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OverviewUsually the first view that is displayed. The Overview shows general properties of the entity that can be found in the Oracle data dictionary, such as DBA_OBJECTS, and DBA_TABLES, and also provides graphs that can assist you in analyzing changes in objects.
RAC DatabaseRAC allows multiple instances on different nodes to access a shared database on a cluster system. This allows multiple servers to share the load. The RAC Database view is only displayed for RAC instances.
StorageThis view displays current storage information for objects such as information on extents.

The changes displayed by this view are represented differently depending on whether they occurred on the instance level or on the table or index level, as follows:

  • Precise for Oracle FocalPoint periodically scans for changes in the instance that have been made to components, initialization parameters, redo log parameters, rollback segments, tablespaces, datafiles, and schemas. This can be valuable information when you are trying to determine why performance degradation has occurred. These changes are captured by the Collect Instance Definitions process. The scan typically occurs once a week (this interval can be configured in AdminPoint; see  see the Precise Administration Guide for details).
    At least two snapshots must have been captured before Precise for Oracle can detect whether a change has occurred—the first to establish the baseline and the second to calculate the differences.
  • Changes that occur on the table or instance level are captured in the same way as other changes but are represented in accordance with their equivalent DDL (for example, DROP INDEX or ALTER TABLE). These changes are captured by the Collect Schema Changes process. The scan typically occurs once a week (this interval can be configured in AdminPoint; see the Precise Administration Guide for details). This process is disabled by default.

The information displayed in the Changes view is not the same as an audit trail. Precise for Oracle only tells you that the change occurred somewhere between the two snapshots and does not tell you who or what was responsible for the change. If a change is made and then restored to its original value before the next sample, it will not be detected. Similarly, if a number of consecutive changes of the same type are made to an object between samples, only the overall change will be recorded.

StatisticsThis view displays statistics generated by the Oracle statistics collection mechanism (for example, distinct values for a column, or number of rows for a table). If you are using the COST or CHOOSE database optimizer modes, it is important that the statistics are accurate and up-to-date.


dictionaryDisplays Oracle data dictionary information that can be found in DBA_OBJECTS, DBA_TABLES, etc. This information is then generally displayed in the Overview in the Main area when the entity is selected.
StorageDisplays extent information similar to that found in DBA_SEGMENTS. This information is then generally displayed in the Storage view in the Main area when the entity is selected.
StatisticsDisplays some statistics generated by Oracle statistics collection mechanism (for example, distinct values for a column, or number of rows for a table). If you are using the COST or CHOOSE database optimizer modes, it is important that the statistics are accurate and up-to-date. You may want to sort by the Last Analyzed On date or use the Filter dialog to search for entities whose Last Analyzed On date is before a certain date.

Displays a breakdown of the different ways in which an object such as a table, index or column has been accessed within explain plans—for example the number of full table scans or index range scans. This information is only available for statements that have been explained. It can help you determine if your indexing strategy is working effectively. You may want to sort tables by the number of Full Scans or use the More feature to find tables that have been Accessed via Full Scan and have a large number of rows or blocks.

The Access columns are specific to a type of object but they all share a References column. This represents the total of all individual usages, and provides an overall view of the usage of a particular object.

See “About About Objects tab entities” on page 95 and “About entities and About Precise for Oracle tabs” on page 21tabs.

About the Tune Objects view


It is possible to associate from an instance to Active Objects and to the Users and Tablespaces defined in the instance, and to the Oracle Files that make up the instance. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the overview of instance-related objects


NameDisplays the name of the tablespace.
DatafilesDisplays the number of datafiles supporting the tablespace.
StatusDisplays the status of the tablespace—online, or offline.
ContentsIndicates whether the tablespace is Temporary or Permanent.
LoggingIndicates whether the tablespace has logging enabled.
Extent ManagementIndicates whether the tablespace is managed locally or by dictionary.
Allocation TypeSpecifies how Oracle manages extents within the Tablespace. Values are System , or Uniform.
Plugged inIndicates whether a transportable tablespace is available.


  • Dictionary tab. Displays general properties of the Tablespace.
  • Storage tab. Displays storage information related to the tablespace, including used and free space, and extent information.
  • Physical I/O tab. Displays a table of total I/O activity against the tablespace, over the selected time period. On this tab, the table contains the following columns:
    • File. The name of the file.
    • Physical I/O Operations. A bar graph showing the number of physical reads and writes.
    • Avg. Read REQ Time (Msec.).    Average read request time in milisecondsmilliseconds.
    • Avg. Write REQ Time (Msec.). Average write request time in milisecondsmilliseconds.

About the Table entity

The Table entity, in the Objects tab, displays general details, storage information, statistical information, and change-related information for the selected table.


Created onDisplays the date the table was created.
Last Modified onDisplays the date on which the table was last modified.
StatusDisplays the status of the table—whether it is valid, or invalid.
CacheIndicates whether the table is cached in the buffer cache.
DegreeSpecifies the degree of parallelism to be used when performing full table scans using parallel query.
PartitionedIndicates whether the table is partitioned.
NestedIndicates whether the table is nested.
TemporaryIndicates whether the table is temporary or permanent.
Index OrganizedIndicates whether the table is Index Organized.
clusterIndicates whether the table is clustered.
LoggingContains “Yes” "Yes" if logging is enabled for all operations or “NO” "NO" if minimal logging is enabled whenever applicable. For more information, see Oracle’s Oracle's documentation.

If the selected table is partitioned, some of these fields will not be displayed in Precise for Oracle, but they will be displayed in the table partition itself.


You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

The information in the Association area table is displayed on the following tabs:

  • Dictionary tab. Displays data dictionary information for the selected table.
  • Storage tab. Displays storage information for the selected table.
  • Statistics tab. Displays the statistics for the table, generated by the Oracle statistics collection mechanism.

About the Index and Unused Index entities


Created onDisplays the creation date of the index.
StatusDisplays the status of the index—indicates index. Indicates whether it is valid, or invalid.
TypeDisplays the type of index—Normal index, Normal or Bitmap.
UniqueIndicates whether the key values are unique.
PartitionedIndicates whether the index is partitioned.
TableDisplays the name of the table that the selected index is referring to.
OwnerDisplays the Oracle user that owns the index.
Distinct KeysDisplays the number of distinct values in the index.
Clustering Factor

Displays the clustering factor of the index.

The clustering factor is an important factor in determining how efficiently an index range scan will retrieve data from the table. It measures the degree to which the data in the index and its table are in the same order or, put another way, the probability that the next row to be fetched from the table is in the same block as the current row. It can vary between the number of blocks in the table (the best case because they are in the same order) and the number of rows in the table (the worst case because they are completely out of sync). The clustering factor tends to become worse over time as data is inserted and deleted. Note that the clustering factor makes no difference for a unique index lookup.

Leaf BlocksDisplays the number of blocks at the lowest index level.
B-LevelsDisplays the number of levels above the leaf blocks in the index (indicates the depth of the index).
Last Analyzed onDisplays the date when the index was last analyzed.


Created onDisplays the creation date of the index.
Last Modified onDisplays the date on which the index was last modified.
StatusDisplays the status of the index (valid or invalid).
TableDisplays the name of the table that the selected index is referring to.
OwnerDisplays the Oracle user that owns the index.
TypeDisplays the type of index—Normalindex, Normal or Bitmap.
UniqueIndicates whether the key values are unique.
PartitionedIndicates whether the index is partitioned.
CompressionIndicates whether the index has been defined with the COMPRESSES attribute.
LoggingIndicates whether updates to the index are logged.
ColumnsDisplays the number of columns in the index.


You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

The information in the Association area table is displayed on the following tabs:


The In Oracle view, in the Objects tab, displays an overtime graph of the In Oracle wait states. See “Wait States” on page 35 Wait States.

About the overall activity of a statement

The Overall Activity view, in the Objects tab, displays a graph that illustrates the statement's overall activity over the selected time period. See “Wait States” on page 35 See Wait States.

About the text of a statement


In general, if you prefer that a statement be referenced by a user-defined name in all tabs, rather than by a numeric identifier, you can save it to a particular cabinet or folder and assign a name to it. If required, you can also edit it later or add a tuning comment. See “Editing Editing the properties of a statement” on page 31 and “About statement and About Precise for Oracle tabs” on page 21tabs.

The following table describes how the information in the Workshop view is structured.


You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the Attribute entity


You can display additional entities by using the More. option.. option.

About the Cluster entity

The Cluster entity, in the Objects tab, displays information from the data dictionary (Overview and Storage view) and lists the schema changes that have been made to the cluster during the selected time period (Schema Changes view).


You can display additional entities by using the More option... option.

The information in the Association area table is displayed on the following tabs:


You can display additional entities by using the More option... option.

About the Index Partition and Index Sub-Partition entities


You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

The information in the Association area table is displayed on the following tabs:


You can associate an indextype in the Main area of the Objects tab with User Defined Types and PL/SQLs. You can display additional entities by using the More. option.. option.

About the LOB entity

When an LOB is displayed in the Main area of the Objects tab, the Overview provides general information from the data dictionary.


You can associate an LOB in the Main area of the Objects tab with the table that it belongs to. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

The information in the Association area is displayed on the Dictionary and Storage tabs. Both display information from the data dictionary.


You can associate a materialized view in the Main area of the Objects tab with its related tables, views, and nested materialized views. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

The information in the Association area is displayed on the Dictionary tab, which shows information from the data dictionary, and the Text tab, which shows the view's definition.


You can associate a method in the Main area of the Objects tab with its return type, that is, a user-defined type. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the Rollback entity


You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the Sequence entity


You can associate a sequence in the Main area of the Objects tab with PL/SQLs or other objects that use it, for example triggers and synonyms. You can display additional entities by using the More option... option.

About the Synonym entity

When a synonym is displayed in the Main area of the Objects tab, the Overview displays general information from the data dictionary.


You can associate a synonym in the Main area of the Objects tab with its referenced object. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the Table Partition and Table Sub-Partition entities


You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the Trigger entity


You can associate a trigger in the Main area of the Objects tab with the table or view that the trigger is defined for. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the User entity

When a user is displayed in the Main area of the Objects tab, the Overview displays general information from the data dictionary.


You can associate a user in the Main area of the Objects tab with the tables, indexes, or views owned by the user, or with the statements that the user has executed. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the User-Defined Type entity


You can associate a user-defined type in the Main area of the Objects tab with attributes of that type, its own attributes and methods, and the objects where it is declared. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

About the EMC Unit entity

This entity is only available, on the Objects tab, if you have installed Precise for Database & Storage. For more information on the supported platforms, see the Precise Installation Guideand Administration. For more information on the Storage Device entity, see “Storage Device entities” on page 123 Precise for Oracle Storage Device entities.

An EMC Unit is the highest level Symmetrix or Clariion entity and comprises the entire storage array. It contains devices, front-end directors, back-end directors and remote-directors. A unit may store data for many servers and applications. The EMC Unit entity displays configuration details and performance counters for units connected to the server that the currently selected instance is running on.


You can associate an EMC unit in the Main area of the Objects tab with the disk directors, front end directors, remote directors, and devices configured for the unit. You can display additional entities by using the More... option option.

How the Objects tab can help you identify performance problems


INIT.ORA parameters can help you when tuning a statement, object or instance in the Objects tab.

To examine INIT.ORA parameters
