Save an ER Model for reuse in Aqua Data Studio

There are three methods of saving an ER Model. All of these methods save with the file extension .xed, the format Aqua Data Studio will open in the ER Modeler.

  1. In the Menu Bar, go to File > Save...
  2. In the ER Modeler Toolbar click on the save icon.
  3. Using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + S.

Save As

To "Save As" for renaming a file, there are two methods.

  1. Select File >Save As in the Menu Bar.
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + S.

Save an ER Model as an image

It is also possible to save the current sheet as a JPEG or PNG image. There are two methods of saving an ER Model as an image.

  1. In the Menu Bar, go to Tools >Save as Image
  2. Using the keyboard shortcut CTLR + SHIFT + I

Export an ER Model to ERX Format for use with Visio or ERWin

It is possible to export an ER Model in ERX Format (with file extension .erx) for use in Microsoft Visio or ERWin with the following databases:

  • DB2 LUW
  • DB2 iSeries
  • Informix
  • MS SQL Server  -- Version 2005 and newer
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL  -- Version 5.0 and newer
  • Oracle  -- Version 9i and newer
  • SQL Database (Azure)
  • Sybase ASE
  • Sybase IQ
  1. In the Menu Bar, go to Tools >Export as ERX
  2. Name the file in the Save As dialog.

Copy Entity Objects to Clipboard as Image

Selected entity objects (and their relationships) can be copied to the clipboard as an image for pasting into other applications such as MS Word or OpenOffice.

Generating an HTML Report

It is possible to generate an HTML report of all of the tables, views, indexes, and relationships within a model by using Tools > Generate HTML Report.  The generated report is created as a frameset of pages inside of a .zip file.  The expanded .zip can be placed in a directory for use within a webserver.

ER Model - Menu - File - Save

ER Model - Toolbar - File - Save

ER Model - File - Menu - Save as

ER Model - Menu - Tools -
Save as Image

ER Model - Export - ERX Format

ER Model - Copy Selected Items as Image

ER Model - Generate HTML Report

ER Model - HTML Report