Aqua Data Studio (ADS) supports connecting to Microsoft Access Databases via Generic ODBC. The Mac operating system does not allow Aqua Data Studio to connect to Microsoft Access Databases with Generic ODBC.
Aqua Data Studio version 17 and higher use Java 1.8. Oracle has removed the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver in Java 1.8. The driver is not bundled with Aqua Data Studio which could cause a missing driver error. Aqua Data Studio can run using Java 1.8 and still use the JDBC-ODBC bridge from Java 1.7 if Java 1.7 is added to the installation. See How to Install the Java JDBC-ODBC Driver for installation instructions. |
For Microsoft Access, the entire database is stored as a single file on a host machine either as a .mdb file or .accdb file.
Add the ODBC data source | Create Server Group | Register a Microsoft Access Database | Enter Properties |
Generic ODBC Properties MS Access | Microsoft Access Schema | Query in Microsoft Access |
To connect to a Microsoft Access Database using Aqua Data Studio Generic ODBC:
The Microsoft Access Database server is registered successfully in Aqua Data Studio. You can now connect to the newly registered Server and perform Data Manipulations
When executing queries for Microsoft Access Database tables that contain spaces in their names in the Query Analyzer and there are multiple Access database files in the same folder, your select statements require the following format:
select * from "full path to access file in quotes without file extension".[table name with spaces]
select * from "C:\ms_access_files\DBSAMPLE".[Airplane - Seat Locations] GO |
You can get more information about Microsoft ODBC connections here
Vendor: Microsoft