it was before. In addition to the builds based on glibc version 2.3 we now distribute builds based on glibc 2.5. We had a few reports of random crashes (typically occurring up to a few times per week) occurring on recent 64 bit CentOS servers and in one case also a RHEL5. The glibc 2.5-based build fixes this. Although we only had such reports on 64 bit Linux of 'Red Hat Family' we also included 64 bit tar.gz for all Linux platforms and 32 bit RPM builds. The general advice on which build (glibc 2.3-based versus 2.5-based) should be used in every case would be that if glibc 2.5 or higher is available on the system you should use the 2.5-based build. Or simply use the one based on 2.5 if it installs and starts on your system. Upgrading users that are in doubt can continue with 2.3 - based builds if they have no stability issues.

Fixed Issues:

  • When Monyog SQL DM for MySQL encountered an SSH error while trying to read a file using SFTP it could crash. This has been fixed.
  • Redundant "Server Restarted" alerts concerning monitored Linux systems could be sent by MonyogSQL DM for MySQL. Now Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will notify users only once when a system is restarted, and alert will be sent as soon as Monyog SQL DM for MySQL detects it.
  • When restarting Monyog SQL DM for MySQL an error message could be written to the log indicating that an ALTER TABLE SQLite query failed to execute. Technically, it was an issue with a Schema version table in the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL database.

3.71 SQL DM for MySQL (February 2010)


  • Added a monitor for InnoDB deadlocks (as exposed by SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS - statement).
  • In case of a program crash on Linux, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will save a core dump like the Windows version already does. The dump is saved in .../MONyog/bin folder.


3.7 SQL DM for MySQL (February 2010)

New Features:

  • The Monyog SQL DM for MySQL 'admin' user can now create other users having access to a subset of available servers only. For those non-admin users access to edit server settings, to KILL queries and to execute FLUSH STATUS is optional. Also note that only 'admin' is allowed to create/delete server and user registrations.
  • Monitors/Advisors page can now be exported as CSV.
  • Some counters in Monitors/Advisors page were rearranged. Details about this:

    1. "Security" and "Excessive Privileges" groups have been moved to the top.

    2. "Table Cache" and "Table Locks" have been merged to a single group "Table Cache & Locks".

    3. "Thread Cache" and "Slow Launch Threads" have been combined to a single group named "Threads".
    4. "Commands" and "Schema Changes" have been merged to a single group "Commands & Schema Changes".
    5. Counters in "Network Traffic" have been moved to "Connection History".
    6. Counters in "Sort Buffers" have been moved to "Misc.".


  • FLUSH STATUS was not working for servers having space(s) in their names.
  • Warning also displayed when global notifications are disabled.
  • Duplicate 'Server restarted' messages were sometimes sent when Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is restarted.


  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is now available in three different editions: Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate (full-featured).
