Aqua Data Studio has charting functionality that uses the Java bindings for OpenGL (JOGL:  The JOGL libraries include native libraries for each Operating System and platform.  If you download an Aqua Data Studio installer for a specific platform, the appropriate libraries are included in the root folder of the Aqua Data Studio installation. 

Windows and JOGL

Many lower end PCs have video cards that are not capable of supporting OpenGL. 


The JOGL libraries require video cards that have support for OpenGL.  All Macs have full support for OpenGL.

Linux/Unix XDisplay and Headless Servers

Some servers running Unix are usually purchased with low end video cards.  Running ADS on a headless Unix machine with a remote XDisplay would still have the charting functionality limited to the OpenGL of the server. 

Troubleshooting Chart Display Issues

If your video card or video drivers are having problems with charting, you may do some of the following to diagnose or get around the problem:

  1. On Windows, make sure you have the latest version of your video driver from your video card vendor.
  2. You may disable charts with the option Chart > [Support Charts].
  3. Remove (completely remove, do NOT rename, and leave them in the directory) the JOGL libraries and then start ADS.  ADS will not find the libraries and will disable the charts.

Additional Chart Options

To improve Chart performance and stability there are several Chart Options within General [Chart] including:

Nonspecific OS Installer

If you download a non-specific OS installer such as the Java installer packages, then all of the platform libraries will be included in the appropriate subfolders in the platform folder under the ADS root installation folder.  You would need to copy the appropriate libraries for your platform into the root ADS folder.