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The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQSE_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQSE_TIMESTAMPDate and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT. On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQSE_PWHG_ID should be used.
SQSE_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQSE_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQSE_PROGRAM_IDID of the application program, normalized in table PW_SQPN_PROGRAM_NAMES_N.
SQSE_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.


The name used to log in to the database.

In case of Windows Authentication mode, it contains the domain and the Windows NT user name, normalized in table PW_SQLN_LOGIN_NAMES_N.

SQSE_MACHINE_IDThe ID of the client workstation, normalized in table PW_SQMN_MACHINE_NAMES_N.
SQSE_WORK_TYPEType of session, such as batch, dialog, queue. Used only in ERP components.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER1_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE1_ERP_IDENTIFIERS1_N.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER2_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE2_ERP_IDENTIFIERS2_N.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER3_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE3_ERP_IDENTIFIERS3_N.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER4_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE4_ERP_IDENTIFIERS4_N.
SQSE_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQSE_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement.
SQSE_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQSE_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch in its collapsed form.
SQSE_TOTAL_INMSSQL_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQSE_TOTAL_DURATION_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server spent executing this statement.
SQSE_REQUEST_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client to issue a statement.
SQSE_CPU_SUMAmount of time the process was actively executing a statement.
SQSE_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQSE_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQSE_REMOTE_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for a remote query to terminate.
SQSE_LOG_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an operation on the log file to terminate. This state is generally encountered during a COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation.
SQSE_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an internal resource to be freed.
SQSE_NET_IO_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client process to acknowledge data sent to it.
SQSE_PARALLEL_EXCHANGE_SUMAmount of time the thread in a parallel session is waiting for data exchange from another thread.
SQSE_NUM_ENDED_EXECUTIONS_SUMNumber of statement executions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQSE_NUM_EXECUTIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of statement executions, which were still running at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQSE_STAT_CPU_SUMStatistics summing the amount of the process’s read memory usage.
SQSE_STAT_PHYSICAL_IO_SUMNumber of physical disk reads and writes for the process.
SQSE_STAT_MEM_USAGE_MAXNumber of pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process.
SQSE_STAT_OPEN_TRANS_MAXNumber of transaction the process opened.
SQSE_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MINMinimum number of sessions executing this statement in parallel.
SQSE_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MAXMaximum number of sessions executing this statement in parallel.
SQSE_LOCK_ROW_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a row.
SQSE_LOCK_KEY_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on an index key or an index key range.
SQSE_LOCK_PAGE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table or index page.
SQSE_LOCK_TABLE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table.
SQSE_COMPILE_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a compiled plan for a stored procedure.
SQSE_SLA_RED_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSE_SLA_YELLOW_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSE_SLA_GREEN_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, was below Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.


RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQSE_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQSE_START_BIT_IDFor future use.
SQSE_CLR_WAIT_SUMGroups all the CLR-related waits.
SQSE_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMGroups all the waits from Internal groups.
SQSE_NET_IO_WAIT_SUMGroups all I/O related wait types.
SQSE_TEMP_DB_WAIT_SUMGroups I/O / Latch on TempDB pages.
SQSE_IDLE_WAIT_SUMThis group includes the events indicating that a session is waiting for something other than a user request.
SQSE_INTRNL_BP_WAIT_SUMThis state groups the events, which all mean contention on pages in the buffer pool.
SQSE_INTRNL_LATCH_WAIT_SUMThis group includes all Latch related wait types.
SQSE_INTRNL_PARALLEL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for one of its sub-threads to complete its operation.
SQSE_INTRNL_DTC_WAIT_SUMAggregates waits that occur when Distributed Transaction Coordinator sessions are waiting for one another.
SQSE_INTRNL_DBMIRROR_WAIT_SUMAggregates a couple of new waits that occur when DB Mirroring is used.
SQSE_INTRNL_PROFILER_WAIT_SUMAggregates a number of states associated with the Profiler.
SQSE_INTRNL_MEMORY_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types, all of which mean that a session is waiting for memory to be allocated to it.
SQSE_INTRNL_BACKUP_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types commonly occurring when a session is doing a BACKUP command.
SQSE_INTRNL_OTHER_WAIT_SUMThis aggregates all the waits that do not match into any of the Precise for MS-SQL Server states.
SQSE_NUM_OF_ENDED_SESSIONS_SUMNumber of sessions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQSE_NUM_OF_SESSIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of sessions, which were still open at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQSE_LOCK_MD_STAT_SUMAggregates lock waits of the MetaData Statistics type.
SQSE_LOCK_MD_PART_SUMAggregates lock waits of the MetaData Partition Function type.
SQSE_LOCK_MD_OTHER_SUMAggregates lock waits of other MetaData types.
SQSE_PC_RECOMPILATIONS_SUMNumber of times this plan has been recompiled while it has remained in the cache.
SQSE_PC_CACHE_EVICTIONS_SUMNumber of times the plan has been evicted from the cache.
SQSE_PC_EXECUTION_COUNT_SUMNumber of times that the plan has been executed.
SQSE_PC_TOTAL_WORKER_TIME_SUMAmount of CPU time that was consumed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_PHYSICAL_READS_SUMNumber of physical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_LOGICAL_READS_SUMNumber of logical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_LOGICAL_WRITES_SUMNumber of logical writes performed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_CLR_TIME_SUMTime consumed inside CLR objects by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_ELAPSED_TIME_SUMTotal elapsed time for completed executions of this plan.

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