Connection objects serve several purposes in WhereScape RED:

  1. They are used to browse potential source data in source systems and to acquire metadata. Potential source data includes database tables and flat files.
    For database tables, WhereScape RED:
    1. Uses the ODBC Source set on each connection to browse the source system.
    2. Acquires the metadata for new load tables built from the source system using drag-and-drop

For Files, WhereScape RED:

    • Connects directly to Windows, UNIX/Linux, and Hadoop to analyze the source file for the new load table and to acquire its metadata.
  • ODBC connections must be either User DSN or System DSN. File DSN connections are not supported.
  • Windows and UNIX connections do not have an ODBC Source property. UNIX connections are used for UNIX and Linux systems. Prompts for user input for any metadata not available in the source file.

       2. Load tables with a connection of Connection type ODBC extract data from source systems using ODBC. The ODBC Source of the connection is the    ODBC DSN used for the extract.

In Teradata environments, if a Teradata TPT-compliant ODBC DSN is defined in the Connection Properties, the TPT DSN is used for TPT ODBC Loads.

       3. Each data warehouse metadata repository must have a Data Warehouse connection to use drag and drop to create new objects (other than load tables) in the data warehouse. WhereScape RED:

    1. Uses the ODBC Source set on the Data Warehouse connection to browse the Data Warehouse database.
    2. Acquires the metadata for any tables built from existing data warehouse tables.

This connection always has a Connection type of Database.

      4. Cube objects require a connection to define the Analysis Services server used to create and load cubes. This is a connection with a Connection type of Microsoft Analysis Server 2005+.

     5. Export objects require a connection to define the target environment where exported data is written. This is a connection with a Connection type of UNIX or Windows.

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