A scheduled job can have the following states:

  • Hold
  • Waiting
  • Blocked
  • Pending
  • Running
  • Failed
  • Failed - Aborted
  • Completed




The job is on hold. It can be edited and its state changed to release the job.


The job is waiting to start, or waiting for its scheduled time to arrive, or waiting for a scheduler to become available.


The job is blocked as a previous instance of the same job is still running. When the currently running instance completes this job will start.


This is the first stage of a running job. The scheduler has identified the job as ready to start and has allocated a thread, or sub-task to process the job. A job is in this state until the thread or sub-task begins processing. If a job stays in this state then the scheduler thread has failed for some reason. The logs can be checked on either the UNIX or Windows server on which the scheduler is running. 


The job is currently running. Double-click on the job name in the right pane to drill down into the specific tasks.


A failed job has a problem. It can be restarted from the point of failure and is considered to be running unless subsequently aborted. 

Failed - Aborted

The job has been aborted after having failed. Once in this state, a job cannot be restarted. The job exists then only as a log of what occurred and is no longer regarded as a job.


The job has been completed, possibly with warnings. Once in this state, a job cannot be restarted. The job exists then only as a log of what occurred and is no longer regarded as a job.

When a job fails and drilling down does not show any errors against the tasks, right-click on the job and "View Audit Trail". The job may have failed because of an error in the Job level.

A scheduled task can have the following states:

  • Waiting or Blank
  • Held
  • Running
  • Failed
  • Completed
  • Error Completion
  • Bad Return Status




The task has been held due to a prior dependency failure. The problem must be rectified and the job restarted.

Waiting (Blank)

Tasks that are waiting to run either due to a shortage of threads, or prior dependencies normally have a blank status.


The task is currently running.


The task has had a fatal error. Any dependencies on this task will be held. Double-click the task to see more detailed error information or review the audit and error/detail log for the job.


The task has been completed successfully.

Error Completion

The task has been completed with a handled Error. Any dependent tasks will be held, and the job must be restarted when the problem is rectified.

Bad Return Status

The task has returned an unknown status. This normally occurs with script files that produce unexpected information. The rule for scripts is that the first line returned must be a status of either 1, -1, -2, or -3. The second line is a message detailing the result. If the first line does not contain one of these four values, then this status will be returned and dependent tasks held. Run the script manually to view the output or check the logs.

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