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Running diagnostics on an Azkaban Executor

The below python script script can be used to run a job against an Azkaban Executor that outputs diagnostic information and tests ODBC connectivity, useful for debugging and also for providing to support for analysis:

# wsl_scheduler_diagnostics script, version 3 for RED 10.3+
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
import pyodbc
import re
debugModeExt = "TRUE"
interactiveLog = ''
if debugModeExt == 'TRUE':
    debugMode = True
    debugMode = False
def write_audit(message = '', logType = 'audit', statusCode = 'I'):
    # statusCodes 'E' = error, 'W' Warning, 'I' information, 'S' Success
    global interactiveLog
    if is_red_interactive():
        interactiveLog = '\n'.join([interactiveLog, message])
        outputJson = json.dumps({"type": logType, "message": message, "statusCode": statusCode})
        print(outputJson, flush=True)
def write_error(message = ''):
    write_audit(message, 'audit', 'E')
def write_detail(message = '', statusCode = 'I'):
    if debugMode:
        write_audit(message, 'detail', statusCode)
def write_result(message = '', statusCode = 'S'):
    write_audit(message, 'result', statusCode)
def is_red_interactive():
    if os.environ.get('WSL_JOB_KEY','') == '0' and os.environ.get('WSL_JOB_NAME','') == 'Develop':
        return True
        return False
def exit_script(exitCode = 0, message = 'Executed the script'):
    if is_red_interactive():
        if exitCode != 0:
            print(-2, flush=True)
            print(1, flush=True)
        print(message, flush=True)
        print(interactiveLog, flush=True)
        if exitCode != 0:
def ExecuteSQLBlock(
    block = 'SELECT 1',
    uid = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_USER','')),
    pwd = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_PWD','')),
    dsn = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_DSN','')),
    conString = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_CONSTRING',''))
    if block.isspace() or block == "":
        return True
        if conString == "":
            conString = "DSN=" + dsn
            if uid and not uid.isspace():
              conString += ";UID="+uid
            if pwd and not pwd.isspace():
              conString += ";PWD="+pwd
        if pwd and not pwd.isspace():
            conStringPwdsRemoved = re.sub(str(pwd),'*****',conString)
            conStringPwdsRemoved = conString
        write_audit('Connecting to: ' + conStringPwdsRemoved)
        odbcCon = pyodbc.connect(conString, autocommit=True)
        conCursor = odbcCon.cursor()
            result = conCursor.execute(block)
        except pyodbc.ProgrammingError as e:
            if str(e) == 'No results.  Previous SQL was not a query.':
                return True
                write_error(f"SQL error: {e}")
                raise e
        return True
    except Exception as exceptionError:
        write_error(f"SQL error or connection error has occurred: " + repr(exceptionError))
        return False
def ExecuteCommand (command = 'echo test'):
    env = dict(os.environ)
    result =, shell=True, env=env, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
    return_code = result.returncode if result.returncode < 2**31 else result.returncode - 2**32
    if result.stderr != "" or str(return_code) != "0":
      if result.stderr != "":
      raise Exception(f"Error occurred while executing the command {command}")
    if result.stdout != "":
# Main
    exitCode = 0
    # Meta test
    msg = 'Metadata connection test: '
    if ExecuteSQLBlock(block = 'SELECT 1',uid = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_USER','')),pwd = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_PWD','')),dsn = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_DSN','')),conString = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_CONSTRING',''))):
        res = 'PASSED'
        res = 'FAILED'
    write_audit(msg + res)

     # Target test
    if os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_CONSTRING','') != "":
        msg = 'Target connection test: '
        if ExecuteSQLBlock(block = 'SELECT 1'):
            res = 'PASSED'
            res = 'FAILED'
        write_audit(msg + res)

    # Source test
    if os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_CONSTRING','') != "":
        msg = 'Source connection test: '
        if ExecuteSQLBlock(block = 'SELECT 1',uid = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_USER','')),pwd = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_PWD','')),dsn = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_DSN','')), conString = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_CONSTRING',''))):
            res = 'PASSED'
            res = 'FAILED'
        write_audit(msg + res)

    # Get
    azkabanLocalProps = {'azkaban.passwordEncryption' : 'NONE'}
    if os.environ.get('JOB_PROP_FILE','') != "":
        jobPropFile = os.environ["JOB_PROP_FILE"]
        splitPoint = jobPropFile.find(r'..')
        azkabanLocPropFile = os.path.join(str(jobPropFile[:splitPoint]), '../')
        with open(azkabanLocPropFile, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.rstrip() #removes trailing whitespace and '\n' chars
                if "=" not in line: continue #skips blanks and comments w/o =
                if line.startswith("#"): continue #skips comments which contain =
                k, v = line.split("=", 1)
                azkabanLocalProps[k] = v
    azkabanExecutorLocation = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(azkabanLocPropFile, os.pardir))
    write_audit(f"------ Executor location \n{azkabanExecutorLocation}")
    write_audit(f"------ Executor properties passwordEncryption \n{azkabanLocalProps['azkaban.passwordEncryption']}")

    if == 'nt':
        # Windows tests
        write_audit(f"------ Script directory")
        cmds = {
          'Work directory WSL_WORKDIR': "echo %WSL_WORKDIR%",
          'Windows User': 'echo %USERNAME%',
          'Python version': 'python --version'
        # Linux tests
        cmds = {
          'Script dir': 'echo $PWD',
          'Work directory WSL_WORKDIR': "printf '%s\n' $WSL_WORKDIR",
          'Linux User': 'echo $USER',
          'User DSNs': 'odbcinst -q -s -h',
          'System DSNs': 'odbcinst -q -s -l',
          'Java version': 'java --version',
          'Python version': 'python --version',
          # comment out this item if your passwords are in plain text in the properties file
          # 'Executor properties': 'cat ${JOB_PROP_FILE%..*}../',
          'List Azkaban Processes': 'ps -ef | grep azkaban'
        if azkabanLocalProps['azkaban.passwordEncryption'] == 'WALLET':
          # Modify WALLET test command as required
          cmds['Test WALLET'] = 'pass ls'
    # Execute cmds
    for key in cmds.keys():
        write_audit(f"------ {key}")
        except Exception as exceptionError:
            write_audit(f"Running test cmd [{cmds[key]}] failed: " + repr(exceptionError))
# exit
    exit_script(exitCode = 0, message = 'Testing script execution complete, check the audit logs for results.')
except Exception as exceptionError:
    exit_script(exitCode = 1, message = 'Testing script execution failed, check error and detail logs.')

To use this script:

  1. Create a new Host Script object in RED
    • Name it wsl_scheduler_diagnostics (or any name you like) 
    • Assign the 'Python Script' type to it
    • Optionally assign an ODBC/Database connection to the script, this will enable ODBC tests against this connection
    • Open the script in the Editor (double click the host script object in RED) and paste in the python code from above

  2. Create a New Job in RED including this script
    • Include appropriate Scheduler Tags so the script will run against the correct Azkaban Executor
    • Frequency = None - this will allow us to kick the job off ad-hoc as required.
    • On the tasks screen select the script from the host scripts screen and click OK to publish the job

  3. Execute the job and view results
    • Start the job from the RED Scheduler tab or by logging into the Azkaban Dashboard and running from there
    • Example results below:

    • To test other ODBC connections using the same script simply assign the script to another connection and re-run the job.
    • To test Metadata, Source and Target in one go, then temporarily assign the script as the load script of a Load table and create a job to run the Load operation.
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