Versions Compared


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For example, when you want to view information on a specific alert, choose Alerts from the Association controls. The Association area changes to display alert-related information. Note that the Tab heading and the Main area remain unchanged. In the Association area, click the row of the alert you want to view detailed information for. The Tab heading indicates the newly selected entity; the Main area displays information on the selected alert, and the Association area shows information, such as jobs executed as a result of the alert.

See “About About Precise for SQL Server tabs” on page 22tabs.

About examining Maintenance Tab Entities


  • Name. Name of the job that was changed.
  • Change Type. Type of change. The following types of changes are reported—Dropped, Created, Changed. Any change in a job's steps is reported as “Changed”"Changed," including Create and Drop.
  • Change Date. The estimated change date. The change is reported by the Precise for SQL Server schema change process, which runs, by default, once a day. In other words, the Change Date is actually the date the schema change process was executed (or the sample date).


  • Details. Displays the following job details:
    • Job. Displays the job name.
    • Category. Displays the category of the selected job. For example, a job can be categorized as “Database Maintenance”"Database Maintenance."
    • Enabled. Indicates whether the job is enabled or disabled.
    • Scheduled. Indicates if there is at least one schedule for the job.
    • Description. Displays the job description entered by the job's creator.
  • Last Run. Displays information related to the last execution of the job.
    The following information is displayed:
    • Date. Displays the date of the last run.
    • Last Duration. Displays the duration of the last run.
    • Status. Displays the status of the last run. Status can be one of the following: Failed, Succeeded, Retry, Canceled, In Progress.
    • Last Step Executed. Displays the last step executed during the last execution of the job.
  • In MS SQL graph. Displays the job's resource consumption over time, within the selected time frame.
  • Run history graph. Displays the number of job executions versus duration over the selected time period.


Indicates whether the job has been changed according to the Precise for SQL Server schema change process, which runs by default once a day.
JobDisplays the name of the job. Each row in the table indicates a different job.
DurationDisplays the total time that elapsed for the executions of the job, over the selected time period.
RunsDisplays the number of job executions carried out over the selected time period.
Job StatusDisplays the current status of the job (Executing Job Step, Waiting For Thread, Between Retries, Not Running, Suspended).
OwnerDisplays the job owner, which can be one of the logins defined in the instance.
CategoryDisplays the category to which the job belongs, for example, Uncategorized (Local), Database Maintenance, Replication.
EnabledIndicates whether the job is enabled or disabled.
ScheduledIndicates whether or not a job is scheduled (YES/NO).
WarningsShows the warnings defined for a job. For example, if no schedule was defined for a job the following message is displayed: "No schedules were defined for this job.".

The following table shows information on the job's last run.


  • Details   
    • Step Name. Displays the name of the step.
    • Step ID. Displays the step ID.
    • Job. Displays the name of the step's job.
    • Owner. Displays the owner of the step's job.
    • Category. Displays the category of the selected job step. For example, a job step can be categorized as “Database Maintenance”"Database Maintenance."
    • Type. Displays the name of the subsystem used by SQL Server Agent to execute the job step (for example, TSQL, and Replication Distributor.).
    • Sample Date. The estimated last change date of one of the job step details. The change is reported by the Precise for SQL Server Schema Change Process, which runs, by default, once a day. In other words, the Sample Date is actually the date the schema change process was executed.
  • Action. Displays configuration information regarding step execution.
    • On Success. Action to perform when the execution of the step succeeds. For example, Go to next step.
    • On Fail. Action to perform when the execution of the step fails. For example, Quit the job when a failure is detected.
    • Retry. Number of retry attempts to perform if the step fails.
    • Retry Intervals. Amount of time to wait between retry attempts.
  • Last run. Displays information on the last execution of the Job Step.
    • Date. Date of the last run.
    • Duration. The duration of the last run.
    • Status. Displays the status of the last run. Status can be one of the following: Failed, Succeeded, Retry, Canceled, In Progress.
    • Message. Displays an SQL Server error, if the job step finished with an error, in addition to information on the step run, such as under which user the step was executed. (Note: if the text in the Message field is cut off, hold the cursor over the Message to view the rest of the text.)
  • In MS-SQL graph. Displays resource consumption for the job step over a specified time frame.
  • Run history graph. Displays the number of job executions versus duration, over the selected time period.


  • Details
    • Step Name. Displays the step name.
    • Step ID. Displays the step ID.
    • Job. The name of the step's job.
    • Owner. The owner of the step's job.
    • Category. Displays the category of the selected job run. For example, a job run can be categorized as “Database Maintenance”"Database Maintenance."
    • Type. The name of the subsystem used by SQL Server Agent to execute the job step. For example: TSQL, and Replication Distributor.


  • Action. Activity performed by the selected maintenance plan. For example, Backup database, and Verify Backup.
  • Start Time. Displays the date and time the action started.
  • End Time. Displays the date and time the action ended.
  • Duration. The amount of time that elapsed time during the execution of the action.
  • Status. Status of the action (Failed, Succeeded).
  • Message. Displays a message regarding the action. For example, the message displayed for the “Backup database" action is: "Backup Destination [path].".


    If the text in the Message field is cut off, hold the cursor over the Message to view the rest of the text.

  • Error Number. Displays the error number that is reported if the action failed.


The Performance view displays the total duration of the jobs that ere executed by the DB maintenance plan, during the selected time period.

See “Focusing Focusing on information in overtime graphs” on page 32graphs.

About the Database Maintenance Plan entity Association area


  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.
  2. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.
  3. On the Association controls, in the Association area, click Jobs.
  4. On the Last Run tab, drill down to the job you want to analyze.
  5. On the View controls in the Main area, click Overview.
  6. View the steps chain and the status and duration of each step.

Monitoring the occurrences of alerts
