Procedure objects in RED are only able to be executed via Action Processing Scripts. Procedure objects of type Procedure and Function must have been compiled before they can be run. The Block sub-type does not require compilation.

For procedure-based Update, Custom, Post Load or Post Export routines the Action Processing Script associated with the table object must contain the code to execute the procedure and return the results. Generally, table action processing scripts are generated by default (via templates) for tables when a relevant change is made that will affect the action script. It is important to ensure your action script is generated if you have added a procedure based routine to the object.

Update, Custom, Post Load, and Post Export procedures should be executed via the parent object’s context menu.

Standalone procedures require their Action Processing Scripts to be manually generated (or an existing script selected) via the Procedure Properties - Action Processing tab. Once a Procedure object has an Action Script associated it can be run directly through the procedure object context menu or via the Procedure Editor window.

Select the Execute > Execute menu option or click the Execute icon to run the procedure. The results of the procedure execution are displayed in the main builder results window. The result code and result message is displayed, as well as any additional messages.

The results of the procedure are displayed in the main builder result window.

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