The easiest way to determine the earlier status of a service monitor is by running the Service Monitor Outage report for the Element where the monitor runs.

You also can run the following query to get the configuration ID of the monitor you want to check:

SELECT configuration_id from erdc_instance 
WHERE name <name of the monitor>;

Next, run the following query to see the status of the monitor (ordered by date) and its status message:

SELECT, e.display_name, ei.configuration_id,, esr.erdc_status_mnemonic, esr.last_transition, est. message
FROM entity e, erdc_instance ei, erdc_configuration ec, erdc_status_retention esr, erdc_status_transition_log est
WHERE ei.monitored = 1 and ei.configuration_id = <ID from first query> 
AND ei.erdc_status_retention_id = esr.erdc_status_retention_id
AND ei.entity_id = e.entity_id
AND est.erdc_instance_id = ei.erdc_instance_id 
AND = ei.configuration_id
order by esr.last_transition