The Object Search Tool allows the user to search for objects throughout an entire database. Objects can be searched by type, schema name, object name, column name, index columns, constraint columns, trigger columns and system objects. Source search allows searching of Procedure source. When supported by the database, trigger source and view source are also searchable. The data types available for search do depend on database version and vendor.

To launch the Object Search Tool, right click in the Schema Browser on a database and select Tools->Object Search, or choose Tools->Object Search from the Tools Menu in the Main Application Bar.

Schemas can be selected or deselected based on what needs to be searched. The search results can be appended instead of cleared as each search is performed by clicking the "Append" button to the right of the "Search" button. Object types can be selected or deselected based on what needs to be searched. Procedure Code, Trigger Source can be searched along with View Source and results can be filtered and sorted by Object Name, Object Type, Parent, Related, Owner and Database. Buttons above the Database, Schema and Object Type lists allow for Select All, Deselect All and Select inverse of the contents in each.

The Quickfilter displays the number shown out of the total found, and Quickfilter results can be sorted by column heading. A CTRL + Click  on the column headers allows the columns to be sorted with multiple criteria, and columns in the Quickfilter can be dragged by their headers to reposition them.