You can quickly view how much of your JVM’s RAM is being used by Aqua Data Studio by looking at the bottom right corner of the Main Application window in the Memory Statistics Display, next to the Garbage Collection icon which is a tiny trashcan. If you find you are running low on memory, you can increase the memory allocated to Aqua Data Studio. Review the instructions below.
Hovering the mouse over the Memory Statistics display provides a tooltip of memory usage.
Querying for large resultsets may cause ADS to run out of memory or to run low on memory. The user may need to increase the memory limit for Aqua Data Studio and restart the application. As a Java application, Aqua Data Studio is limited to the memory allocated to the JVM at startup. You may change your setting according to the Operating System you are working on. |
Aqua Data Studio uses a Windows launcher. The executable is datastudio.exe, which uses datastudio.ini for the configuration settings. Below is a list of parameters and options that may be used in the datastudio.ini for configuring Aqua Data Studio.
In your installation directory (default: "C:\Program Files\Aqua Data Studio") there is a file called datastudio.ini which contains JVM parameters for startup. In this file, you may modify the line "vmarg.2=-Xmx384M", where ’384’ is equal to the amount of memory allocated to Aqua Data Studio. You can change this number to increase your memory to 512MB, 1024MB or larger. Once you have made your changes, restart Aqua Data Studio.
In your installation directory, there are two files called datastudio-bundled.bat and datastudio.bat which are used to start Aqua Data Studio. In either of these files modify the last line which starts with "java -cp ..." or ".\jre\bin\java -Xmx384M ...", where ’384’ is equal to the amount of memory allocated to Aqua Data Studio. You can change this number to increase your memory to 512MB, 1024MB or larger. Or add the option if it doesn’t exist. Once you have made your changes, restart Aqua Data Studio.
An example and default INI file for Aqua Data Studio: # JVM Properties vm.location=.\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll # Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). For example, vm.heapsize.max.percent=75. Note that this will use the maximum memory possible. #vm.heapsize.max.percent= #Specify a proportion of the available physical memory to use as the minimum starting heap size (ie. relates to -Xms arg). #vm.heapsize.min.percent= #Specify a preferred amount (in MB) for the heap size (ie. relates to -Xmx arg). If this amount is not available it will use the maximum amount possible given the physical memory available. #vm.heapsize.preferred= #Specifies that only one instance of the product should run at any given time single.instance=window vmarg.1=-Dsun.swing.enableImprovedDragGesture vmarg.2=-Xmx384M vmarg.3=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m classpath.1=.\lib\*.jar classpath.2=.\lib\antlr\*.jar classpath.3=.\lib\apache\*.jar classpath.4=.\lib\apple\*.jar classpath.5=.\lib\aquafold\*.jar classpath.6=.\lib\aspose\*.jar classpath.7=.\lib\dnsjava\*.jar classpath.8=.\lib\drivers\*.jar classpath.9=.\lib\infragistics\*.jar classpath.10=.\lib\itext\*.jar classpath.11=.\lib\java\*.jar classpath.12=.\lib\jgoodies\*.jar classpath.13=.\lib\jgraph\*.jar classpath.14=.\lib\jide\*.jar classpath.15=.\lib\jinterop\*.jar classpath.16=.\lib\jna\*.jar classpath.17=.\lib\jogl\*.jar classpath.18=.\lib\quartz\*.jar classpath.19=.\lib\snmp4j\*.jar classpath.20=.\lib\ssh2\*.jar classpath.21=.\lib\stndeditor\*.jar classpath.22=.\lib\svnkit\*.jar main.class=com.aquafold.datastudio.DataStudio |
In your installation directory, there are two files called and which are used to start Aqua Data Studio. In either of these files modify the last line which starts with "java -cp ..." or ".\jre\bin\java -Xmx384M ...", where ’384’ is equal to the amount of memory allocated to Aqua Data Studio. You can change this number to increase your memory to 512MB, 1024MB, or larger. Or add the option if it doesn’t exist. Once you have made your changes, restart Aqua Data Studio.
The OSX double-clickable application is actually a directory structure with an extension of ".app". You may modify the files in this directory structure by right-clicking on the Aqua Data Studio icon and selecting "Show Package Contents" where you can browse to edit Contents/Info.plist with TextEdit. This file is an XML file containing startup parameters for Aqua Data Studio. To change or increase the memory edit the number in the JVMOptions section preceded by -Xmx where ’756’ is the amount of memory you want for Aqua Data Studio. Review the example below:
<key>JVMOptions</key> <array> <string>-DappRoot=$APP_ROOT</string> <string>-Djsse.enableCBCProtection=false</string> <string>-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true</string> <string>-Xmx756m</string> <string>-XX:MaxPermSize=192m</string> </array> |
In your installation directory, there is a file called which is used to start Aqua Data Studio. In this file modify the last line which starts with "java -cp ...", where ’384’ is equal to the amount of memory allocated to Aqua Data Studio. You can change this number to increase your memory to 512MB, 1024MB, or larger. Or add the option if it doesn’t exist. Once you have made your changes, restart Aqua Data Studio.
Aqua Data Studio includes a Memory Monitor which displays a live chart of the application's memory usage, the current maximum memory allocated to the application, and an explanation of Max Memory, Total Memory, and Used Memory. To launch the Memory Monitor, double click on the memory usage statistics in the Memory Statistics display at the bottom right corner of the application window. The resulting window indicates whether the 32bit or 64bit version of the application is in use.