Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Status - displays the status (online, restoring, recovering, recovery pending, suspect, emergency, offline, server offline, creating content map, creating, created failed, license expired, detached, unknown) of the Virtual Database.
  • Instance - displays the name of the SQL Server instance under which the Virtual Database is mounted.
  • Database - displays the name of the Virtual Database.
  • Point in Time - displays the date and time when the Virtual Database was restored.
  • Backup Files - displays the backup file where the Virtual Database is mounted.
  • Description - details the description specified when mounting the Virtual Database.
  • Actions - click the  gear icon to:
    • Edit - edit the Virtual Database options.
    • Edit/Add description - enter and/or edit the description of the Virtual Database.
    • Remove - remove the Virtual Database.


In order to get more specific Virtual Database information from your environment, you can use the Filtering section on the left side of the Virtual Database tab. You can filter your information by:

  • Status - select a status (online, restoring, recovering, recovery pending, suspect, emergency, offline, server offline, creating content map, creating, created failed, license expired, detached, unknown) to filter your Virtual Database.
  • Instance Name -  type the name of the SQL Server instance under which the Virtual Database is mounted. You can use the WildCards (&, ^, [], %, and _).
  • Databases Name - type the name of the Virtual Database. You can use the WildCards (&, ^, [], %, and _).
You can save your custom filtering option by selecting your filters, typing a name in the text box under By Custom Filter, and clicking ADD FILTER. To retrieve your saved filters, click the name of the filter you created.


What other options are available on the Virtual Database tab?

On the top section of the Virtual Database tab, you can find the following options:

  • Atthach Full backup - use this option to create a Virtual Database from a single full backup file. Visit the Attach Full Backup section to find more information.
  • Attach Multiple Backups -  use this option to create a Virtual Database based on data from specific backup files. Visit the Attach Multiple Backups section to find more information.
  • Remove - use this option to remove a Virtual Database. For more options visit the Remove a Virtual Database section.
  • Refresh Image Added - use this option to refresh your Managed Virtual Databases section.Refresh Image Removed
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