1.6.5 New Features

1.6.5 Fixed Issues

SQLWA-538 SQL Workload Analysis now correctly parses collected decimal numbers using comma instead of a decimal point

SQLWA-647 Upon removing a monitored instance, SQL Workload Analysis will promptly purge data related to the instance. Previously, SQL Workload Analysis would retain the data until it is fully groomed from the repository based on the grooming schedule.

SQLWA-800 SQL Workload Analysis now correctly adds new monitored instances based on the number of available licenses within the license key.

SQLWA-889 SQLWA now correctly registers instances after performing an upgrade.

1.6.4 New Features

No new features for this release.

1.6.4 Fixed Issues

1.6.2 New Features

1.6.2 Fixed Issues

1.6.1 New Features

1.6.1 Fixed Issues

1.5 New features

1.5 Fixed Issues

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