PDF Export exports data using native PDF format. PDF Export attempts to match the exported characters as closely to the onscreen characters as possible. However, due to the variations in supported characters and formatting in different fonts, the onscreen and the exported PDF fonts might not match.

Scenario 1: Text on Chart View

During export to PDF, Aqua Data Studio will

Scenario 2: Chart Title

Aqua Data Studio provides a list of fonts you can apply to a chart title. During export to PDF, Aqua Data Studio will

Supported Fonts and Character Sets on Windows, Linux, OS X


Fonts BoldItalicBold-ItalicSupported Character Sets
ArialArabic, Hebrew, Geek, Polish, Russia, Yiddish, English, and others


(Not available on Windows 10)

MS PGothicKorean, Japanese (not all characters), Chinese (not all characters), and others


(Not available on Windows 10)

Japanese(not all characters), Chinese (not all characters), and others

SimSunJapanese(not all characters), Chinese (not all characters), and others

Malgun Gothic

(Replacement of Guilm on Windows 10)

Korean, Japanese(not all characters), Chinese (not all characters), and others
Microsoft JhengHeiJapanese(not all characters), Chinese (not all characters), and others


Fonts BoldItalicBold-ItalicSupported Character Sets
DejaVu SerifEnglish, Russia, Geek, Polish, and others
NanumGothicKorean, Japanese(not all characters), Chinese (not all characters), and others
FreeSerifHindi, Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, and others
Droid Sans FallbackJapanese, Chinese, and others


Fonts BoldItalicBold-ItalicSupported Character Sets
ArialEnglish, Russia, Geek, Polish, Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, and others
Heiti TC MediumJapanese, Chinese, and others
Microsoft Sans SerifPolish, Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, and others
Arial Unicode MSHindi, Korean, and others

For information about installing fonts, see the following links: