To edit a table type in the diagram...

  1. Right-click on the table header and select Table>Edit table type.


    If multiple tables are pre-selected then table types can be changed from within a single dialog independently of a particular individual table.

  2. From the Edit table types dialog, select the required table type and click OK.
  3. The table will be redisplayed in the diagram.

Modifying a Table Type on a Single Table

To assign a table type to a table:

  1. Right-click on the header part of the table in the diagram and choose Properties.

  2. From the table properties dialog, select a table type and click OK.

  3. The table header will be assigned a specific color according to the selected table type and this color will be displayed in the diagram.


    It is possible to assign table types at versiongroup and schema level. For example, right-click on a group and select Entities>Assign entity typess.


    Refer to Assigning Entity Types for details.

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