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titleI have an account with Yahoo. Can I use SQLYog

I have an account with Yahoo. Can I use SQLyog…

Yes. But several users have had problems getting connection parameters right. Here is what Yahoo say themselves:

Why can't I access my database?

First, make sure that you are using the hostname "mysql" and not "localhost" in any of your PHP or Perl configuration files that require a MySQL hostname.

You will need to use HTTP Tunneling. First upload SQLyogTunnel.php (available with the SQLyog installer). Put the correct URL in the HTTP Tunneling field and use the same credentials as you use in your PHP pages. The Hostname should be "mysql" (case-sensitive).

titleError Nº 1130

I get error 1130 "Host is not allowed to connect ..." or "Access denied ..." or "Could not connect ..."

Error 1130 is a networking error. The server cannot resolve the hostname of the client. Or the host is not allowed to connect to the MySQL server.

There are basically 2 categories of possible reasons:

  • The simple one:

In MySQL a user a user is specified using BOTH the user name and the host from where the user may connect. If no user has been created where the host-part (using wildcards or not) mathces the host of the client trying to connect MySQL returns this error.

  • Specific for MySQL 5.7:

When upgrading to MySQL 5.7.3 from a previous version this may occur due to changes to the user table introduced in 5.7.3. There is a good blog about it,

aliasUpgrade and Resolving ERROR 1130 Host ‘localhost’ is Not Allowed to Connect

  • The tricky ones:
  1. Your hosts file is damaged or invalid. Various vira and spyware attack and alter the host file in various ways. For instance if the hosts file does not contain the line localhost

    'Localhost' can not be resolved as pointing to ip On some larger corporate network it is widely used to "roll out" host files to all clients with symbolic names (like 'mysqlserver', 'mailserver' etc.) for important machines on the network and the corresponding IP's. Check with your admin that you got the right file!

  2. If you use the Windows network name as hostname, it may be a network configuration problem. Try using the ip instead.

  3. On Unix/Linux systems the hosts files sometimes reads

  4. Is a variation of number 3. With a complex server setup (involving more IP's, domains, subdomains and/or virtual hosts) a similar issue can occur.

    In this situation HTTP-tunneling will normally work for all users, but often/sometimes direct connection and SSH will not work with the 'root' user - everything depending on the server configuration. Try another and 'ordinary' user account. You may mirror the privileges of 'root' to a 'superadmin' user. localhost.localdomain

    This causes a problem with MySQL. MySQL docs at

    aliasAccess Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification

    A Host value may be a hostname or an IP number, or 'localhost' to indicate the local host.

    No mention of 'localhost.localdomain'. This means that MySQL cannot resolve that 'automatically'! This can affect SQLyog when tunneling and SJA for Linux. Workarounds for this include:

    I: A workaround that has worked is to give the user access from 'localhost.%'

    II: You can add localhost to ip in host file like
    a. Make sure your '/etc/hosts' file reads as follows: localhost //localhost *MUST* be first (notice separate entries) localhost.localdomain . . .
    b. Make sure you reference the local server in the SJA.XML file as: or localhost.localdomain
    This is known to work in some situations where the MySQL configuration file contains:
    bind-address =
    III: It has sometimes worked to add a 'dummy' ip to my.cnf like:
    bind-address =
    .. supposed that 10.10.10.x is also the ip of the local machine. Then you use this 'dummy ip' as the host specification when connecting with SQLyog and SJA.
    It seems to be something special for some DEBIAN distributions to use this 'bind-address' construction with MySQL. Solution II) and III) both are solutions that users have contributed at our Forums. Both situations involved DEBIAN.
    IV: You can try any host name that the host file maps to ip There might be several! Even a SAMBA NetBIOS alias might work!
    V: You can use the local ip (ie. or whatever) of the actual machine or a name server alias for this. But in this case normal TCP-connections must be enabled in MySQL configuration - that is 'skip-networking' must be disabled/commented out and no 'bind-address' may be there. Of course then an additional DNS lookup will have to take place for the connection to be established. This is of no practical importance.

    Finally you could test if this connection issue is the same with 'MySQL Administrator'. It uses the same client code (the C-API) and connects exactly as SQLyog and SJA do.


titleError Nº 2003

Error no. 2003: Cannot connect...

The error message: Error No. 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (or some other host)

Simply means that connection is not possible for one of the following (or similar) reasons:

  • There is no MySQL server running at the specified host
  • Connection to the MySQL server is not allowed using TCP-IP. Check the 'skip-networking' setting in the MySQL configuration file (my.ini on Windows, my.cnf on Unix/Linux). It shall be commented out like '#skip-networking'. If it is not commented out, then do it and restart the MySQL server for the change to take effect. SQLyog needs to connect using TCP-IP.
  • Some networking issue prevents connection. It could be a network malconfiguration or a firewall issue. We have experienced sometimes that some firewalls (ZoneAlarm in particular) is blocking TCP-IP connections even if it claims to be disabled. Most often it will help to uninstall and reinstall the firewall.
  • When trying to connect to a MySQL server at an ISP this error message often indicates that direct connection to MySQL has been blocked. You must then use HTTP-tunneling or SSH-tunneling to connect.
  • Also, you can find more relevant information in Error No. 1130 above. It describes some more special situations when connection to MySQL on Linux.
