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IDERA SQL Secure requires that you register any SQL Server instances that you want to monitor before auditing begins. The Register a SQL Server option allows you to add instances to SQL Secure one at a time. For environments having many SQL Server instances, a quick time saver is to import a .csv file. The Import SQL Servers option lets you quickly upload a file containing the ServerName, AuthType (0 = Windows Authentication, 1 = SQL Server Authentication), User, Password, UseSameCredentials (0 = false, 1 = true), WindowsUser, and WindowsUserPassword some data for the instances in your environment that you want to audit. Once imported, new SQL Server instances are registered directly in the repository with default settings. If the SQL Server instance already exists in the repository, then SQL Secure updates the login credentials for the server. IDERA SQL Secure supports SQL Server and Cloud Hosted SQL Server databases running in Azure or Amazon.


After importing your SQL Server instances, be sure to go the the Server Group Tags view to add the new servers to tag for better management. For more information about tags, see Manage server group tags.


You must use a properly-formatted .csv to successfully import a list of SQL Server instances, Azure SQL Database, or Amazon SQL Databases. There is no limit to the number of rows included in the file, but note that if a row is incorrectly formatted, IDERA SQL Secure displays a message stating that the file is not in the proper format.


  • Server Name. Name of the SQL Server you want to register.
  • Authorization Type. Type of SQL Server authentication used to connect to the audited SQL Server.
    • 0 = Windows authentication
    • 1 = SQL Server authentication
    • 2 = Azure AD authentication
    • 3 = Amazon AD authentication (RDS for SQl Server )
  • User.
    • If the authorization type selected is 0 (Windows authentication) , use Windows credentials. 
    • If the authorization type selected is 1 (SQL Server authentication) , use the default credentials of the SQL Server Agent.
    • If the authorization type selected is 2 (Azure AD authentication) , use Azure AD credentials.

    • If the authorization type selected is 3 (Amazon AD authentication) , use Amazon AD credentials.

  • Password. Password associated with the user account used previously.
  • Use Same Credentials.
    • TRUE = Use Windows/Azure AD/Amazon AD credentials specified previously.
    • FALSE = Specify a different Windows account.
  • Windows User. Credentials used to gather information about the OS, AD objects.
    • If Use Same Credentials is TRUE (Use Windows/Azure AD/Amazon AD credentials specified previously) , type a comma (,) in this column. 
    • If Use Same Credentials is FALSE (Specify a different Windows/Azure AD/Amazon AD account) , specify a different Windows user account.
  • Windows User Password. 
    • If Use Same Credentials is TRUE (Use Windows/ Azure AD/ Amazon AD credentials specified previously) , type a comma (,) in this column. 
    • If Use Same Credentials is FALSE (Specify a different Windows/ Azure AD/ Amazon AD account) , specify the password for the different Windows user account.
  • Port Number. Port number on which the SQL Server instance, Azure SQL DB, or Amazon RDS for SQL Server is running. The default number is 1433.
  • Server Type. Type the number of instance that is getting added.
    • 0 = On-premise
    • 1 = SQL Server on Azure VM
    • 2 = Azure SQL Database
    • 3 = Amazon RDS for SQL Server
    • 4 = SQL Server on Amazon EC2


IDERA SQL Secure supports different Server Names and Users formats:

Server NameAuthentication TypeUserPasswordUse Same CredentialsWindows UserWindows User PasswordPort numberServer Type
Server NameAuthTypeUserPasswordUseSameCredentialsWindowsUserWindowsUserPasswordPortNumberServerType


Sample .csv file:

Server Name,AuthType,User,Password,UseSameCredentials,WindowsUser,WindowsUserPassword

FINSVR1,0,myhouse\william,Test123,TRUE,,,,, 1433, 0

SQLSVR2,1,yourhouse\scott,Testabc1,FALSE,Tools,Test123,1433,0\MSSQLSEVER1,2,, abc@1234,TRUE,,, 1433, 1, 2,, abc@1234,TRUE,,, 1433, 2

IDERA-SQL2008R2.CSZUD3HACSPL.US-EAST-1.RDS.AMAZONAWS.COM,3,accolitelabs\administrator1,control*44,FALSE,,,1433,3 ,0,simpsons\administrator,control*44,TRUE,",",",",1433,4


The first row in the previous table must be included in the .csv file as shown.
