Keywords allow for dynamically requesting more information about certain tables. The flexibility of this feature can be used to capture more characteristics of entities than supplied by default.
Keywords themselves have a name, description as well as a data type. The data type can be either Boolean, string, integer or decimal and limits the range of values that can be given to them.
Keywords are applied to entities through their entity type.  Therefore, not all keywords are available for all entities and tables. For instance, when the two keywords 'Hierarchy' and 'Aggregated' are defined, both of which are of type Boolean, the hierarchy value only makes sense for dimension tables; whereas the aggregated keyword would apply to fact tables. The applicable keywords are enabled in the entity types, whereas values are only stored for entities that contain that certain entity type.
When an entity has a certain entity type assigned to it, and that entity type has keywords enabled, the properties of the entity will show the keywords that are available, allowing the user to fill in the custom values.



Click Add to add a new keyword.

  • Name - Enter a keyword name.
  • Data type - Select a data type from the drop-down list.

Click to Delete the selected keyword.

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