If a Solaris agent is not collecting data because it is timing out, increase the timeout from the default 30 seconds with the following steps:

  1. Run:
    inetadm -l /network/uptimeagent/tcp | fgrep exec 

    This will return the current agent execution script and should be:
  2. Run the following command to increase the time out (in this case to 600 seconds or 10 minutes):
    inetadm -m /network/uptimeagent/tcp exec="/opt/uptime-agent/bin/uptimeagent -t 600" 
  3. Run the following command to verify that the change was successful:
    inetadm -l /network/uptimeagent/tcp | fgrep exec 

    You should see the following output:
    /opt/uptime-agent/bin/uptimeagent -t 600

    You should now be able to poll the agent and Uptime Infrastructure Monitor should be able to collect data from the agent as the timeout has been increased.
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