'DESCRIPTION:  This macro generates constraints from the defined
      '	reference values.  The reference values must be defined in the
      '	data dictionary of ER/Studio.  The macro can select from bound
      '	attributes, all attributes, bound domains or all domains.  This
      '	is chosen with the radio buttons at the bottom of the dialog.
      '	the constraint will be inserted in the check constraint/rule
      '	tab of the domain or attribute.
      'MODIFY DATE:  11/25/2002
      'ER/Studio variables
      Dim ersMdl As Model
      Dim ersDiag As Diagram
      Dim ersEnt As Entity
      Dim ersAttr As AttributeObj
      Dim ersRefVal As ReferenceValue
      Dim ersDict As Dictionary
      Dim ersDom As Domain
      Dim ersUDT As UserDatatype
      'Dialog Array variables
      Dim arrRefVals() As String
      Dim arrAvailableAttrs() As String
      Dim arrSelectedAttrs() As String
      Dim arrAvailAttrsIndx As Integer
      Dim arrSelAttrsIndx As Integer
      'count variables
      Dim allattrcount As Integer
      Dim boundattrcount As Integer
      Dim domaincount As Integer
      Type AttrPair
       tblname As String
       attrname As String
       refvalid As Integer
      End Type
      Type DomPair
       domName As String
       refvalid As Integer
      End Type
      Dim AllAttrPairs() As AttrPair
      Dim boundAttrPairs() As AttrPair
      Dim AllDomains() As DomPair
      Dim AvailCurIndx As Integer
      Dim SelCurIndx As Integer
      Dim RefCurIndx As Integer 
      Sub GetRefVals
      	Dim i As Integer
      	i = 0
      	If ersDict.ReferenceValues.Count <> 0 Then
      		ReDim arrRefVals (0 To ersDict.ReferenceValues.Count - 1) As String
      		For Each ersRefVal In ersDict.ReferenceValues
      			arrRefVals(i) = ersRefVal.Name
      			Debug.Print ersRefVal.ID
      			i = i + 1
      		ReDim arrRefVals (0)
      	End If
      End Sub
      Function genConstraint (rvName As String) As String
      	Dim constraint As String
      	Dim vp As ValuePair
      	Dim rv As ReferenceValue
      	Set rv = ersDiag.Dictionary.ReferenceValues.Item(rvName)
      	If Not(rv Is Nothing) Then
      	If rv.IsRange = True Then
      		If rv.IsNotBetween = True Then
      			constraint = "@var < " & rv.MinValue & " AND @var > " & rv.MaxValue 
      			constraint = "@var >= " & rv.MinValue & " AND @var <= " & rv.MaxValue 
      		End If
      		If rv.IsNotBetween = True Then
      			constraint = "@var NOT IN ("
      			For Each vp In rv.Values 
      				If IsNumeric(vp.Value) Or hasQuotes(vp.Value) Then
      					constraint = constraint & vp.Value & ", "
      				ElseIf  Not(hasQuotes(vp.Value)) Then
      					constraint = constraint & "'" & vp.Value & "'" & ", "
      				End If
      			Left(constraint, Len(constraint) - 2)
      			constraint = constraint & ")"
      			constraint = "@var IN ("
      			For Each vp In rv.Values 
      				If IsNumeric(vp.Value) Or hasQuotes(vp.Value) Then
      					constraint = constraint & vp.Value & ", "
      				ElseIf  Not(hasQuotes(vp.Value)) Then
      					constraint = constraint & "'" & vp.Value & "'" & ", "
      				End If
      			constraint = Left(constraint, Len(constraint) - 2)
      			constraint = constraint & ")"
      		End If
      	End If
      	genConstraint = constraint
      	genConstraint = ""
      	End If
      End Function
      Function hasQuotes (st As String) As Boolean
      	If Left(st, 1) = "'" And Right(st, 1) = "'" Then
      		hasQuotes = True
      	ElseIf Left(st, 1) = """" And Right(st, 1) = """" Then
      		hasQuotes = True 
      		hasQuotes = False
      	End If
      End Function
      Function applyConstraint (tbl As String, col As String, con As String)
      	Dim ent As Entity
      	Dim att As AttributeObj 
      	Set ent = ersMdl.Entities.Item(tbl)
      	Set att = ent.Attributes.Item(col)
      	att.CheckConstraint = con
      End Function
      Function applyConstraintDomain (d As String, con As String)
      	Dim dom As Domain
      	Set dom = ersDict.Domains.Item(d)
      	dom.CheckConstraint = con
      End Function
      'This function is used to initialize the passed-in array with all
      'the tables in the physical model.  It will fill the target array
      'when the AddAll and RemoveAll buttons in the dialog are pressed.
      Function SetupBoundAttrArray(attrs() As String, refname As String)
      	Debug.Print "SetupBoundAttrArray"
      	Dim i,j,count As Integer
      	count = 0
      	For i = 0 To boundattrcount - 1
      		Set ersRefVal = ersDiag.Dictionary.ReferenceValues.Item(refname)
      		If ersRefVal.ID = boundAttrPairs(i).refvalid Then
      			count = count + 1
      		End If
      	Debug.Print "count = " & count
      	i = 0
      	If count <= 0 Then
      		ReDim attrs(0) As String
      		ReDim attrs (0 To count - 1) As String
      		j = 0
      		'Refresh Array with table names
      		For i = 0 To boundattrcount - 1
      			Set ersRefVal = ersDiag.Dictionary.ReferenceValues.Item(refname)
      			If ersRefVal.ID = boundAttrPairs(i).refvalid Then
      				attrs(j) = boundAttrPairs(i).tblName & "  --  " & boundAttrPairs(i).attrName
      				Debug.Print vbTab & i & " = " & attrs(j)
      				j = j + 1
      			End If
      	End If
      End Function
      'This function clears the passed-in array of all the names.  It clears the
      'source array when the AddAll and RemoveAll buttons are pressed.
      Function ClearAttrArray(attrs As Variant)
      	If allattrcount > domaincount Then
      		ReDim attrs(0 To allattrcount) As String
      		ReDim attrs(0 To domaincount) As String
      	End If
      End Function
      'This function is used to move single tables between the listboxes.  It
      'will add tables to the front of the target array and pad the back of the
      'source array with blank entries
      Function MoveAttr (source As Variant, target As Variant, source_indx As Integer)
      	Dim s_count As Integer  'upper bound of the source array
      	Dim t_count As Integer  'upper bound of the target array
      	Dim i As Integer
      	s_count = UBound(source)
      	t_count = UBound(target) - 1
      	Debug.Print "t_count = " & t_count
      	'move all the entries back one slot in the target array to make
      	'room for the new entry
      	For i = t_count To 0 Step -1
      		target(i+1) = target(i)
      		Debug.Print "target(" & i & ") = " & target(i)
      	Next i
      	'add the new entry
      	target(0) = source(source_indx)
      	Debug.Print source(source_indx) & ", index = " & source_indx
      	'move all the entries after the vacant slot up one slot to fill the hole
      	For i = source_indx + 1 To s_count
      		source(i-1) = source(i)
      	Next i
      	'pad the last entry with a null string
      	source(s_count) = ""
      End Function
      Function loadBoundAttrs
      	boundattrcount = 0
      	For Each ersEnt In ersMdl.Entities
      		For Each ersAttr In ersEnt.Attributes 
      			If Not(ersAttr.GetReferenceValue Is Nothing) Then
      				Debug.Print ersAttr.GetReferenceValue.Name
      				boundattrcount = boundattrcount + 1
      			End If
      	If boundattrcount > 0 Then
      	ReDim boundAttrPairs (0  To boundattrcount - 1) As AttrPair
      	For Each ersEnt In ersMdl.Entities
      		If ersEnt.Attributes.Count <> 0 Then
      			For Each ersAttr In ersEnt.Attributes
      				If Not(ersAttr.GetReferenceValue Is Nothing) Then
      					If ersMdl.Logical = True Then
      						boundAttrPairs(i).tblName = ersEnt.EntityName
      						boundAttrPairs(i).attrname = ersAttr.AttributeName
      						Debug.Print "att name = " & boundAttrPairs(i).attrname
      						boundAttrPairs(i).tblName = ersEnt.TableName
      						boundAttrPairs(i).attrname = ersAttr.ColumnName
      						Debug.Print "att name = " & boundAttrPairs(i).attrname
      					End If
      					Set ersRefVal = ersAttr.GetReferenceValue
      					boundAttrPairs(i).refvalid = ersRefVal.ID
      					i = i + 1
      				End If
      		End If
      	End If
      End Function
      Function loadAllAttrs
      	allattrcount = 0
      	For Each ersEnt In ersMdl.Entities 
      		allattrcount = allattrcount + ersEnt.Attributes.Count
      	ReDim AllAttrPairs ( 0 To allattrcount - 1) As AttrPair
      	For Each ersEnt In  ersMdl.Entities 
      		For Each ersAttr In ersEnt.Attributes 
      			If ersMdl.Logical = True Then
      				AllAttrPairs(i).tblName = ersEnt.EntityName
      				AllAttrPairs(i).attrname = ersAttr.AttributeName
      				Debug.Print "att name = " & AllAttrPairs(i).attrname
      				AllAttrPairs(i).tblName = ersEnt.TableName
      				AllAttrPairs(i).attrname = ersAttr.ColumnName
      				Debug.Print "att name = " & AllAttrPairs(i).attrname
      			End If
      			i = i + 1
      End Function
      Function setupAllAttrArray ( attrs() As String )
      	ReDim attrs (0 To allattrcount - 1) As String
      	Dim i As Integer 
      	For i = 0 To allattrcount - 1
      		attrs(i) = AllAttrPairs(i).tblName & "  --  " & AllAttrPairs(i).attrName
      End Function
      Function loadDomainArray ()
      	Dim dom As Domain
      	Dim i As Integer
      	i = 0
      	domaincount = ersDict.Domains.Count
      	If ersDict.Domains.Count <> 0 Then
      	ReDim AllDomains(0 To domaincount - 1) As DomPair
      		For Each dom In ersDict.Domains
      			AllDomains(i).domName = dom.Name
      			AllDomains(i).refvalid = dom.ReferenceValueId
      			i = i + 1
      	End If
      End Function
      Function setupAllDomains ( doms() As String )
      	Dim i As Integer
      	Dim count As Integer
      	ReDim doms(0 To domaincount) As String
      	For i = 0 To domaincount - 1
      		doms(i) = AllDomains(i).domName
      End Function
      Function setupBoundDomains ( doms() As String, refname As String )
      	Dim i, j As Integer
      	Dim count As Integer
      	count = 0
      	Set ersRefVal = ersDiag.Dictionary.ReferenceValues.Item(refname)
      	For i = 0 To domaincount - 1
      		If ersRefVal.ID = AllDomains(i).refvalid Then
      			count = count + 1
      		End If
      	If count <= 0 Then
      		ReDim doms(0) As String
      		ReDim doms(0 To count - 1) As String
      		j = 0
      		For i = 0 To domaincount - 1
      			Set ersRefVal = ersDiag.Dictionary.ReferenceValues.Item(refname)
      			If ersRefVal.ID = AllDomains(i).refvalid Then
      				doms(j) = AllDomains(i).domName
      				j = j + 1
      			End If
      	End If
      End Function
      Sub Main
      	Set ersDiag = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
      	Set ersMdl = ersDiag.ActiveModel
      	Set ersDict = ersDiag.Dictionary
      	ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      	SetupBoundAttrArray arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(0)
      	AvailCurIndx = 0
      	SelCurIndx = 0
      	If ersDiag.Dictionary.ReferenceValues.Count = 0 Then
      		MsgBox("There are no Reference Values in the Data Dictionary.",,"ER/Studio")
      	End If
      	Begin Dialog UserDialog 800,497,"Generate Constraints",.GenConstraintDialogFunc ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
      		Text 30,35,120,14,"Reference Values:",.Text1
      		ListBox 40,154,280,161,arrAvailableAttrs(),.Available
      		ListBox 440,154,310,161,arrSelectedAttrs(),.Selected
      		PushButton 350,168,60,21,">>",.AddAll
      		PushButton 350,196,60,21,">",.AddOne
      		PushButton 350,252,60,21,"<",.RemoveOne
      		PushButton 350,280,60,21,"<<",.RemoveAll
      		TextBox 200,343,460,63,.ConstraintValue,1
      		Text 100,343,70,14,"Constraint:",.Text2
      		Text 40,133,120,14,"Bound Columns:",.Text3
      		Text 440,133,120,14,"Applied Columns:",.Text4
      		PushButton 500,448,110,28,"Apply",.Apply
      		ListBox 180,28,370,98,arrRefVals(),.RefVals
      		PushButton 640,448,110,28,"Close",.CloseDlg
      		GroupBox 30,420,300,63,"Load Choice",.GroupBox1
      		OptionGroup .LoadChoice
      			OptionButton 50,441,140,14,"Bound Attributes",.OptionButton1
      			OptionButton 50,462,130,14,"All Attributes",.OptionButton2
      			OptionButton 190,441,130,14,"Bound Domains",.OptionButton3
      			OptionButton 190,462,90,14,"Domains",.OptionButton4
      	End Dialog
      	Dim dlg As UserDialog
      	dlg.constraintvalue = genConstraint(arrRefVals(0))
      	Dialog dlg
      End Sub

      Rem See DialogFunc help topic for more information.
      Private Function GenConstraintDialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
      	Select Case Action%
      	Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
      	Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
      		If DlgItem = "RefVals" Then
      			RefCurIndx = SuppValue
      			ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      			If DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 0 Then
      				ClearAttrArray arrAvailableAttrs
      				SetupBoundAttrArray arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(SuppValue)
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 2 Then
      				ClearAttrArray arrAvailableAttrs
      				setupBoundDomains arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(SuppValue)
      			End If
      			DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs
      			DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs
      			DlgText "ConstraintValue", genConstraint(arrRefVals(SuppValue))
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "AddOne" Then
      			If arrAvailableAttrs(AvailCurIndx) <> "" Then
      				MoveAttr(arrAvailableAttrs, arrSelectedAttrs, AvailCurIndx)
      				DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      				DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      				AvailCurIndx = 0
      				SelCurIndx = 0
      			End If
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "AddAll" Then
      			If DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 0 Then
      				SetupBoundAttrArray(arrSelectedAttrs, arrRefVals(RefCurIndx))
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 1 Then
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 2 Then
      				setupBoundDomains(arrSelectedAttrs, arrRefVals(RefCurIndx))
      			End If
      			DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      			DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "RemoveOne" Then
      			If arrSelectedAttrs(SelCurIndx) <> "" Then
      				MoveAttr(arrSelectedAttrs, arrAvailableAttrs, SelCurIndx)
      				DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      				DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      				AvailCurIndx = 0
      				SelCurIndx = 0
      			End If
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "RemoveAll" Then
      			If DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 0 Then
      				SetupBoundAttrArray(arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(RefCurIndx))
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 1 Then
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 2 Then
      				setupBoundDomains(arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(RefCurIndx))
      			End If
      			DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      			DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "Available" Then
      			AvailCurIndx = SuppValue
      			Debug.Print AvailCurIndx
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "Selected" Then
      			SelCurIndx = SuppValue
      			Debug.Print SelCurIndx
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "Apply" Then
      			If DlgValue("LoadChoice") < 2 Then
      			If UBound(arrSelectedAttrs) > 0 Then
      				Dim tblname As String 
      				Dim attrname As String 
      				Dim Label As String
      				Dim x As Integer
      				Dim y As Integer
      				Dim Length As Integer
      				Dim ixname As String
      				For i = 0 To UBound(arrSelectedAttrs)
      					If arrSelectedAttrs(i) <> "" Then
      						'Get table name
      						Label = arrSelectedAttrs(i)
      						x = InStr(1, Label, "  --  ") - 1
      						tblname = Left(Label, x)
      						Debug.Print "tbl = " & "'" & tblname & "'"
      						'get attr name
      						x = x + 6
      						Length = Len(Label)
      						y = Length - x
      						attrname = Right(Label, y)
      						Debug.Print "attr = " & "'" & attrname & "'"
      						Set ersEnt = ersMdl.Entities.Item(tblname)
      						Set ersAttr = ersEnt.Attributes.Item(attrname)
      						ersAttr.CheckConstraint = DlgText("ConstraintValue")
      					End If
      			End If
      				If UBound(arrSelectedAttrs) > 0 Then
      				For i = 0 To UBound(arrSelectedAttrs)
      					If arrSelectedAttrs(i) <> "" Then
      						Set ersDom = ersDict.Domains.Item(arrSelectedAttrs(i))
      						ersDom.CheckConstraint = DlgText("ConstraintValue")
      						Debug.Print ersDom.Name & " = " & ersDom.UserDatatypeId
      					End If
      				End If
      			End If
      			ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      			DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      			GenConstraintDialogFunc = True
      		ElseIf DlgItem = "LoadChoice" Then
      			If DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 0 Then
      				SetupBoundAttrArray arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(RefCurIndx)
      				ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      				DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      				DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 1 Then
      				setupAllAttrArray arrAvailableAttrs
      				ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      				DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      				DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      			ElseIf DlgValue("LoadChoice") = 2 Then
      				setupBoundDomains arrAvailableAttrs, arrRefVals(RefCurIndx)
      				ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      				DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      				DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      				setupAllDomains arrAvailableAttrs
      				ClearAttrArray arrSelectedAttrs
      				DlgListBoxArray "Available", arrAvailableAttrs()
      				DlgListBoxArray "Selected", arrSelectedAttrs()
      			End If
      		End If
      		Rem GenConstraintDialogFunc = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box
      	Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
      	Case 4 ' Focus changed
      	Case 5 ' Idle
      		Rem GenConstraintDialogFunc = True ' Continue getting idle actions
      	Case 6 ' Function key
      	End Select
      End Function

  • No labels