Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table 9-7 verify section (inside web-collector)






Maximum allowed user agent (browser type) length. Records exceeding this value will be ignored (not loaded).

Units: bytes

Default: 256




Maximum allowed user defined 1 & 2 length. Records exceeding this value will be ignored (not loaded).

Units: bytes

Default: 256

Table 9-8 server-side section (inside verify, inside web-collector)






Maximum allowed server period (not including network period). Records exceeding this value will be ignored (not loaded).

Units: milliseconds

Default: 3600000 (1 hour)




Maximum allowed difference between current time and future record time. Records that have a later time the allowed will be ignored (not loaded).

Units: milliseconds

Default: 86400000 (1 day)




If true, records with no HTTP status are not ignored.

Default: true




If a record does not contain HTTP status and empty-http-status-allowed is set to true, sets the value to use for the HTTP status of that record.

Default: 0

min-http-status, max-http-



If fallback-http-status is not set (or set to 0) HTTP statuses outside this range cause the record to be ignored (not loaded).

Default: 0, 599




If true, records with no HTTP protocol are not ignored.

Default: true




If the length of the HTTP protocol of a record exceeds this value, the record will be ignored (not loaded).

Units: bytes

Default: 5




If this is set, only HTTP protocols in this list are allowed, other values will cause the record to be ignored (not loaded).

Default: none




If true, records with no HTTP method are not ignored.

Default: true




If a record does not contain HTTP method and empty-http-method-allowed is set to true, sets the value to use for the HTTP method of that record.

Default: GET




If this is set, only HTTP methods in this list are allowed, other values will cause the record to be ignored (not loaded).

Default: none

Table 9-9 client-side section (inside verify, inside web-collector)






Maximum allowed text period. Records exceeding this value will be ignored


(not loaded).

Units: milliseconds

Default: 900000 (15 minutes)




Maximum allowed rendering period. Records exceeding this value will be ignored (not loaded).

Units: milliseconds

Default: 900000 (15 minutes)

The entries below are similar for 4 sections (with one exception*):

Table 9-10 summed section (inside server-side, inside output, inside web-collector) raw section (inside server-side, inside output, inside web-collector), summed section (inside client-side, inside output, inside web-collector), raw section (inside client -side, inside output, inside web-collector)






Maximum files allowed in the output directory. After exceeding this value, no more files will not be written.

Default: 1440




Maximum records allowed in 1 output file. After exceeding this value, a new file will be created.

Default: 10000




Maximum time to have 1 file open.

Units: milliseconds



 Default for summed: 900000 (15 minutes)

*Default for raw: 60000 (1 minute)




Set the maximum for file size.

Units: bytes

Default: 10485760 (10MB)

Table 9-11 server-side section (inside tac, inside smartlink, inside web-collector)
, client-side section (inside tac, inside smartlink, inside web-collector)






Maximum files allowed in the output directory. After exceeding this value, no more files will not be written.

Default: 1440




Maximum records allowed in 1 output file. After exceeding this value, a new file will be created.

Default: 10000




Set the maximum for file size.

Units: bytes

Default: 10485760 (10MB)

Table 9-12 server-side section (inside input, inside web-collector)
, client-side section (inside input, inside web-collector)






When set to true, input raw files are deleted after being processed.

Default: true




Maximum number of error files to move to the errors directory when errors occur on files.

Default: 10

Table 9-13 statistics section (inside ivp, inside web-collector)




When set to false, validation of the statistics component of the web collector are not performed in the verify action (in AdminPoint).

Default: true

Table 9-14 processing section (inside ivp, inside web-collector)





When set to false, validation of the core web collector are not performed in the verify action (in AdminPoint).

Default: true




When client/server correlation is enabled, the web collector warns - in the verify action (in AdminPoint) – that server records were received but no client records did. This number sets the threshold for this warning.

Default: 1000




When client/server correlation is enabled, the web collector warns - in the verify action (in AdminPoint) – that client records were received but no server records did. This number sets the threshold for this warning.

Default: 500




When server/network correlation is enabled, the web collector warns - in the verify action (in AdminPoint) – that server records were received but no network records did. This number sets the threshold for this warning.

Default: 1000




When server/network correlation is enabled, the web collector warns - in the verify action (in AdminPoint) – that network records were received but no server records did. This number sets the threshold for this warning.

Default: 1000

Table 9-15 web-collector section






Will be used by the web collector for communication with server and network agents. If this port is busy, any available port will be used.

Default: 20999

Table 9-16 summary section (inside web-collector)
Registry elements    Description
enabled    When set to false, summary processing is not performed by the web collector. This setting is meaningful only on the monitored server (and not on the FP machine where it is ignored). Setting this to false (along with client-server-correlation) sets the work mode to Basic Mode.
Default: true
Table 9-17 server-side section
Registry elements    Description
Enabled    When set to false, server-side collection is disabled. Default: true
client-server-correlation    When set to false, client/server correlation is disabled and in fact the instance will work in Basic Mode (this does not have meaning on the FP machine).
Default: true
server-network-correlation    When set to false, server/network correlation is disabled (this does not have meaning on the FP machine).
Default: true
filter-do-collector-settings    When set to false, collector settings activity (handling of URL parameters)
is done in the web collector instead of in the web filter. Default: true (processing done on filter)
filter-do-data-patterns    When set to false, data patterns processing is done in the web collector instead of in the web filter.
Default: true (processing done on filter)
filter-do-locations    When set to false, data locations processing is done in the web collector, instead of the web filter.
Default: true (processing done on filter)
Table 9-18 client-side section
Registry elements    Description
enabled    When set to false client-side collection is disabled
Default: true
Table 9-19 statistics section
Registry elements    Description
enabled    When set to false statistics collection is disabled
Default: true
max-files (in output section)    Maximum files allowed in the output directory. After exceeding this value, no more files will not be written.
Default: 2000
Table 9-20 processing section (inside web-collector)
Registry elements    Description
max-data-processor-threads    Maximum number of threads that will be invoked by the web collector to handle data.
Default: 50
write-dp-period-ms    The initial wait time of the serialization timer that serializes the current data to files.
Units: milliseconds
Default: 120000
write-dp-delay-ms    The cycle time of the serialization timer that serializes the current data to files.
Units: milliseconds
Default: 120000
Table 9-21 server-side section (inside processing, inside web-collector))
Registry elements    Description
input-queue-max-size    Set the maximum number of records in the input queue. After the queue reaches this size, we start dropping records. May be used to temporarily ease memory consumption.
Default: 15000
aging-period    Max time for server records to wait in memory for correlation (with both client & network records).
Units: milliseconds
Default: 90000 (1.5 minutes)
aging-period-when-using-client-collector    Max time for server records to wait in memory for correlation (with both client & network records) when this instance uses the client collector.
Units: milliseconds
Default: 30000 (30 seconds)
Table 9-22 client-side section (inside processing, inside web-collector)
Registry elements    Description
input-queue-max-size    Set the maximum number of records in the input queue. After the queue reaches this size, we start dropping records. May be used to temporarily ease memory consumption.
Default: 10000
aging-period    Max time for client records to wait in memory for correlation (with server records).
Units: milliseconds
Default: 90000 (1.5 minutes)
aging-period-when-using-client-collector    Max time for client records to wait in memory for correlation (with server records) when this instance uses the client collector.
Units: milliseconds
Default: 180000 (3 minutes)
max-text-period-before-fix    Max time in milliseconds for client records first byte time. If the first byte time exceeds the maximum, it will be fixed by taking the server + network time.
Default: 900000 milliseconds
Table 9-23 network section (inside processing, inside web-collector)
Registry elements    Description
input-queue-max-size    Set the maximum number of records in the input queue. After the queue reaches this size, we start dropping records. May be used to temporarily ease memory consumption.
Default: 15000
aging-period    Max time for network records to wait in memory for correlation (with server records).
Units: milliseconds
Default: 90000 (1.5 minutes)
Table 9-24 server-side section (inside filtering, inside web-collector)
Registry elements    Description
enabled    When set to false, server-side filtering is disabled
Default: true
reset-identifiers    A list of identifiers that will be reset in the filtering-summary process (when needed).
The identifiers will be reset, one by one, in the order they appear here until the top N limit is reached.
Valid values:
url, domain, userAgent, userDefined1, userDefined2, appUserName, clientIP, location,
city, state, country, siebelView, urlParams, protocol, httpMethod, sessionID
Default: httpMethod, userAgent, protocol
Table 9-25 client-side section (inside filtering, inside web-collector)
Registry elements    Description
enabled    When set to false, client-side filtering is disabled
Default: true
reset-identifiers    A list of identifiers that will be reset in the filtering-summary process (when needed).
The identifiers will be reset, one by one, in the order they appear here until the top N limit is reached.
Valid values:
url, domain, protocol, userAgent, userDefined1, userDefined2, appUserName, clientIP, location,
city, state, country, siebelView, title
host connectionType privateIP
Default: userAgent, protocol
FocalPoint registry
The following section describes the FocalPoint registry element.
The user-agent element consists of a set of definitions of user agents. A user agent is a device that may access a Web server. A typical user agent is a browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox. Other types of user agents are automatic HTTP traffic generators, like Precise Insight Inquire. The Precise for Web Collector agent, automatically collects the user agent of every request that it monitors. To extract a comprehensive user agent name and version from the user agent header of the request, the agent uses the definitions in the user-agents element. By default, the user-agent element contains a definition for most of the industry’s known Web servers, like Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla as well as the integrative Precise Insight Inquire traffic generator. However, you can add any number of user agents to the list, or change the definition of an existing user agent to adjust it to customers private needs or conventions. For example, the definition for the Netscape browser is:
<user-agent id="Netscape" display-string="Netscape version">
<search-string value="Netscape"/>
