WhereScape is pleased to announce that WhereScape RED is now available.
This release of RED is compatible with WhereScape 3D 9.0 versions and up.
Go to https://www1.wherescape.com to see available product versions and release notes for older versions.
Log into the WhereScape Support Portal to access downloads.
Access the User Guide here.
New Features and Improvements
WhereScape presents RED 10.4 a new version of RED with new features that ease RED 10 migrations and continue to enhance scheduling capabilities. The features implemented in this version are mainly focused on enabling RED 10 migration pathways for traditional RED customers on SQL Server, Oracle and Teradata inbuilt targets.
Detailed Changes in RED
The following changes have been implemented since
- RED-11951 Host Script Object names can now contain spaces and hyphens, this supports human readable display of Workflow scripts in context menus.
- RED-11950 Host scripts can now have individual icons set per host script type.
- RED-11947 Host Script Language Category - Workflow
- RED-11946 Host Script Language improvements.
- RED-11942 Add Scheduler API environment variables to all script executions to support actions like releasing another job via scripts.
- RED-11556 Added merge mode to application deployment for Source Mappings when deploying from WhereScape 3D.
- RED-0000 RED
Important Messages When Upgrading
If there are important updates to the Azkaban metadata these will be indicated in the important upgrade messages that follow. Refer to the Upgrading Azkaban section of the RED User Guide for more details.
Important Messages when upgrading to
Upgrades are cumulative; therefore you should read all upgrade messages for each version between your current RED version and this version of RED.
Upgrading RED
- There are no important messages for upgrading RED to this release, but please consider the cumulative upgrade messages below when upgrading.
- There are no important messages for upgrading RED to this release, but please consider the cumulative upgrade messages below when upgrading.
10.2 has potentially breaking changes for upgraded repositories; therefore, upgrades should be tested thoroughly before upgrading production environments:
- All ODBC, Database, Extensible Source Connection and Scheduler Configuration credentials have moved to the RED Profile, therefore each user of RED should generate their own local profile file (see the user guide for details) to continue using RED.
- For new installs, from RED 10.2.+, you will find the wsl_scheduler_profile_maintenance host script under your Host Script's in your RED metadata repository (see the user guide for details). For upgraded repositories you will need to load this script into RED manually from <RED_Installation_Directory>\Administrator\Scripts\wsl_scheduler_profile_maintenance.ps1
- All Azkaban components require upgrading and the encrypted Scheduler profile records added to redadmin.ws_scheduler_profile (see the user guide for details) in order for jobs to run.
- Post upgrade it is encouraged to remove all credentials from the metadata since these should now reside in the in-memory session level credentials only. Run the following update on the metadata to achieve this: Remove credentials after upgrade
-- Remove credentials from Database, ODBC and Extensible Source connections UPDATE red.ws_dbc_connect SET dc_extract_userid='', dc_extract_pwd='', dc_admin_userid='', dc_admin_pwd='' WHERE dc_type IN ('D','O','Z'); -- Remove credentials from Scheduler Configuration UPDATE red.ws_wrk_external_scheduler SET wes_dashboard_userid='', wes_dashboard_pwd='', wes_restapi_userid='', wes_restapi_pwd='';
10.1 has potentially breaking changes for upgraded repositories; therefore, upgrades should be tested thoroughly before upgrading production environments. The potential issues after the upgrade are the following:
- Default Routine Template settings might be lost. For object types other than Load and Export these settings have been moved from target connections to the Object Subtypes. During the metadata upgrade process, the first target-enabled connection found is used to populate the new settings under Object Subtypes. If you have multiple target-enabled connections in your repository, the optimal connection may not be used for the settings transfer. Ensure to check the Object Subtypes maintenance wizard after an upgrade to this version and set any missing/incorrect default routine templates as required. Note: this configuration can be exported from test to production once resolved in test.
- [TABLEOWNER] an $OBJECT$ token expansion no longer expands empty schemas to an additional ‘.’ in table names. This means from this release onwards you must specify the actual schema name in target location settings when schema is required on your platform. Ensure to check your target location settings for target connections before upgrading and populate the schema field, if required.
Upgrading Azkaban
Upgrading Azkaban is currently a manual process, please refer to the RED User guide for detailed upgrade instructions.
- RED 10.4 improves logging from metadata connection resilience so that the actual reason given by the driver is logged when reconnecting. Additonally improvements have been made to the RED Job Plugin. The Azkaban Web Server and each Azkaban Executor will need to be upgraded to take advantage of these features.
- RED 10.3 improves the metadata connection resilience in both the Azkaban Web Server component and RED Job Plugin. Each of the Azkaban metadata, Azkaban Web Server and Azkaban Executors will need to be upgraded to take advantage of these features.
- In RED 10.2 Advanced Connect is always enabled and therefore there are new azkaban.local.properties fields (and response.xml tags) required that support this feature. Any automated installation scripts will need to take into account these new fields. Each of the Azkaban metadata, Azkaban Web Server and Azkaban Executors will need to be upgraded to work with this release.
Azkaban Change history
Change history for Azkaban components requiring upgrades (changes are cumulative):
- Connection resilience logging improvements. Bug fixes for RED Job Plugin. Component upgrades.
- Azkaban/RED metadata connection resilience improvements. Component upgrades.
- New required fields for azkaban.local.properties and installer resposne.xml for Advanced Connect. Stand-alone script execution enhancements.
- Log4j components upgraded to log4j2 to resolve logging issues.
- Improvements when canceling running jobs. Component upgrades.
- Added procedure support and long host names fix.
- First release.
Upgrading Scheduler Integration Scripts
The default scheduler integration scripts are often improved, occasionally these improvements are required to work with a new release. Please refer to the change history below and refer to the RED user guide for detailed upgrade instructions.
Integration Scripts Change History
Change history for integration scripts requiring manual upgrade (changes are cumulative), upgrades are optional unless marked as required:
- *** TBC ***
- No changes
- wsl_scheduler_publish - Required upgrade - Advanced Connect feature added.
- wsl_scheduler_lookup - Added version header and removed unused parameters.
- wsl_scheduler_dashboard - Added version header and removed unused parameters.
- wsl_scheduler_profile_maintenance - New script for maintaining the scheduler profile.
- wsl_scheduler_publish - Support for republishing when existing job not found. Improved logging.
- wsl_scheduler_publish - Added support for disabled tasks.
- First release.