
This option enables you to set some general Code Generation settings.


  • Include WsWrkTask Procedure: This option is selected by default and results in a call to the WsWrkTask function being placed at the end of most of the generated update procedures. These calls to WsWrkTask result in counters being set in the meta table ws_wrk_task_log. These counters can be viewed via a query on the view ws_admin_v_task.
  • "End of Statement" Indicator: Set the indicator to separate multiple SQL statements in a SQL block. If left blank, the default value of <EOS> is used.

Default Update Procedure Options

This option enables you to set some default update procedure settings for specific object types. Not all options are relevant for all combinations of database, object type, and build type.



Process in Batch

Enables users to select a column to drive data processing in a loop based on the distinct ordered values of the selected column.

Include Initial Load Insert

Enables users to add an additional insert statement to the update procedure. If the target table is empty, the new insert statement is run in place of the standard generated code.

Insert Zero KeyRecord

Enables users to add an insert statement for an unknown record with an artificial key of zero. Only applicable to tables with an artificial key.

Distinct Data Select

Enables users to ensure duplicate rows are not added to the table.

Select Hint

Enables users to enter a database-compliant hint to be used in the SELECT statement. Parameters $TABLE$ and $INDEXS are automatically replaced at procedure generation time.

Delete before Insert

Enables users to delete statements to be added to the update procedure before any update or insert statement.


Performs a DDL operation to delete all records from a table, rather than a predicate-based DML operation to delete individual rows. This option is automatically enabled when Delete before Insert is enabled but can be deactivated separately.

Include Update Statement

Enables users to include an update statement in the procedure to update changing rows in the table.

Update Changed Rows Only

Enables users to use change detection to work out what rows require updating.

Include Insert Statement

Enables users to include an insert statement in the procedure to insert new rows in the table.

Insert New Rows Only

Enables users to use change detection to work out what rows require inserting.

Include Merge Statement

Enables users to include a merge statement in the procedure to merge new/changed rows in the table.

Merge New/Changed Rows Only

Enables users to use change detection to interpret which rows require merging.

Generated Code Statistics

This option is only available for Oracle databases.



Include Statistics in Generated Stage Update Procedure

Sets the statistics command to be included in the automatically generated procedure for Stage tables. Parameter $TABLE$ is automatically replaced by the table name. The keyword $UNUSED$ removes the statistics portion from the generated code in the procedure.

Stage Table Inserted Rows Threshold for Statistics

Sets the threshold parameter to be used by the four statistic commands that are inserted into the automatically generated procedures. It indicates how many rows are to be inserted before the statistic commands are executed.

Include Statistics in Generated Dimension Update Procedure

Sets the statistics command to be included in the automatically generated procedure for Dimension tables. Parameter $TABLE$ is automatically replaced by the table name. The keyword $UNUSED$ removes the statistics portion from the generated code in the procedure.

Dimension Table Inserted Rows Threshold for Statistics

Sets the threshold parameter used by the four statistic commands that are inserted into the automatically generated procedures. It indicates how many rows are to be inserted before the statistic commands are executed.

Include Statistics in Generated Fact Update Procedure

Sets the statistics command to be included in the automatically generated procedure for Fact tables. Parameter $TABLE$ is automatically replaced by the table name. The keyword $UNUSED$ removes the statistics portion from the generated code in the procedure.

Fact Table Inserted Rows Threshold for Statistics

Sets the threshold parameter to be used by the four statistic commands that are inserted into the automatically generated procedures. It indicates how many rows are to be inserted before the statistic commands are executed.

Include Statistics during Partition Exchange

Sets the statistics command to be included in the automatically generated procedure during partition exchanges. Parameter $TABLE$ is automatically replaced by the table name. The keyword $UNUSED$ removes the statistics portion from the generated code in the procedure.

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