Command Overview

Command TypeDescription
Shell TerminalFluidShell provides an interactive shell to execute local Operating System commands such as cd, ls, pwd, cp, mv, mkdir, touch, ren, syncdir, rm and rmdir.
Database AccessFluidShell can establish a connection to a Database Server using the connect command. The reconnect command forces a reconnection to the database. You can close the server connection using the disconnect command.
Data ManipulationFluidShell can also execute SQL scripts, shell scripts, and AquaScripts (executed in the AquaScript Editor in Data Studio and scheduled to run in the Application Server - Aqua Data Server.)
Filesystem & Archivezip, tar, and gzip are the supported FluidShell commands to compress files. Other archive commands supported are unzip and gunzip to decompress.
Network CommandsFluidShell features commands to open an SSH terminal connection, and scp copies files between localhost and remote host. sendmail command sends a message to one or more recipients.
UtilitiesCommands to open files, compare files line by line, open a new fluidshell tab and execute OS commands, deploy an AquaProject to Aqua Data Server.

aliasdefine or print aliases
askdefine a variable interactively
clearclear the terminal screen
cliconfigure the command line interface
dateprint the system date and time
declaredefine or print variables
echodisplay a line of text
exportexport variables to the environment of subsequently executed commands
helpan interface to the online reference manuals
historydisplay the command history list
sleepdelay for a specified amount of time
sourceexecute commands or SQL statements from a file
teeread from standard input and write to standard output and file
unaliasremove aliases
unsetremove variables
autocommitset or print the current connection's autocommit mode
changechange or print current connection's database or schema
commitmake database changes permanent
connectestablish a database connection
describeprovide information about database objects
disconnectclose the current database connection
goexecute database statements
listdisplay databases, schemas, tables or views defined in a database server
reconnectreestablish a database connection
rollbackundo database changes
sessionmanage server connections
sqlbuffermanage shell's SQL buffer
sqlexportexport data from database tables into files
sqlhistorydisplay the SQL statement history table
sqlimportimport data from a file into a database table
csv2excelCSV to Excel format converter
csv2htmlCSV to HTML format converter
csv2jsonCSV to JSON format converter
csv2xmlCSV to XML format converter
excel2csvExcel to CSV format converter
grepprint lines matching a pattern
catconcatenate files and print on the standard output
cdchange the current working directory
cpcopy files and directories
gunzipuncompress files
gzipcompress files
lslist directory contents
mkdirmake directories
morefile perusal filter for viewing
mvmove (rename) files
pwdprint the current working directory
renrename a file or a directory
rmremove files or directories
rmdirremove empty directories
syncdirsynchronize directories
tailoutput the last part of files
tara simple version of the tar archiving utility
unzipextract compressed files in a ZIP archive
zippackage and compress files into a ZIP archive
touchchange file timestamps
scpsecure copy
sshrun the SSH client in a new tab
sendmailsend a message to one or more recipients
comparecompare files line by line
execexecute an OS command
fluidshellopen a new fluidshell tab
openopen files
projectdeploydeploy an AquaProject to Aqua Data Server
runexecute an OS command asynchronously
securestorecreate, edit or delete a secure storage entry