Uptime Infrastructure Monitor displays a list of recent Knowledge Base articles in the My Portal panel. This list is fed to the My Portal panel via RSS (Really Simple Syndication, a method for delivering summaries and links to web content). Click the title of the article to open it in your web browser.
If your monitoring station accesses the Internet through a proxy server (for security purposes), you may see the following message in the My Portal panel:
Uptime Infrastructure Monitor can't get the latest knowledge base articles from {_}http://support._ uptimesoftware.com. Click here to read what's new.
To access the RSS feed, change the proxy information in the Configuration panel by following these steps:
- Access the Config tab in the Monitoring Station web interface.
- Click Uptime Configuration to display the configuration panel.
- Add the following entries to the text box:
httpProxyHost: the host name of the proxy server that the Monitoring Station uses to access the Internet (e.g. httpProxyHost=proxy. yourdomain.com).
httpProxyPort: the port through which the Monitoring Station communicates with the proxy server (e.g. httpProxyPort=8080). rssFeedUrl: the URL of the RSS feed (e.g. rssFeedUrl=http://support.uptimesoftware.com/rss/kb.xml).
httpProxyUsername: the user name required to use the proxy server. httpProxyPassword: the password required to use the proxy server.
- Click Update to save the changes.