This feature is only available for SQL Server 2008 and above.

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager audits and reports on the frequency that users access sensitive data, alerting about suspicious behavior.

The Row Count feature allows users to: 

Row count information is captured as part of an audit event and gathers information from both, traces and extended events. 

When enabling the ‘Capture DML and SELECT activities using SQL Server Audit specifications’, row count information does not show. This happens because the auditing is being processed through audit logs.

Row Count information does not show when capturing DML and SELECT activities using SQL Server audit specifications. 

See row count information

The row count information is available in the General tab of any event properties, as well as the Audit Events tab in the Explore Activity view.

For select statements with sensitive columns, event properties has a Sensitive Columns tab which shows the row count value for each audited sensitive column. 

When you expand the audit events, the Audit Event tab shows the row count information in the event details. 

Row count alerts