The Charting tools in Aqua Data Studio are for Business Analysts and Developers who want to analyze trends in stocks or get a dynamic view of data. The features include support for Candlestick, High Low Close, Bubble, Scatter, Surface, Stacked, Area, Pie, Bar, Column, Line, and Map Charts. The Function Series introduced in Aqua Data Studio is a special series that makes use of other data series for their data values. You can select any of the function series to be combined with the standard chart types already available in ADS. It also includes support for 2D and 3D coordinate systems. Advanced options to Merge Series and Scripting charts for reuse are also available.

Features of Charting Tools

  • You can execute SQL Queries to produce Column Charts, Stacked Charts, Area Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Line Charts, Surface Charts, Candlestick, High Low Close, Bubble, Scatter, and Map Charts
  • Function Series for Add, Subtract, Scalar, Power, Log, Moving Average, Linear Regression, and Average
  • Chart options include 2D and 3D views
  • Color Themes allow using preset Series Colors, Font Colors, and Background Gradients designed to work with one another for a unified chart color palette
  • The Fit to Image button in the Chart Pane Toolbar allows expanding the chart content to fill the entire Chart Pane with a 2D version of the current chart
  • Chart Value Axis Labels and Titles, Category Axis Labels and Titles, and Series Axis Labels and Titles can be colored independently
  • Data Labels can be hidden and revealed by clicking the Show/Hide Data Labels button in the Chart Pane toolbar
  • Charts can be swapped between 2D and 3D versions by clicking a button in the Chart Pane Toolbar
  • The Legend can be hidden by clicking the Show/Hide Legend button in the Chart Pane Toolbar
  • Execute Pivot Grids and Display fields, Show Totals and Sub-totals
  • Sorting and Quick Filtering are possible in Pivot Grids
  • Microsoft Excel can be invoked with ADS Charting Tools. View in Excel Viewer displays the ADS charts in Excel
  • The Chart layout can be saved and shared in XML. Load layout from XML opens saved XML charts
  • Aggregate Functions like Count, Sum, Min, Max, Average, and Standard Deviation are included in Pivot Grids
  • With the Query Analyzer, you can execute a query, display a chart, generate scripts, and share with other developers who can re-execute and generate the same grids. This dramatically reduces the development time by allowing shared scripts and layouts

GRID and PIVOT GRID with charts in Aqua Data Studio

GridPivot Grid

Grid and Pivot Grid feature can be invoked in the Query Analyzer to create a variety of Charts to represent the data in tables. Features in ADS for complex charting help minimize the development cycle. For more on Grid Charts and Pivot Grid Charts, see the Working with Grids and Pivot Grids section.

Types of Charts Available in ADS

Below are the charts which Aqua Data Studio Can generate. All of these can be built from direct queries to any of the databases which Aqua Data Studio can connect to.

3D High Low Close3D CandlestickMoving Average + StackFunctions

ConePyramidCylinderExploded Pie

   3D Column Chart3D Stacked Chart3D Stacked Area Chart 3D Bar Chart

      3D Area Chart3D Line Chart3D Surface Chart 3D Pie Chart

   2D Column Chart2D Stacked Chart2D Stacked Area Chart 2D Bar Chart

     2D Area Chart2D Line Chart2D Surface Chart 2D Pie Chart

Map Chart