This build includes many new features and fixed issues, including the following updates from previous releases.

5.0 New features

Microsoft Azure SQL Database v11 and v12 Preview support

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset 5.0 offers full support for Microsoft Azure SQL Database v11 and the preview of v12. Comparing cloud-based or on-premise databases uses the same process within IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset. The toolset handles the platform differences automatically and produces any warnings for you to address when necessary.

SQL Data Compare also supports the Azure data restriction that a table or view must have a clustered index. The SQL Data Compare user interface includes a warning and a new popup window that displays a list of any tables or views excluded because of this restriction.

While IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset now supports Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12, only the Preview release was available during development of the IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset. Note that Microsoft may make changes before the final product release.

Multiple session support

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset now allows you to have multiple sessions for the same SQL database. You can control this feature on the Workspace tab of the Application Settings window, as show in the following image.

SQL Schema Compare Workspace tab user interface improvement

The SQL Schema Compare Workspace tab offers user interface improvements including:

SQL Schema Compare refresh option

SQL Schema Compare introduces a new comparison option named Refresh referencing views when rebuilding a table. The option is located on the Scripting Options tab of the Comparison Options window, and it is disabled by default. When enabled, the table-rebuild portion of the schema synchronization script contains additional script that refreshes the views that reference the table that is being rebuilt. You can also use this option in the command line.

SQL Data Compare user interface improvements for Microsoft Azure SQL Database v11

SQL Data Compare includes a new exclusion window that displays a list of database objects, such as table or views, excluded from data comparison due to the Microsoft Azure SQL Database v11 restriction related to missing clustered indexes. You can access this window from a link that appears during the pairing step of the data comparison. note that the link is visible only if the restriction has affected tables or views in the database.

IDERA purchase and Trial Center support in trial versions

Two new buttons are included in the trial version of both the SQL Schema Compare and SQL Data Compare user interfaces. These buttons allow you to visit the purchasing page to upgrade a trial version of IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset to a full version, or allow you to access the Trial Center page for more information about using a trial version of this product. Note that these buttons appear only when you are using a trial version of IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset.

5.0 Fixed Issues

4.1 New features

Windows .NET 4.0 support

SQL Schema Compare

4.1 Fixed Issues

4.0 New features

SQL Server 2014 Support

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset 4.0 supports the use of SQL Server 2014 with the following notes:

SQL Schema Compare

SQL Data Compare

Filegroup support in SQL Schema Compare

SQL Schema Compare includes new options for working with filegroups and the filtergroup clause of database objects. The Compare Database Filegroups check box on the Schema Objects tab of the Comparison Options window indicates whether you want to compare and synchronize the database filegroups including the data files.

Filegroup data files also are supported including allowing the user to change the physical file mapped to a data file directly in the comparison grid. Note the following limitations:

Filegroup mappings allow you to change the way filegroups are mapped, compared, scripted, and synchronized. IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset now offers the following options for mapping filegroups:

Note that filestream filegroups are mapped separately from regular filegroups, although the rules for mapping are the same.

Scripting the filegroup clause is a new option in the Filegroup Mapping Rules window that determines how the filegroup clause is scripted for some database objects. It affects only those objects that support the filegroup clause in tables, indexes, etc. and does not affect filegroups and partition schemes. When the Script the filegroup clause when synchronizing schema check box is clear, the filegroup clause is scripted using the DEFAULT filegroup or ignored in some cases.

New comparison options in SQL Data Compare

SQL Data Compare includes two new options for comparing data. The Compare and synchronize memory tables option in the Data Compare Options window allows you to compare and synchronize your memory tables. The Compare and synchronize columnstore tables option allows you to compare and synchronize your columnstore tables.

New SQL Comparison Toolset workspace

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset 4.0 features a new, easier-to-use interface for navigating through session history.

SQL Comparison Toolset removal from the SQL Toolbox framework

The IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset is now separated from the SQL Toolbox, meaning that it is no longer necessary to install the IDERA SQL Toolbox framework prior to installing IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset.

New CLI options

This release includes two new options for the command line interface. The CompareMemoryTables option indicates whether you want to compare and synchronize memory-optimized tables. The CompareColumnStoreTables option indicates whether you want to compare and synchronize columnstore tables.

4.0 Fixed Issues

SQL Schema Compare

SQL Data Compare

3.1 New features

Schema Compare and Data Compare

The new Full Screen function allows you to maximize the user interface work area by hiding the ribbon.

Schema Compare

Data Compare

3.1 Fixed issues

Schema Compare

The default constraint in some cases was ignored by the rebuild script.

Data Compare

An issue with the data compare grid causing the View Row Details function to generate an error when no row was selected on the grid.

2.1.2 New features

SQL Server 2012 support

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset 2.1.2 supports the use of SQL Server 2012.

2.1.2 Fixed issues

2.1.1 Fixed issues

This release includes fixes to object compare snapshots.

2.1 New features

SQL Server 2012 Testing Compatibility

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset 2.1 is SQL Server 2012 RC0 compatible in non-production environments.

Updated License Key Activation Service

IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset 2.1 now includes an updated license key activation service.

2.0 New features

Completely Redesigned Console

New user interface design and navigation to maximize user productivity.

Expanded Comparison Options

Perform granular comparisons with new comparison options such as comparing and synchronizing views along with tables, comparing databases with different collation, variable transaction size, and many more.

New Comparison Sessions

Easily repeat frequent compare operations with one simple click using comparison sessions which contain all the data related to a comparison operation including databases, credentials, comparison options, mapping rules, and excluded objects.

Customizable Mapping Rules

Easily customize the way database objects are mapped together using new schema, name, and data mapping rules.

2.0 Fixed issues


Total compare from data to schema IDERA SQL Comparison Toolset. Learn more > >

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