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SQL Safe provides you with CLI commands to help you manually restore a database.

To restore a database use the following commands:
  • SQLsafeCmd Restore <db_name> <backup_archive> [options]
  • SQLsafeCmd Restore <db_name> <point_in_time> [options]
  • SQLsafeCmd Restore <db_name> TSM [options]

<db_name>Name of the database.
<backup_archive>Path to the backup archive.


Date/Time {"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"} to restore to.


Use Tivoli Storage Manager (see below for special options).

Common Options

The following options help you perform restore operations:

-BackupSet <index><index> - the index of the backup set within the backup archive. (1-based).
-DisconnectUsersDisconnects all users from the target database before the restore operation begins.
-EncryptedRestorePassword <pwd><pwd> - the encrypted password used to decrypt the backup.
-InstanceName <name>

<name> - SQL server instance name.

Note: it is not required if the instance is set as a default on the target server.

-Move <logical_filename> <target_filename>

To move the database logical database file to the physical target file.

<logical_filename> - the database logical database file.

<target_filename> - the physical target file.

Corresponds to the WITH MOVE option in the RESTORE DATABASE T/SQL command.

-Password <pwd><pwd> - the non-encrypted password used to encrypt the backup.
-Server <hostname>

<hostname> - the hostname of server hosting the SQL Server where the operation should be performed.

Note: this option is required for accessing remote or clustered SQL Servers (where applicable).

-ReplaceOverrides database if exists.

Security Options

Secure your restore operations with the following options:

-NoPrompt  Never prompt for credentials even if necessary.
-SecurityModel <model>

The security model used to log into SQL Server.

<model> - {Integrated, SQL}.

Note: Integrated (Windows authentication) is the default.

-SqlUsername <username><username> - the SQL Server username. (SQL SecurityModel).
-SqlPassword <pwd><pwd> - the SQL Server password. (SQL SecurityModel).
-EncryptedSqlPassword <pwd><pwd> - the encrypted SQL Server password generated by EncryptSqlPassword action. (SQLSecurityModel).
-WindowsUsername <domain\user><domain\user> - the Windows user that will be used to read/write the backup archive.
-WindowsPassword <pwd><pwd> - the password for the Windows user.
-EncryptedWindowsPassword <pwd><pwd> - the encrypted password for the Windows user generated by EncryptWindowsPassword action. 

Advanced Options

The following advanced options help you perform restore operations:

-ArgsFile <filename>

The path to a file containing command-line arguments.

<filename> - specifies the file that contains the command line arguments.

-BackupFile <filename>

Specifies additional backup archive files to be used for striping backups.

<filename> - specifies the backup archive files.

 Note: use once for each additional stripe.


Instructs SQL Server to continue the operation despite encountering errors such as invalid checksums.

Note: for SQL 2005 and later only.


For backup, includes the database logins in the backup file.

For restore, creates the logins from the backup file on the destination server.


Preserves replication settings when restoring a published database to a server other than that on which it was created.

-MailTo <email_address>

<email_address> - an email address(es) to send the notification via SMTP.

Note: multiple addresses may be separated by spaces, semicolons, or commas.


Prevents status messages from being cached or sent to the Repository.

-RecoveryMode <mode> [-UndoFile <filename>]

Specifies the mode in which to leave the database after the operation is completed.

<mode> - {NoRecovery, Standby}.

Note: for Standby mode an undo file may be specified with the -UndoFile option.

-UndoFile <filename>

<filename> - specifies the ABSOLUTE path to the undo filename.

Note: for Standby recovery mode only.

-RetryReads <interval> <retry_time> <total_time>

On a network file error, retry every <interval> seconds for up to <retry_time> seconds. Total retry time allowed is <total_time> minutes.

-StopAt <datetime>

Specifies the database to be restored to the state it was in as of the specified date and time.

<datetime> - {"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"}.

 Note: for Log BackupType only.

-StopAtMark <mark> [-After <datetime>]

Specifies recovery to the specified <mark>, including the transaction that contains the <mark>.

Note: for Log BackupType only.

-StopBeforeMark <mark> [-After <datetime>]

Specifies recovery to the specified <mark> but does not include the transaction that contains the <mark>.

Note: for Log BackupType only.

-After <datetime>

Recovery stops at the first <mark> having the specified name exactly at or after <datetime>.

Note: only valid with -StopAtMark/-StopBeforeMark options.

For Log BackupType only.

Tivoli Storage Manager Options

There are TSM options for your restore operations:

-TsmClientOwnerName <name><name> - the client owner name.
-TsmClientOwnerPassword <pwd><pwd> - the client owner password.
-EncryptedTsmClientOwnerPassword <pwd><pwd> - the encrypted TSM client owner password.
-TsmConfigFile <filename><filename> - the configuration file location.
-TsmHighLevel <name><name> - the high level file specification (path).
-TsmLowLevel <name><name> - the low level file specification (file name).
-TsmTcpServerAddress <address><address> - the TCP/IP address for the TSM server.
-TsmTcpPort <port><port> - the TCP/IP port address for the TSM server.
-TsmId <object_id>

<object_id> - The TSM object id.

Note: if the object id is provided, high level and low level are not needed.

For detailed descriptions and available options, see the CLI Help (SQLsafecmd SQLsafeCmd help restoreRestore).


SQL Safe is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for your SQL Servers. Learn more
