Versions Compared


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  • License: SQL DM for MySQL ships with 1 year of free upgrades. After that you will be offered an upgrade with discount. Our website will always tell tells the terms and conditions. Also our website has a Portal for registered users from where you can download free upgrades and purchase upgrades after the expiry of the free upgrade period.
  • Technical: The automatic installers (the Windows version and the RPM build for Redhat type Linux) handles everything automatically. The gz-compressed build for other Linux's will required requires that you run execute a few installation scripts from a command shell. We constantly improve and simplify this. After extracting the tar.gz package, you will get a file called README. Please refer to that file for details.
  • Need to monitor more servers: You can upgrade anytime upgrade your SQL DM for MySQL installation from monitoring a certain number of servers to a higher numbers by opening the License Manager and enter a new license key. If you need this please first contact us through our ticket system. We will consider the value of your existing license and compensate you (details will depend on what license you have and what you need and how old your existing license is).


Don't Do not forget to backup whatever JavaScript you have edited, as they will be get overwritten when you upgrade. You can take a back-up of Counters.def and Udo.def located inside SQL DM for MySQL folder: MONyog for this. Alternatively, you can directly upgrade, after . After upgrade you will get your JS changes as a conflict in SQL DM for MySQL UI, you can resolve those and keep your changes.


Data folder: The connection configuration and collected data are kept here. There will be You can find directories named like 0001, 0002, 0003, etc.


If you have extracted SQL DM for MySQL package in a directory called MONyog the data stored will be is in:

Data folder: The connection configuration and collected data are kept here. There will be You can find directories named like 0001, 0002, 0003, etc.


The data folder specified above is the default settings only. You can store in any position on any mapped/mounted drive that is writeablewritable.



9. How does SQL DM for MySQL store its data?


10. Can I move a SQL DM for MySQL installation to another computer while keeping the data stored in SQL DM for MySQL database?

Yes, this is quite simple actually. Just install SQL DM for MySQL on the 2nd machine. After install, stop the running MONyog(SQL DM for MySQL) service and copy the ..\MONyog\Data folder from the old installation. You may also copy the MONyog.log if you want. All the connection configuration and the data will be is located in 'data' directory. The error log is MONyog.log and setting settings are stored in 'MONyog.ini' and 'preferences.config'. If you have made any changes to monitors they will be are stored in 'Counters.def' and for CSO's in 'udo.def'. Copy all of them from your old installation onto new PC. After that start the service again.


11. Can SQL DM for MySQL be configured as a virtual host in my 'ordinary' Apache webserver?

Yes... , at least with Apache this is possible. In your Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) add something like this (where 'ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4' is the IP address you reserve for SQL DM for MySQL).

Code Block
 <VirtualHost *:80> 
       Redirect permanent /
   NameVirtualHost *:443 
   <VirtualHost *:443> 
       ProxyPreserveHost On 
       ProxyPass /<MONyog-Port>/ 
       ProxyPassReverse /<MONyog-Port>/ 
       SSLEngine On 
       SSLCertificateFile <path-to-ssl-certificate.crt> 
       SSLCertificateKeyFile <path-to-ssl-key.key> 



















Apache server:

Code Block
/usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect=1

After changing the configuration, restart the apache Apache server.




We can also access SQL DM for MySQL using Apache proxy. You need to follow these simple steps to configure your Apache server to support proxy.

Here, we will can setup Proxy in system A and we assume that SQL DM for MySQL is installed in system B, now you can access SQL DM for MySQL using, "http:///monyog/".


You can also access SQL DM for MySQL using nginx proxy. You need to follow these simple steps to configure your nginx server to support proxy. Here, we will can setup Proxy in system A and we assume that SQL DM for MySQL is installed in system B, now you can access SQL DM for MySQL both over HTTP("http://") and HTTPS("https://").


  1. Create a directory

    Code Block
    mkdir sslcert

    Now protect the directory,

    Code Block
    chmod 0700 sslcert
  2. Create two subdirectoriessub-directories

    Code Block
    mkdir certs private
  3. Create a database to keep track of each certificate

    Code Block
    echo '100001' >serial
    touch certindex.txt
  4. Create a custom config file for OpenSSL to use similar to openssl.cnf in your /etc/pki/tls folder.

    Code Block
         dir = .
            [ ca ]
            default_ca = CA_default
            [ CA_default ]
            serial = $dir/serial
            database = $dir/certindex.txt
            new_certs_dir = $dir/certs
            certificate = $dir/cacert.pem
            private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem
            default_days = 365
            default_md = md5
            preserve = no
            email_in_dn = no
            nameopt = default_ca
            certopt = default_ca
            policy = policy_match
            [ policy_match ]
            countryName = match
            stateOrProvinceName = match
            organizationName = match
            organizationalUnitName = optional
            commonName = supplied
            emailAddress = optional
            [ req ]
            default_bits = 1024 # Size of keys
            default_keyfile = key.pem # name of generated keys
            default_md = md5 # message digest algorithm
            string_mask = nombstr # permitted characters
            distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
            req_extensions = v3_req
            [ req_distinguished_name ]
            0.organizationName = Organization Name (company)
            organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (department, division)
            emailAddress = Email Address
            emailAddress_max = 40
            localityName = Locality Name (city, district)
            stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
            countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
            countryName_min = 2
            countryName_max = 2
            commonName = Common Name (hostname, IP, or your name)
            commonName_max = 64
            0.organizationName_default = My Company
            localityName_default = My Town
            stateOrProvinceName_default = State or Providence
            countryName_default = US
            [ v3_ca ]
            basicConstraints = CA:TRUE
            subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
            authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always
            [ v3_req ]
            basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
            subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
  5. Create a root certificate. All other certificates you create will be based of this. Since this is not a commercial certificate software may complain when they use your certificates. You may give people the "public" certifcate certificate and your certifcate will work certificate works like the commercial ones when they import it. To create, while in the 'sslcert' directory type:

    Code Block
    openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca
    -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 365 -config ./openssl.cnf

    You will be prompted for information and a password. Do not lose this password, make sure it is a secure one and back-up the two files that are created.

    The two files that are created are cacert.pem, which is the one you can give to others for import in their browsers, and cakey.pem, which will be in the private directory.

  6. Create a key and signing request

    Code Block
    openssl req -new -nodes -out name-req.pem
    -keyout private/name-key.pem -config ./openssl.cnf

    You will be prompted for information. The critical part is the "Common Name". This must be the server's hostname, such as mail.your.domain or the IP address. If you want to cover all subdomains you can enter *.your.domain. Use the "Organizational Unit" to remind you what the certificate is for, such as "Web Server". This will generate generates two files:

    • name-req.pem - the request

    • name-key.pem - the private key in the private directory

  7. Sign the request. This will generate generates the certificate,:

    Code Block
    openssl ca -out name-cert.pem -config
    ./openssl.cnf -infiles name-req.pem

    You will be prompted for the password used when creating the root certificate. Two files are created:

    • <number.pem> - a copy of it in the certs directory 
    • name-cert.pem - which is the certificate

  8. Copy to the correct location For apache Apache 2.x on Red Hat using the default location, the directory is:

    1. For the name-key.pem: 

      Code Block
      name-key.pem /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/
    2. For the certificate:

      Code Block
      name-cert.pem /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/
  9. Create a Virtual Host

    Code Block
    <VirtualHost ip-system-A>:443> DocumentRoot /var/www/html
         ServerName myserver
         ErrorLog /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_error_log
         TransferLog /etc/httpd/logs/ssl_access_log
         SSLEngine On
         SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/name-cert.pem
         SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/name-key.pem
  10. Configure proxy in Apache described in FAQ 13 and restart Apache.

    Edit the Hosts file [/etc/hosts]

    Code Block
    <ip-system-A> myserver


They have similarities (in which they both differ from server-side scripts used for monitoring): they both make use of a HTTP service, a database and both use a web-browser for reporting. Important However, important differences are however,:

  • SQL DM for MySQL is distributed with a perpetual license and is not bundled with anything else. But other MySQL Monitoring Tools are available only as part of a larger support package with periodical license terms.
  • SQL DM for MySQL needs no installation (of 'agents') on the server where the MySQL servers are running. Other does.
  • SQL DM for MySQL 'has everything in itself' - the webserver, the database, the MySQL client. It does not depend on the existence of other webservers, runtimes/Virtual Machines (like JAVA) and needs no separate database install. Other monitoring tools requires a full JDK (java), a TOMCAT server and a MySQL server instance for itself. Due to this simplified architecture install, configuration and first of all maintenance and upgrade is much simpler with SQL DM for MySQL. Download packages and disk storage required are much smaller with SQL DM for MySQL.


SQL DM for MySQL is developed by the Webyog Softworks that also created the most popular GUI for data management with the MySQL server - SQLyog Enterprise. We have more than 10 years of experience with designing MySQL related software. We have expanded our team with highly qualified developers ever since we started. We are devoted to constantly extending our knowledge and understanding of MySQL internals. What more would you expect? 



17. How does SQL DM for MySQL connect to MySQL?


18. Windows warns after installation that SQL DM for MySQL may not have installed properly.

This may can happen on some versions of Windows (Vista and higher) if you install a recent version of SQL DM for MySQL on top of an older version. The reason for this is that recent versions of Windows include a software called "Program Compatibility Assistant" (PCA) which tries to detect if an installer is running. It warns the user that the software might not have been correctly installed if the installer does not register a new uninstaller. The PCA is unable to detect changes made to an existing, registered uninstaller, which is what the new SQL DM for MySQL installers do. And thus, the warning is displayed. You can safely ignore this warning, but if it bothers you, you may just uninstall SQL DM for MySQL before upgrading to 3.5+. All collected data in the SQL DM for MySQL's data folder will is still be available after reinstall. However, you should -:

  • Backup the file before uninstalling
  • Restore the old after the new install. After a restart, SQL DM for MySQL will recognize recognizes the connection settings in the old


Please go through Error when trying to connect to MySQL. The same as here applies to SQL DM for MySQL as the client code is exactly the same in both programs. Observe however that everything related to HTTP-tunneling with SQLyog is not relevant for SQL DM for MySQL.


Ensure that the host specified resolves to an IP-adressaddress. This error occurs with some Linux distributions (most important Debian) when specifying 'lcoalhostlocalhost'. The system will map maps this to a Unix SOCKET file. SQL DM for MySQL connects through TCP and not to SOCKET. Try the ip IP '' instead.




You may have noticed that, while using the PROCESSLIST-based sniffer, SQL DM for MySQL increases the load on the CPU as well as the I/O subsystem of the system on which it is installed - even when the MySQL server is idle. Don't Do not panic: it 's is normal. When using the PROCESSLIST-based sniffer, SQL DM for MySQL continually queries the MySQL server at the end of each time interval, which you can be specified by youspecify. It then retrieves the results and stores them in an internal sniffer database before displaying the results back to you. Now, if you set a very short time interval, one that almost approaches 0, then in actuality SQL DM for MySQL will almost be can get stuck in an infinite loop! Consequently, the load on the CPU and I/O subsystem will increase increases exponentially. We generally recommend an interval of not more than 0.1sec 1 seconds times the number of servers for which Processlist-based sniffers are enabled. However, if you 're are worried that you may miss out on some important queries running on the MySQL server, use the Performance Schem or MySQL Proxy mode. The LUA script supplied with SQL DM for MySQL should handle the task for MySQL proxy. For more information on using MySQL Proxy with SQL DM for MySQL, click here.
