The text styles used in generated Word documents can be customized by creating a template for 3D to use.

  1. Open Word and create a new document
  2. Create or edit any of the styles you wish to customize. Refer to for more information. The styles currently used by 3D are:
    • Title
    • Title2
    • Subtitle
    • Subtitle2
    • Heading 1
    • Heading 2
    • Heading 3
    • Heading 4
    • Heading 5
    • Normal
  3. Save the file as a Word document called template.docx in your 3D data folder. This file will be used as the template for all generated Word documents.


    The template must be saved as a Word document (i.e. a .docx file) and not a Word template (i.e. a .dotx file) otherwise Word will not be able to open the generated documentation.

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