To keep your historical performance data and migrate your Uptime Infrastructure Monitor datastore from a MySQL database to SQL Server, please complete the following steps:
- Stop the up.time Data Collector:
Unix: #/etc/init.d/uptime_core stop
Windows: > net stop "up.time data collector"
2. Dump the database:
- /scripts/fulldatabasedump
3. Set up the SQL Server database.
4. Edit the <uptime_dir>\uptime.conf and <uptime_dir>\controller\resources\uptime_controller.conf file to point to the new database by commenting out the MySQL lines and uncommenting the SQL Server lines.
#dbDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #dbType=mysql #dbHostname=localhost #dbPort=3308
#dbName=uptime #dbUsername=uptime #dbPassword=uptime
#example SQL Server configuration dbDriver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver dbType=mssql
dbHostname=localhost dbPort=1433 dbName=uptime dbUsername=user dbPassword=password
5. Stop the MySQL database:
Unix: # /etc/init.d/uptime_datastore stop Windows: > net stop "up.time data store"
6. Initialize the database: - / resetdb --nodata really
7. Import the database to SQL Server: - /scripts/fulldatabaseimport
8. Start the data collector:
Unix: # /etc/init.d/uptime_core start Windows: > net start "up.time data collector"