scp - secure copy


scp copies files between the local host and a remote host. File names may contain a user and host specification to indicate that the file is to be copied
to/from that host; current user is assumed if the user portion is omitted. Directory copy is done recursively by default. Copying files between remote hosts
is not allowed. Copying files on the local host, i.e. both from host and to host are the local host, is not supported. Directory copy is done recursively by
default. Copying files between remote hosts is not allowed, and, copying files on the local host is not supported.

scp uses SSH for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as SSH. scp will ask for passphrase if -i option is presented;
otherwise, it will ask for password for each distinct user and host specification.

Set the path to the file that has the identities of all known hosts, default to user-home-directory/.ssh/known_hosts.

Select the file from which the identity (private key) for RSA authentication is read.

Specify the port to connect to on the remote host, default to 22.

Trust hosts whose identity is unknown.

Copy a local file in the working directory to a remote directory:
scp fromFile username@hostname:~/toDirectory

For example, if you want to copy a file named users.csv to a directory called Documents on a remote computer with IP with username aqua enter:
scp users.csv aqua@

Copy a local file to a remote directory with a different filename:
scp /tmp/fromFile username@hostname:/tmp/newFileName

For example, if you want to copy a file named users.csv and rename it to data.csv enter:
scp users.csv aqua@

  Copy local files to a remote directory:
scp /tmp/fromFile1 /tmp/fromFile2 username@hostname:/tmp

For example, if you want to copy all sql file with extension .sql to a remove directory enter:
scp *.sql aqua@

Copy a local directory to a remote directory, note that the /tmp/dirName directory on the remote machine needs to be created beforehand:
scp /tmp/dirName username@hostname:/tmp/dirName

For example, to copy a local directory named csv to a remote machine enter:
scp /home/tariq/csv aqua@

Copy a remote file to a local directory:
scp username@hostname:/tmp/fromFile /tmp/toDirectory

For example, to copy a file from a remote host named data.log to the local machine under a folder named temp enter:
scp aqua@ temp/

Copy a remote directory to a local directory, note that the trailing asterisk after the from the directory is required in order for directory copy to work:
scp username@hostname:/tmp/fromDirectory/* /tmp/toDirectory

For example: scp aqua@* temp/

Copy a local file in the working directory to a remote directory with a custom identity file use the -i option.
scp -i IDENTITY_FILE fromFile username@hostname:~/toDirectory

For example, if you want to copy a file named users.csv to a directory called Documents on a remote computer with an identity file enter the below command.
id_rsa is the so called private key when you generate an SSH key public/private key pair.
scp -i /home/tariq/.ssh/id_rsa users.csv aqua@

If the destination to where file(s) to be copied is a directory, then the destination directory needs to be created before the scp command is executed;
otherwise, exception will be thrown.