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Grouping settings are relevant for displaying information in Insight. In Insight, the graphs in the AppTier area compare performance attributes of various entities for each AppTier. This can be useful in pinpointing problem areas. In cases where the information in the graphs is too granular, you can create a higher-level view of the graph by grouping entities together.

For example, examining a graph that shows SQL Server Login Names reveals that many users use the system. It is difficult to understand from the graph who actually uses the database for normal application purposes and who uses it for administrative or other purposes. It is even more difficult to understand the geographical or organizational distribution of system users.

An effective way to obtain such information is to group entities (Login Names in this example). By grouping login names into designated groups, you can obtain a higher-level understanding of system usage and performance.


You can view existing groups via the Grouping Settings dialog box.

To view existing groups1.   

  1. On the Settings menu, click Grouping.


  1. In the Grouping Settings dialog box, from the Technology list, select the technology for which you want to view existing groups. The values in the Group list change according to the selected technology.


  1. From the Group list, select the group whose definition you want to view. The group table populates with information on the selected group.

Adding a group

You can add a group via the Grouping Settings dialog box.

To add a group1.   

  1. On the Settings menu, click Grouping.


  1. In the Grouping Settings dialog box, select a technology and group.


  1. Click Add.


  1. In the Grouping Settings — Add dialog box, in the Group text box, type the name for the group you want to create.


  1. Select a value from the node list; the grouping can be defined on a single node or on all nodes.


  1. The filter button will retrieve the data from the selected node. If all nodes was selected, the operation will be performed on all nodes and the result will be a combination of all results.


  1. Click Filter to populate the Select list with items.
    To display a smaller, more focused set of items in the Select list, type a string expression that contains the character string common to all the values you want to add to the group, combined with wildcard characters, into the text box.
    For example: If you define a group of login names and you want to view a list of all the login names that start with “U,” you can type the string U% (or %) in the Filter box to display only login names that start with “U.” If a specific value does not appear in the list, use the Free text box to enter the value.


  1. Use the arrow buttons to move items to the list on the right.
  2. To delete an item from the right list, select it and click Remove.


  1. Click OK. A new group is added to the group list.

Editing a group

You can edit a group via the Group Settings dialog box.

To edit a group1.   

  1. On the Settings menu, click Grouping.


  1. In the Grouping Settings


  1. dialog box, select a technology and group.


  1. Click Edit.


  1. In the Grouping Settings — Edit dialog box, in the Group text box, edit those fields for the group that need to be changed.


  1. The filter button will retrieve the data from the selected node. If all nodes was selected, the operation will be performed on all nodes and the result will be a combination of all results.


  1. Click Filter to populate the Select list with items.
    To display a smaller, more focused set of items in the Select list, type a string expression that contains the character string common to all the values you want to add to the group, combined with wildcard characters, into the text box.
    For example: If you define a group of login names and you want to view a list of all the login names that start with “U,” you can type the string U% (or %) in the Filter box to display only login names that start with “U.” If a specific value does not appear in the list, use the Free text box to enter the value.


  1. Use the arrow buttons to move items to the list on the right.
  2. To delete an item from the right list, select it and click Remove.


  1. Click OK. An existing group is edited for the group list.

Deleting a group

You can delete a group via the Grouping Settings dialog box.

To delete a group1.   

  1. On the Settings menu, click Grouping.


  1. In the Grouping Settings dialog box, select a technology and group to remove.


  1. Click Delete.

Configuring hour groups

PMDB data is summarized into hourly-based time units. In large environments with a high volume of transactions, the PMDB can use a lot of disk space. To reduce disk space consumption, Precise automatically aggregates hourly data into daily, weekly, and monthly data. Aggregation saves space, but it eliminates the raw details of hourly performance data. To specify the hours for which you want data maintained, use the Hour Group option.

The Hour Group option divides the week into hour groups. The default groups are day, morning, night, and weekend. During the installation process, you can create your own hour groups or change the defaults to whatever is appropriate for your environment. For example, you could define a peak hour every day between 10 AM and 11 AM.

When you have declared the hour groups you want, you can further define which performance data is collected within each hour group.NOTE   


Changing the hour group settings does not apply to information already stored in the PMDB. The new information will only be used for calculations that are related to future information.

To configure hour groups1.   

  1. On the Configuration bar, click


  1. Hour Groups.


  1. In the Hour Group Settings dialog box, do one of the following tasks:


        1. Disable the use of hour groups by clearing the Use hour group definition for calculations check box.


        1. Disabling hour groups affects the baseline calculation. Old hour groups already stored in the PMDB remain enabled.


        1. Mark an hour or a sequential set of hours with the mouse. The Hour Group Settings - Edit dialog box opens with the day and time duration set. Select the preferred hour group from your organization's hour groups as listed in the table. Each group appears in a different color.


        1. Click Edit. The Hour Group Settings - Edit dialog box opens with no day or time duration set. Specify the day of the week and the time duration you want and select the preferred hour group from your organization’s hour groups, as listed in the table. Each group appears in a different color.


      1. To change the name of a group, click Rename and type the new name in the relevant table cell.


      1. For example, to change “Customized 4” to “Peak,” select the Customized 4 row, click Rename, and type Peak in the name text box on the table.


      1. Click OK.

      Configuring Alerts general settings

      The Alerts, issued by Alerts, are based on information collected by Insight agents, agents of Precise products, or Report Manager agents. For most of the metrics, Alerts enables you to launch the relevant Precise product without returning to the StartPoint screen.NOTE   


      In order to enable the Alerts settings screen, the user must have ADMIN.VIEW role permissions.

      To configure Alerts general settings1.   

      1. On the Settings menu, click Alerts General Settings.


      1. In the Alerts General Settings dialog box, select the appropriate tab.

      Setting alerts defaults on the General tab

      The alert defaults affect the view of the various tables and graphs in Alerts. You can set the alert defaults to fine-tune the view according to your preferences.

      The General tab includes the following parameters:•   

      • Display alert history over the last [hours]. This parameter affects all history table columns (in the Metric tab, Instances tab, and AppTiers table), maximum, minimum, and average counters (in the Current tab). You can set the history period up to 168 hours (week).
        After modifying this parameter you must restart the Alerts FocalPoint to apply the new setting.


      • Display only top n metrics or events. Sets the maximum number of Metrics or Events to display in the Metric viewer, Event viewer, and the Main Area of the Metric tab. Lowering the value improves the User Interface response time.

      To set alerts defaults on the General tab1.   

      1. Specify the display parameters.


      1. Click OK to save the parameters.

      Setting an Email server for actions on the Email tab

      The Email tab allows you to set an external email server, through which Alerts can send email actions to a specified address. The email actions are automatically triggered by alerts, after configuring email actions for a metric.

      The Email tab includes the following parameters:•   

      • Integrate Alerts with an email server. Select this option box to enable Alerts to send email actions.


      • Email server name or IP address. Set the mail server name or IP address. The mail server must be recognized by the network of the Precise installation.


      • Alerts email messages should be sent by. Set the address you want to appear in the sent by field in email actions.

      To set an Email server for actions on the Email tab1.   

      1. From the Email tab, check mark


      1. Integrate Alerts with an Email


      1. server.


      1. Specify the details regarding the Email server.

      Setting an SNMP server for actions on the SNMP tab

      The SNMP tab lets you set the details of an external SNMP manager that receives the metric status from Alerts through SNMP traps, and to configure a port through which you can perform SNMP Get commands. See “About setting Alerts SNMP connectivity” on page 176.

      The SNMP tab includes the following parameters:•   

      • Integrate Alerts with SNMP console. Select this option box to enable SNMP functionality.


      • Server name or IP address. Set the server name or IP address of the SNMP manager.


      • SNMP Trap Port. Set the SNMP Trap port of the SNMP manager.


      • SNMP Trap version. Set the SNMP Trap version of the SNMP manager.


      • SNMP Port.  Set the SNMP port of the Alerts FocalPoint server that listens to the SNMP requests.


      • SNMP Version. Set the SNMP version of the Alerts FocalPoint server that listens to the SNMP requests.

      To set an SNMP server for actions on the SNMP tab1.   

      1. From the SNMP tab, check mark


      1. Integrate Alerts with SNMP


      1. console.


      1. Specify the details of the SNMP console for receiving Alerts SNMP traps.

      Setting a MOM server for actions on the MOM tab


      Alerts copies the action settings from the source instance. Alerts provides the following action types when an alert is raised:•   

      • Email


      • Message Box


      • Program


      • SNMP


      • MOM

      See “About metric properties for Action settings” on page 170. See , “About setting Alerts SNMP connectivity” on page 176. See , and “About Alerts MOM connectivity” on page 182.
