Aqua Data Studio includes an integrated shell named FluidShell. FluidShell is an interactive database shell for all major database vendors which provides the combined functionality of a Unix Shell 1 with a SQL command line 2 tool. This combination of functionality grants users the power to automate the extraction, transformation, and loading of data from within a single shell. FluidShell includes commands that match common Unix commands and functionality similar to most Unix shells such as variable substitution, alias commands, command substitution, input/output redirection, pipelines, and command history. FluidShell can execute SQL scripts, shell scripts, and AquaScripts to provide a diverse and flexible method to automate your daily tasks. Automate more and do more in less time.
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FluidShell includes a complete set of commands for quickly scripting and executing custom solutions for data mining, ETL operations, database/file system data exchange, data warehousing, and other data processing tasks. FluidShell provides several popular Unix-like commands and includes a large number of commands for shell terminal, database access, data manipulation, filesystem navigation, file and data archiving, network operations, and general utilities. See the complete list of FluidShell Commands.
FluidShell scripts may be executed from the Operating System terminal without launching the Aqua Data Studio GUI. This allows scheduling their execution from an Operating System scheduler such as a Unix cron 3 job or with Windows Task Scheduler 4. There are two files in the root install directory called "" and "" which allow you to execute FluidShell scripts from the command line.
FluidShell's major components include the: Terminal, Commands, Command Line Interface, Execution Engine, SQL Buffer, and Database Sessions.
The shell's Terminal is a VT220 5 terminal emulator with enhanced GUI components to provide an enhanced usability experience. The VT220 terminal is the same component used within Aqua Data Studio's SSH Terminal which provides a very similar experience to a Unix user. In addition to the VT220 terminal, the shell includes auto-completion for commands with graphical popup dialogs and a SQL history as a graphical grid component.
FluidShell includes commands which can be executed from the shell's command line. The commands provide a variety of functionality that are common to Unix shells and/or SQL shells. FluidShell includes a large number of commands for a shell terminal, database access, data manipulation, filesystem navigation, file and data archiving, network operations, and general utilities. See the complete list of FluidShell Commands.
FluidShell presents users a smooth combined interface of the SQL command line and Unix command line by providing a highly configurable command-line interpreter 6 which can be customized with shell variables or with the [cli] command. The [cli] command provides an easy way to change between a "SQL", "shell" or "fluid" command-line interface (CLI). The "fluid" CLI is configured to automatically determine whether the user is entering a shell command or a SQL command. If a SQL command is entered, the shell will add it to the SQL buffer while if it is a shell command, FluidShell will execute the command. To execute the SQL Buffer on the current connection a user may use the go
FluidShell includes an execution engine to execute shell commands. The execution engine supports many Unix shell features including Pipelines 7 , Redirection 8, Aliases 9, Command Substitution 10, Variable Substitution, and Command History 11.
The SQL Shell functionality of FluidShell is provided by including a SQL buffer and a list of open database connections. Users can enter a SQL statement into the SQL buffer and then execute the buffer on the current connection. To get a list of currently open connections, a user can use the session
command. The user may also create new connections and disconnect them with the connect
and disconnect