Deployment Options

Application Files
Application IdentifierThe application identifier is a four-character code used to uniquely identify the application. This identifier is used in the naming of the files that are created to contain the application data.
Application VersionThe version is a character string that provides a version number for reference purposes. This version number is displayed when applications are being loaded and is used in the naming of the files that are created to contain the application data. As such, it must contain characters that are valid in a Windows file name.
Application Database TypeThe database type from which the application was built. An application can only be loaded into a metadata repository running on the same database type from which the application was created.
General Options
Use Native Load for Metadata Procedures and ScriptsThis option causes the metadata for procedures and scripts to be loaded into the target metadata repository, using the target repository's load utility instead of ODBC.
This can have significant performance advantages when loading large applications when loading applications into a slow target database or over a slow network.
Map Tablespace/Filegroups to the same nameSome tables may be in filegroups.
If this option is set, existing tablespaces and filegroups in the target data warehouse database will automatically be matched to the same ones on the source repository.
If the tablespace/filegroup does not exist in the target data warehouse database, a Tablespace selection window pops up so a tablespace/filegroup can be selected. This window appears once for each tablespace/filegroup that cannot be matched.

Apply Group/Project/Object RelationshipsIf this option is set to True, the project group relationships are updated in the target data warehouse database.
Generate load scripts and update routines for objectsIf this option is set to True, the deployment will include the generation of load scripts and update routines for the table objects, but only if:
  • the code generation is template-based.
  • a default load script and update routine template is set for the object type in the target connection
  • the default build options satisfy the requirements of the default template.
Refer to the Connection Properties and Rebuilding Update Procedures sections of the RED User Guide for details.

This option can be used by Data Vault customers who utilize WhereScape 3D to import table objects into RED via deployment applications.
This setting is enabled by default for 3D applications so that when the objects are loaded into RED during deployment, their initial update scripts or routines are also generated.
This option defaults to 'OFF' during the deployment of applications generated by RED.
Enable auto-generation of indexesIf this option is set to True, the deployment will also include the generation of indexes for the table objects after the update routines are generated.
Existing Parameters will beEnables you to specify the action for existing parameters.
The options are:
  • Updated/Overwritten
  • Retained
  • Renamed
User NameEnables you to enter a username which is included in the versioning comments.
Permanent Stage Table Options HiddenEnables you to hide the Permanent Stage Table object options in the window. 
Save Settings must be used to save the option selection.
This window does not refresh upon changing this option.
Map Connection References to the same nameDuring deployment, objects need to be associated with a Connection. Setting this option to False causes the user to be prompted to choose a Connection for each object.
Setting this option to True causes the deployment process to compare the name of all existing connections within the Data Warehouse with the Connection name defined in the deployment application for the current object.
If the names match, then the WhereScape RED Setup Administrator deploys the object to this Connection. If no Connection name matches, then the user is prompted to choose a Connection.
Map Target References to the same nameDuring deployment, objects need to be associated with a target within a Connection. Setting this option to False causes the user to be prompted to choose a Target for each object.
Setting this option to True causes the deployment process to compare the name of all existing Targets within the Connection that have been either selected by the user or matched automatically.
If the names match, then the deployment process deploys the object to this Target. If no Target name matches, then the user is prompted to choose a Target. Choosing a Target involves choosing a Connection—the deployment process automatically selects a Connection. If required, the selected Connection can be overridden using the GUI.
Add Connections as requiredIf this option is set to True, all Connection objects included in the application that do not exist in the Target metadata repository that are used by objects in the application will be added to the Target metadata repository.
Assign Jobs to UserAll jobs in the WhereScape RED scheduler belong to a user. If this option is marked as true, the user name specified in the User name for any jobs added by the application drop-down is set as the user name of all jobs loaded by the application. If the specified user name does not exist, it is then created.
Existing Jobs will beEnables you to specify the action for existing jobs.
The options are:
  • Updated/Overwritten
  • Retained
  • Renamed

Data Warehouse Options

Apply Metadata Changes to Data Warehouse ObjectsIf this option is marked as True, the changes contained in the application are applied to the metadata according to the options selected for each object type.
Log Metadata DML and Data Warehouse DDL to a FileIf this option is marked as True, the changes contained in the application are written to a file.
  • DDL File - Option to enter or select the file name/path for the DDL file.
  • DDL File Statement Terminator - Option to specify the statement terminator.
  • Terminate lines with carriage return as well as new line - Option to terminate DDL file lines with a carriage return, as well as a new line.
  • Select encoding for DDL and Procedure files - Option to specify the encoding to be used for the DDL and Procedure files—options are UNICODE, ASCII, or UTF-8.
Compile New and Changed Procedures

If this option is marked as true, then all procedure objects loaded by the application load are compiled in the target data warehouse database.


Depending on the type of database, invalid procedures may not compile.

Data Warehouse Table/View Options

For each table and view object loaded by the application load, it is possible to specify whether the metadata changes should be applied to the data warehouse table or view; and to the indexes on these objects. The change action can be specified by object type. New objects can have a different action from existing objects of the same type. Possible actions are:

  • Created - available for new tables and indexes of any object type
  • Recreated - available for existing tables and indexes of any object type
  • Altered - available for existing tables and indexes of most object types (not available for load tables or views)
  • Nothing - available for all new and existing object types and indexes.

The following additional settings can be configured when importing Load table objects from 3D to RED:

  • New Table Default Load Type, if not set in Source Connection
  • New Table Default Load Script Connection, if not set in Source Connection
  • New Table Default Load Script Template, if not set in Source Connection


    The above default settings are only applied for new Load table objects if these attributes are not defined in the Source Connection. They only apply to new Load table objects and Connections from 3D.

This window also enables you to set whether or not new or existing objects are to be versioned. Set to True to use versioning, else set to False.

Other options:

  • Alter allows columns to be dropped - This option enables you to set whether or not columns are allowed to be dropped by object type, for tables being altered. Set to True to allow columns that are not in the metadata, to be dropped; else set to False.
  • Allow alter table processing with non-compliant DDL - This option is used for custom database targets and sets whether or not to allow DDL statements that do not use a substitutable format for the table name to be used during validation, and subsequent alter table processing. The default setting is True.
    The DDL statements are set in the template that is defined in the custom database Connection properties (Connection > Target Settings > Default Table Create DDL Template) in RED. Refer to Connection Target Settings for Custom Database in the RED User Guide for details.

    Setting this option to TRUE can lead to the DDL being run against the actual data warehouse table.

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