Aqua Data Studio has numerous chart types with in-depth functionality. You can enable support for charts, execute a query, generate a chart, script and share the charts with Business Analysts or Developers or any other Aqua Data Studio users.
It is also possible to create AquaScripts that perform this function with far greater control and complexity. See the AquaScripts and AquaProjects section for more. Also, see the Grid Chart and Pivot Grid information dealing with "Generate AquaScript" by right-clicking on a chart.
Users can re-execute the script and generate the charts with the exact properties that you have set, thus reducing development time.
To Generate Chart Scripts:
1. Execute in the Query Window | 2. Show Charts Icon | 3. Set Category and Series | 4. Set Chart Options |
5. View Script Tab | 6. Right-click Script Full to New Window | 7. Generated script in New Window | 8. Click Charts Icon to View Re-created Charts |
You can save the scripts and share them with Business Analysts or Developers. They can then re-create the scripts and charts very quickly with the appropriate settings. If the script is run from live data, any changes in the data will be reflected when they execute the scripts you've given them. The chart settings will remain the same.