IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 5.6 implemented a set of basic default audit settings which automatically apply to newly added Servers and Databases. Users can choose to apply the Idera default settings, or can set up a single server default settings and a single database default setting to comply with their auditing needs. 

Initially settings are set to the IDERA Default Settings, subsequent visits to this page will reflect the default settings saved by the user. To learn more about the Idera default audit settings please visit the Idera default audit settings page.  

The Default Audit Settings tab in the Administration view provides users with a list of their audited Servers and Databases for which they can choose to apply the default settings. Once your desired default audit settings are set, select from the list of servers or the list of databases the ones to which you wish to apply the default audit settings. For more information on how to edit the default settings please visit the Edit Server Default Audit Settings page or the Edit Database Default Audit Settings(URL) page.

SQL Compliance Manager monitor, audit and alert on SQL user activity and data changes.
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